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Accumulating Storyline

Guest MurderMachineX

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Yeah I believe that Shi No Numa basically picks up all the rogue signals. While they still send to the location of choice, they are picked up in Shi No Numa as well. Shi No Numa has a radio consisting of someone whispering in Verruckt, the Time-Travel radio, and the team in Verruckt fighting. As well as the message from Pernell to Peter, which I think was sent to Verruckt.

Guest Shooter

Yeah I believe that Shi No Numa basically picks up all the rogue signals. While they still send to the location of choice, they are picked up in Shi No Numa as well. Shi No Numa has a radio consisting of someone whispering in Verruckt, the Time-Travel radio, and the team in Verruckt fighting. As well as the message from Pernell to Peter, which I think was sent to Verruckt.

Hmm, we never reallly explored that idea much Tac, but I kinda do like it. It kinda explains why Shi No Numa was getting radio messages from such random events in time. I could never really make much sense of that.

By the way, sorry for being a stranger the last week or so. I got sick with MW3 fever. But I've taken some medicine, played a couple zombies games, and I'm feeling much, much better. ;) I'll be on later tonight to catch up on alot of things from the past week, so I'll send you a PM a bit later so we can finally start discussing again.

Guest Shooter

Want more proof that the Stone is indeed powering the Vril Generator(Golden Rod) to create the Vril Device?

Um... I'm not sure what you're trying to prove. It's obvious that the meteor and vril rod were put together. I hadn't noticed until I looked for it when Tactical mentioned it previously.

So you can agree that the Focusing Stone is powering the Vril Generator Rod. Good. Now follow me here. If the Focusing Stone is powering the Vril Generator, then the Focusing Stone must be Vril (as that's what powers the generator,hence the name lol). So the Focusing Stone is Vril energy. Now, we know when we do the Eclipse Easter Egg, we end up shrinking a huge 115 meteor, and that's what turns into the Focusing Stone. A 115 meteor turns into the Focusing Stone, which is Vril that's put into the Vril Generator to power it.

115 = Vril

Now perhaps they're are not exactly the same. Perhaps Vril is just a very high concentrated matter of 115. They are extremely alike if not almost the same.

Regardless, the fact is that BOTH Richtofen and Maxis were working directly with Vril.

Yeah... Even not knowing of the Vril-Ya when writing my story, I had still noted this.

What I was trying to get at here was that Vril and the Vril-Ya are signigicant in figuring out this whole story. That's all

@Tactical: The time travel one.

Guest MurderMachineX

Wait wait. You guys are trying to get the date '75 from this?


That's a little far-fetched to me. So. Given the contradictory evidence that we already have, I'm not going to worry about this too much. The year is way too blurry.

Yeah I believe that Shi No Numa basically picks up all the rogue signals. While they still send to the location of choice, they are picked up in Shi No Numa as well. Shi No Numa has a radio consisting of someone whispering in Verruckt, the Time-Travel radio, and the team in Verruckt fighting. As well as the message from Pernell to Peter, which I think was sent to Verruckt.

Call of Duty: World at War Intel #318 claims that rogue signals (with words) are being sent TO Shi No Numa, not from SHi No Numa to Verruckt. Also, the Shi No Numa Radio 2 details a time travel, the likes of which had only been seen in Kino der Toten, meaning that the Radio should not exist at that point in time.


No, I don't agree. I merely said he put the two together. The Vril Generate isn't "powered" by anything. It GENERATES. As in the novel, they are machines that are used to manipulate the vril energy. You could colloquially say the vril powers them, but they are never need to be recharged with vril or anything of the sort. Richtofen put 115 and vril together to make a super-power. 115 =/= vril. Related? Eh, maybe. But =/=. Otherwise, they'd just have the one name.


:D Sounds good bud!

As for your post I couldn't agree more. I think that the meteors were VRIL meteors and when inserted into the German Technology, it changed the element, making into a very unstable 115.

Off topic here, I made a new thread regarding Maxis working with the Japs, tell me what you think


Anyways! I do believe they are the same, but something is just holding me back. I need to find more connections


TO MurderMachineX, not sure how your not seeing the date that says 1975...

And that second radio really shouldn't be that much of a concern seeing how it was added into Black Ops ONLY to explain how they got to Kino.

And it seems like a lot of sense to have them be the same, the characters just aren't quite aware of it. That makes the most sense to me.

Guest MurderMachineX

It seems that you're trying to find connectiosn that don't exist. The note does NOT say 1975. In fact, it hard to say exactly what the number is. You squint and try to guess. Good luck.

Vril and 115. May they be related? Maybe. Maybe not. There's no real evidence for or against. Just theories. And for the record, Dr. Schuster had a microgram of 115 that had not been used at all by any German device. 115 is also seen in meteors. It's not just a different form of vril. IN FACT. Vril comes from underneath the ground (although maybe not completely absent from our own world), while 115 comes from OUTER SPACE. Two completely different origins. Any connection is just as unknown as is convergent evolution of poison between two species.

Guest Shooter

Wait wait. You guys are trying to get the date '75 from this?


That's a little far-fetched to me. So. Given the contradictory evidence that we already have, I'm not going to worry about this too much. The year is way too blurry.

Yeah I believe that Shi No Numa basically picks up all the rogue signals. While they still send to the location of choice, they are picked up in Shi No Numa as well. Shi No Numa has a radio consisting of someone whispering in Verruckt, the Time-Travel radio, and the team in Verruckt fighting. As well as the message from Pernell to Peter, which I think was sent to Verruckt.

Call of Duty: World at War Intel #318 claims that rogue signals (with words) are being sent TO Shi No Numa, not from SHi No Numa to Verruckt. Also, the Shi No Numa Radio 2 details a time travel, the likes of which had only been seen in Kino der Toten, meaning that the Radio should not exist at that point in time.


No, I don't agree. I merely said he put the two together. The Vril Generate isn't "powered" by anything. It GENERATES. As in the novel, they are machines that are used to manipulate the vril energy. You could colloquially say the vril powers them, but they are never need to be recharged with vril or anything of the sort. Richtofen put 115 and vril together to make a super-power. 115 =/= vril. Related? Eh, maybe. But =/=. Otherwise, they'd just have the one name.

Umm, so if the Stone didn't power the Vril Generator and create the Vril Device, why would he go to get the stone at all? He would just already have the Vril Device. The Vril Generator (or Staff) is used to harness the energy of the Vril, the Vril energy is what powers everything. But without having the both of them together, each item is useless. You can't use power if you can't harness it, and that's what the Rod is for. Both items would be useless to Richtofen without one another. Thus the whole reason Richtofen goes to Shangri La to get the Focusing Stone. So he can combine the two, create the Vril Device, and use the V. Device to finish his master plan.

Oh, and if you actually PLAYED a game of Kino and looked at the notes yourself, you could see that 75 date much more clearly. I mean I can even read the 75 date on the note from the pic I just posted, I'm not quite sure why you can't make it out. And of course if you just zoom 500% in photo viewer than the image won't be legible. I'm not quite sure what you we're trying to prove by doing this? :? I mean c'mon dude, really?


Solid points OstondshooterO, I believe that there really is is no guessing actually. It says 23/25 JAN 75. That's is seen right there on the note, and as stated, even more clearly in-game.

Well considering that the Vril-ya were supposedly once aliens, then technically they both come from outer space, making it possible they are very deeply interwoven. And either it's a different form, they are the same, or they aren't related. I highly doubt that they aren't unrelated, but I don't believe that they are EXACTLY the same. They are the same in a few aspects some how.

Guest MurderMachineX

Well I was presented with a photo of the picture. I'm not viewing it in-game. And the only reason it is legible to you is because that is what you are looking for. Wishful thinking. But even if it were legible in-game, the evidence is contradictory, and it may serve the same purpose as Shi No Numa Radio 2.

No mere human can even control a vril staff. Perhaps the 115 meteor was to be used to help Richtofen harness its power? Think of that?

I'm not quite sure what you we're trying to prove by doing this?

I'm trying to find answers. Real answers. Not passion. Not theories (although necessary). Not commonly held opinions. Let me put it this way, I'm going to try my best to find the best answers based solely on evidence, in-game when possible, out-game when not. And I don't care whose toes I have to step on to do it. So let me ask you: "C'mon dude. Really?"

The Vril-Ya did not come from outer space. Preposterous. Even in the book their origin was a mystery. There were theories, and they ended up committing mass war before abandoning the debate altogether.

Guest Shooter

It seems that you're trying to find connectiosn that don't exist. The note does NOT say 1975. In fact, it hard to say exactly what the number is. You squint and try to guess. Good luck.

Vril and 115. May they be related? Maybe. Maybe not. There's no real evidence for or against. Just theories. And for the record, Dr. Schuster had a microgram of 115 that had not been used at all by any German device. 115 is also seen in meteors. It's not just a different form of vril. IN FACT. Vril comes from underneath the ground (although maybe not completely absent from our own world), while 115 comes from OUTER SPACE. Two completely different origins. Any connection is just as unknown as is convergent evolution of poison between two species.

So you're saying it's not possible that a material that comes from space can't also be found on Earth? Well most meteorites that end up falling into Earth's atmosphere and landing on Earth are made mostly of Stone and different irons and metals. Irons and metal that can also be found here on Earth. So there goes that idea right out the window because there's just no reasoning behind that.

There's more circumstantial evidence that points to Vril and 115 being related if not the same than there is against them being two seperate entities. I don't know how you could argue that.

BTW you've really gotta be more open to criticism dude.


Contradictory or not, it's evidence and we can't just rule it out...

And who says that Richtofen can't control the VRIL Generator, considering he already did :?

And I understand that you are trying to find answers, but the image itself shows what we are saying and you are not agreeing. I mean as much as you want in-game evidence, we are presenting it to you, and you are still not agreeing. I mean you have to explore the theories to fill in the gaps of the facts. That's how the story works.

Guest MurderMachineX

It seems that you're trying to find connectiosn that don't exist. The note does NOT say 1975. In fact, it hard to say exactly what the number is. You squint and try to guess. Good luck.

Vril and 115. May they be related? Maybe. Maybe not. There's no real evidence for or against. Just theories. And for the record, Dr. Schuster had a microgram of 115 that had not been used at all by any German device. 115 is also seen in meteors. It's not just a different form of vril. IN FACT. Vril comes from underneath the ground (although maybe not completely absent from our own world), while 115 comes from OUTER SPACE. Two completely different origins. Any connection is just as unknown as is convergent evolution of poison between two species.

So you're saying it's not possible that a material that comes from space can't also be found on Earth? Well most meteorites that end up falling into Earth's atmosphere and landing on Earth are made mostly of Stone and different irons and metals. Irons and metal that can also be found here on Earth. So there goes that idea right out the window because there's just no reasoning behind that.

There's more circumstantial evidence that points to Vril and 115 being related if not the same than there is against them being two seperate entities. I don't know how you could argue that.

BTW you've really gotta be more open to criticism dude.

Not in this case. If I wanted iron, then I would dig out of a rock, not take from a meteor. Muuuuuch cheaper. But no. 115 is not natural on Earth. So they can only get it from meteors, as loosely stated by Maxis in Der Riese Radio 6. So your idea goes out of the window just because of that.

The fact that they are called, act as, and operate under different conditiosn points to them being two entities. Apples and oranges. Yes, they're both fruit, but they have their differences. Combine them and you get a really fruity flavor.

You need to be open to criticism. I've been quite accepting, but I will not be walked over. Don't think that just because you say so that I'll believe it. And don't think that just because I don't believe something that you have to start adding personal jests. "Dude".

Ad hominem.

Guest MurderMachineX

Contradictory or not, it's evidence and we can't just rule it out...

And who says that Richtofen can't control the VRIL Generator, considering he already did :?

And I understand that you are trying to find answers, but the image itself shows what we are saying and you are not agreeing. I mean as much as you want in-game evidence, we are presenting it to you, and you are still not agreeing. I mean you have to explore the theories to fill in the gaps of the facts. That's how the story works.

You accusing Richtofen being a Vril-Ya? The image is BLURRY. You say its better in-game? Maybe that's true. But the only reason it seems like it isn't blurry to you is because you have seen it in-game.

You realize the point of debate right? I gave into Vril-Ya, but if your evidence is insufficient on an issue, like right now, then I'm never going to believe your side.

Guest Ehjookayted

*sprays fire extinguisher*

This should be done like a Socratic seminar. One side presents their ideas and analysis, hopefully with evidence, and the other refutes with their ideas and analysis, as well as evidence.

Our goal is to iron out the storyline as best as we can. That can only be achieved through respect. It's not just criticism, it's constructive criticism! We are theorists, and like the theorists of old, we discuss the various perspectives.

Because that's all any story should be: an amalgam of different perspectives looked at by different people, collectively aimed at finding which perspective tells the story and conveys the message the best.

I may not be the foremost theorist on this site, but I know how a discussion of the story should run.

Guest Shooter

Well I was presented with a photo of the picture. I'm not viewing it in-game. And the only reason it is legible to you is because that is what you are looking for. Wishful thinking. But even if it were legible in-game, the evidence is contradictory, and it may serve the same purpose as Shi No Numa Radio 2.

Well view it in game and it will be clear as day. There's no wishful thinking involved buddy. In fact, I wish it wasn't legible because then I can just shun it off as insignifcant. But the dates clearly 75, and it's these kinds of solid evidence you're looking for right? Then why just blow it off when people bring it up to you?

No mere human can even control a vril staff. Perhaps the 115 meteor was to be used to help Richtofen harness its power? Think of that?

So the Vril energy (Stone) is used to harness the Golden Rod, which is used to harness the Vril energy (Stone). That just doesn't make much sense does it?

I'm not quite sure what you we're trying to prove by doing this?

I'm trying to find answers. Real answers. Not passion. Not theories (although necessary). Not commonly held opinions. Let me put it this way, I'm going to try my best to find the best answers based solely on evidence, in-game when possible, out-game when not. And I don't care whose toes I have to step on to do it. So let me ask you: "C'mon dude. Really?"

The Vril-Ya did not come from outer space. Preposterous. Even in the book their origin was a mystery. There were theories, and they ended up committing mass war before abandoning the debate altogether.

Believe me man, I understand where you're coming from. If you were a member here a month ago you would have had the time to read mine and Tac's zombies storyline. The initial thought was to build a timeline and storyline based solely on suppoting evidence. We pinpointed as many dates and events as possible, and have had a very long ongoing discussion regarding it all. All known dates we have down with references from quotes, radios, ect. But the fact is that it gets to the point where you just have to theorize to fill in the gaps. There's some things that are just completely missing from the picture, and that's when you turn to fellow members to discuss what could have possibly happened. But you don't seem to be to open to anyone's ideas or thoughts. I'm all for you trying to figure it all out, and people are willing to help. But you really need to lose the "I'll step on anyone's toes" attitude cause it's just uncalled for.

Guest MurderMachineX

So the Vril energy (Stone) is used to harness the Golden Rod, which is used to harness the Vril energy (Stone). That just doesn't make much sense does it?

Exactly. That's because you're trying to say that 115=vril. Replace it with 115.

So the 115 energy (Stone) is used to harness the Golden Rod, which is used to harness the Vril energy (Stone).

He can't use the vril staff without hereditary knowledge. So he works his way around that utilizing 115.

Guest Shooter

*sprays fire extinguisher*

This should be done like a Socratic seminar. One side presents their ideas and analysis, hopefully with evidence, and the other refutes with their ideas and analysis, as well as evidence.

Our goal is to iron out the storyline as best as we can. That can only be achieved through respect. It's not just criticism, it's constructive criticism! We are theorists, and like the theorists of old, we discuss the various perspectives.

Because that's all any story should be: an amalgam of different perspectives looked at by different people, collectively aimed at finding which perspective tells the story and conveys the message the best.

I may not be the foremost theorist on this site, but I know how a discussion of the story should run.

You said it best Ehjookayted.

I'm just going to stop with my input now. The OP is on the right track, but his attitude is just completely unacceptable and asinine. I know when my Storyline thread was a hot topic a week or two ago, there we're never ANY problems with cirticism. People would reply with their thoughts with their backing evidence, and we discuss it. Even if it sounded stupid or wrong at first to me, we'd still at least discuss it. And everything worked absolutely wonderfully. But MurderMachineX doesn't seem to want to listen to anyone, even when me and Tac present him with in-game evidence.

There's great potential for this thread. Unfortunately, the OP's attitude is not as great. Best of luck with this timeline MurderMachine. Hope you can figure it all out one day.


Good point Ehjookayted, I will revise my future posts to be said with a bit less hostility, we all have the same goal, no need to cause a rift.


I didn't say said Ed was in the Vril-ya, but he clearly mastered the V. Device and all it entails. It doesn't mean he IN the Vril-ya but it supports my theory that he met them in Shangri-La and they views him as a god for being the first to find their civilization. And I guess you have a point with the picture in that we know what were looking for, so I won't push it any further, other than the fact that it does say '75, before you say it doesn't say that or is irrelevant, just look at it in game/

And I don't really think the evidence is insufficient. It might not be enough to win you over, but it's easily enough to tinker with the idea. Am I correct?

And as you said, 115 is not from Earth, the only way it's EVER been made successfully is by combining 243Am and 48Ca. And I am reading the radios, and I can't find Maxis saying that you can only get it via meteors.

Guest MurderMachineX

Wow. That hurt. You insult me, and then blame me. Wow.

Not trying to sound rude, just want to be very direct about this. The Vril-Ya is an important part of the story.

we've already established that.

There's some other issues I've got with this storyline

Yup, go ahead and pick it apart :P

How can you say that it's not an integral part of the story?

Um... I'm not sure what you're trying to prove.

So you can agree that the Focusing Stone is powering the Vril Generator Rod. Good. Now follow me here.

Related? Eh, maybe.

I mean c'mon dude, really?

And I don't care whose toes I have to step on to do it.

BTW you've really gotta be more open to criticism dude.

And don't think that just because I don't believe something that you have to start adding personal jests. "Dude".

That just doesn't make much sense does it?


his attitude is just completely unacceptable and asinine

Yeah. Every step of the way, I have received some backhanded comment. Look, if you expect that everyone's going to agree with you, then you aren't welcome here. If you genuinely want to help shape the storyine, then you'll partake in discussion. But if it only took 1 disaggreenace for you to walk away, then it is better off without you, because there is still a lot of story left that you can't handle.

When someone doesn't agree with you, try giving more evidence. Dont insult them. Don't give them backhanded rhetorical questions. Don't start calling them dude. Don't start exclaming at their attitude. And lastly, don't angrily walk away. They say you should walk away from an argument; don't make it an argument in the first place. Make it a debate. There is a difference, and if you can't see it, then your passion has clouded your judgement.

I want you to partake in discussion, but debate is give and take. I gave earlier to Vril-Ya, and I am "taking" in 115 equaling vril. You are welcome to rejoin, since you've stated already leaving, but just come back with a better hospitality.

Good point Ehjookayted, I will revise my future posts to be said with a bit less hostility, we all have the same goal, no need to cause a rift.


I didn't say said Ed was in the Vril-ya, but he clearly mastered the V. Device and all it entails. It doesn't mean he IN the Vril-ya but it supports my theory that he met them in Shangri-La and they views him as a god for being the first to find their civilization. And I guess you have a point with the picture in that we know what were looking for, so I won't push it any further, other than the fact that it does say '75, before you say it doesn't say that or is irrelevant, just look at it in game/

And I don't really think the evidence is insufficient. It might not be enough to win you over, but it's easily enough to tinker with the idea. Am I correct?

And as you said, 115 is not from Earth, the only way it's EVER been made successfully is by combining 243Am and 48Ca. And I am reading the radios, and I can't find Maxis saying that you can only get it via meteors.

But you CAN'T master vril. You can't just get better at it. You can't practice. No. It's in the genes. 115 offers a solution around this. Just tell me; where can find one of these notes? (Where in the map)

Yes. It is an interesting notion; I can give you that. But 115 in-game can't be compared to real life, because they have completely different properties. I'm not saying it should be ignored, it's just... it doesn't align.

No, no, he LOOSELY said it. Meaning, yes, not ver batem. But look at what he does say:

I suggest we find not only a regular supply of 115, but that we also find a larger conduit to channel the energy. Our operatives in America have informed us that the US have a large supply of the element at the Nevada base

Meteors are NOT a regular supply. Anything found on Earth, unless in small quantities, would be abundant and regular. He references Area 51, but the only reason Area 51 has 115 is because of a meteor, detailed by ServantA00115.txt.


But HE found Shangri-La, he located the Vril-ya... How else would he have gotten the Focusing Stone? He didn't find it on the Moon, otherwise having him teleport to Shangri-La is useless. Not to mention, when Ed gets back, he is crazy and happy, explaining that he and Schuster have much to learn. Could mean they have to learn about how to use the Focusing Stone he got from them with the Pyramid made by them.

Here's where it is:


I see, you throw some good points in the mix. But couldn't a meteor be a regular supply? I mean the meteor is always located there and they can go back and get as much 115 as they want? I'm just throwing this out there, pick it apart :)

Also, I don't know where you got your information from, but where does it say that Schuster had a 115 fragment?

Dr. Schuster had a microgram of 115 that had not been used at all by any German device.

No radios never even mention 115 :?

Guest MurderMachineX

Maybe they were excited to find out how to use it, but found out they can't, but found they could with 115 or something. I don't know, but the possibility is there.

No, a meteor is a finite supply. It's just a meteor (well, there's more than one, but still, finite). They can get more, but it there's only so much of it.

Yes, Dr. Richtofen. We have a new test subject, a walnut, weighing in at 10 grams. The target platform is now at three feet with no obstructions. We have one microgram of the Element, which, according to our calculations, will be entirely used up during the test.

115 is shorthand for "Element 115". Element is shorthand for it too. Although, there are other radios with mention "115" specifically, by the way.


Good point, so what does that mean exactly? That they began with meteors and then what... Haha I kind of forgot what we were trying to prove with that :P

As for the Element, I'm surprised I overlooked that word, I'm an idiot :facepalm: My apologies.

Guest MurderMachineX

Well I don't expect you to agree with me, but I was trying to show the plausibility that 115 not does directly equate to vril. Now they can be connected, but not the same thing.

Don't worry; it's fine.

And well... um, I have a whole storyline of other things to discuss as well.


Oh ok, I get it now :P

And bring it on dude, let's discuss. I am always open for discussion. I am 15 pages into my story so I have a pretty good idea of what a lot of people are talking about

Guest MurderMachineX

So... if there's anything else wrong with my storyline, you can just bring it up. Hopefully it won't take 100 posts to clear up.

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