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Accumulating Storyline

Guest MurderMachineX

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They built up fortifications at Griffin Station and Eagle's Nest, however, when in Griffin Station, he says, "I found many interesting vril artifacts here." That means he found them in Griffin Station, not at Eagle's Nest/CoTD. However, you are proposing that he took some back to Eagle's Nest to study them? I can see it perhaps.

Another was scene in Moon Film Roll 6, unless you suppose it somehow got to Siberia in that time. We also know Richtofen spent a considerable amount of time at the Siberian outpost.

Can you rephrase the first sentence a bit? I am slightly confused as to what you mean. And from why I know, we actually don't know he spent a lot of time in Call of the Dead. What makes you believe that? Sorry if that sounded abrupt and too straightforward, I couldn't really edit it to give it a lighter tone, so to speak.

Guest MyLittleHellhound

They built up fortifications at Griffin Station and Eagle's Nest, however, when in Griffin Station, he says, "I found many interesting vril artifacts here." That means he found them in Griffin Station, not at Eagle's Nest/CoTD. However, you are proposing that he took some back to Eagle's Nest to study them? I can see it perhaps.

Another was scene in Moon Film Roll 6, unless you suppose it somehow got to Siberia in that time. We also know Richtofen spent a considerable amount of time at the Siberian outpost.

Can you rephrase the first sentence a bit? I am slightly confused as to what you mean. And from why I know, we actually don't know he spent a lot of time in Call of the Dead. What makes you believe that? Sorry if that sounded abrupt and too straightforward, I couldn't really edit it to give it a lighter tone, so to speak.

Another artifact/object was seen in Moon, Film Roll 6, unless it got to or was sent to Siberia in that time. We also know Richtofen spent a considerable amount of time at the Siberian Outpost.

If I "translated" wrong I do aplogogize.

Guest MurderMachineX


There had to be more than one Vril Generator/Device. One at the Siberian outpost. One on the Moon. The only alternative to that is that one came from the Moon to the Siberian outpost. This matches how Richtofen claimed he found MANY artifacts.

But yes, I was saying he studied it there.

Well Richtofen was there a bit at least. All the Radios suggest he was there during their transmission. And I think there's enough evidence to support him having brainwashed Tank, Nikolai, and Takeo there. Along with the killing of the Mexican. (Recall the whole "jog their memories" quote?} So I think that all adds up to a lot.


I don't particularly agree with the idea that there is more than one VRIL Generator, because they have only ever used one. The Generator is used to switch the souls, and the only time they used it for that purpose is in the Moon EE, which we initiate. We took the one from CoTD to use it in Moon, but if there was one on Moon, then why take the one from CoTD? To me, there is only one. The "many artifacts" could refer to the generator and the egg perhaps, not multiple copies of one artifact.

As you know, the idea of whether Richtofen was in Der Riese or Call of the Dead is a tricky one. It could be Call of the Dead because Richtofen states that he ate something from the **** please report this topic, post ****. There is a **** please report this topic, post **** in CoTD, but not Der Riese. However, there is a terminal file by Maxis about the experiments over the three specimens, which I would assume he would make the file after he's seen the specimens, but he always stays in Der Riese.

Guest MurderMachineX

The one I refer to on the Moon was from before they went to Call of the Dead. The one used in the apparatus that retrieved Maxis. It would be difficult to explain how it possibly could've gone to Siberia from the Moon. It isn't mentioned by name, so it could've been some other kind of vril scepter. But still.


Well I don't think it is a VRIL scepter of any sorts, I think it is a "sample" of something. I think he says "Bring the sample" not "Bring the scepter" because he has a very heavy 'a' when he says the word, implying it is not scepter. Skip to 0:35.


Guest MurderMachineX

I suggest listening to cjdog23 for better quality.

And it specifically mentions the vril device as well.

EDIT: Also, scepter makes more sense than sample. A sample would suggest something akin to DNA. No DNA of Maxis would be present on the Moon. Nor would there be time to send any.


I have listened to cjdog's video, and I can more definitively say it is sample, not scepter. Also, I would like to know where it mentions the VRIL Device. I have the radios in front of me and I do not see "VRIL Device" anywhere, or generator, or scepter, or anything of the such.

Guest MurderMachineX

Groph: Hope this works. Schuster, power it up.

Griffin Station P.A. System: Systems nominal. Accessing vril device. Interface via MPD active. Accessing MPD. MPD integrity check nominal. Awaiting input.

Groph: Excellent. Bring the scepter. [Loud bang.]

Griffin Station P.A. System: Analyzing MPD. Creating profile. Profile created.

Groph: Excellent. Now, scan for targets.

Schuster: Yes Doctor. [Gas hisses, and bangs are heard.]

Griffin Station P.A. System: Target located.

Groph: Bring him here, immediately. [sounds as follows: gas hissing, bangs, Teleporter activating, and a thump.]

Schuster: Greetings, Dr. Maxis.

Dr. Maxis: Schuster! I should've known. Where is that rat Edward? Where are we? And how did you get me out of that wretched tun-

Groph: None of that is important right now. Allow me to fill you in.

[static. Another entry.]

Dr. Maxis: Samantha, honey? Daddy is here. Come dear, please. Open the machine. Daddy will not let them hurt you anymore. Honey? Daddy knows he's made some mistakes. I am truly sorry that you were put through so much. When your mother died, I could not bear the thought of losing you too. That's why I kept you so close. I did not mean to neglect you. I just wanted to know you were safe from harm.

Samantha: Daddy!

Dr. Maxis: I love you Samantha.

Samantha: I love you too, Daddy! [Cries.]

Dr. Maxis: Can you do something for me? Something very important.

Samantha: Yes?

Dr. Maxis: Kill them all.

Unknown: [Gunshot.] No!

Groph: We are doomed.

Guest Monopoly Mac

I think it's likely that the Griffin Workers had some sort of sample from Dr.Maxis. Richtofen always worked with him. The system enters the Vril device and it needs to know what to look for so it requires a sample.

Guest Shooter

I'm open to the idea of multiple Vril Staffs. The text seems to mention there being multiple sceptors in the Vril ya civilization.

The Coming Race]I HAVE spoken so much of the Vril Staff that my reader may expect me to describe it. This I cannot do accurately, for I was never allowed to handle it for fear of some terrible accident occasioned by my ignorance of its use. It is hollow, and has in the handle several stops, keys, or springs by which its force can be altered, modified, or directed--so that by one process it destroys, by another it heals--by one it can rend the rock, by another disperse the vapour--by one it affects bodies, by another it can exercise a certain influence over minds. It is usually carried in the convenient size of a walking-staff, but it has slides by which it can be lengthened or shortened at will. When used for special purposes, the upper part rests in the hollow of the palm, with the fore and middle fingers protruded. I was assured, however, that its power was not equal in all, but proportioned to the amount of certain vril properties in the wearer, in affinity, or rapport, with the purposes to be effected. Some were more potent to destroy, others to heal, &c.; much also depended on the calm and steadiness of volition in the manipulator. They assert that the full exercise of vril power can only be acquired by constitutional temperament--i.e., by hereditarily transmitted organisation--and that a female infant of four years old belonging to the Vril-ya races can accomplish feats with the wand placed for the first time in her hand, which a life spent in its practice would not enable the strongest and most skilled mechanician, born out of the pale of the Vril-ya, to achieve. All these wands are not equally complicated; those entrusted to children are much simpler than those borne by sages of either sex, and constructed with a view to the special object in which the children are employed; which, as I have before said, is among the youngest children the most destructive. In the wands of wives and mothers the correlative destroying force is usually abstracted, the healing power fully charged. I wish I could say more in detail of this singular conductor of the vril fluid, but its machinery is as exquisite as its effects are marvellous.

It seems that that are multiple Vril Staffs or Golden Rods, and much of their attributes are derived from the user themselves, and not the staffs.

Perhaps any Golden Rod, charged with enough Vril energy, would fit into the Vril Pyramid to dethrone Samantha. Or maybe there's something special about this Golden Rod in particular that Richtofen has found.

PS note how it mentions to hold the Vril Staff:


Sign looks familiar :twisted:

Guest MurderMachineX

Yes. And we know that Richtofen found many vril artifacts. So this is a debate of what form the artifacts took. I think saying there were many staffs/rods/etc. is reasonable.

Guest Shooter

I think it's likely that the Griffin Workers had some sort of sample from Dr.Maxis. Richtofen always worked with him. The system enters the Vril device and it needs to know what to look for so it requires a sample.

The sample they're referring to is most likely Vril. We know Maxis was working with it in Der Riese. That's most likely where they got the "sample" from.


I think saying there were many staffs/rods/etc. is reasonable.
I agree. I have always thought that there was only one VRIL Generator, and I still slightly stand by it until I see some physical evidence. The circumstantial evidence is there, as it is unlikely that the generator supposedly used to retrieve Maxis is the one in Call of the Dead, hence why he needs a new one, so I suppose it makes sense.

Have any of you ever thought that perhaps the ancient land of Hyperborea is actually Call of the Dead? Maybe that is why there is VRIL Energy there, as well as the generator. That is my theory, anyway.

As for scepter or sample, I still stand by sample.

Guest MurderMachineX

No, I haven't. But... that goes so far into theory from fact, that it's out of my comfort zone.

As for the sample thing: Ah well.


Fair enough, it's no problem. Back to Call of the Dead being Eagle's Nest, I can totally see it, I say that it is completely plausible.

Guest MurderMachineX

Awesome. And btw, my "ah well" sentiment I think I was too muddy about. What I meant by it was that you're right.


What is there that you have had on your mind? Anything in specific?

Guest Rissole25

Regarding Edward and Call of the Dead, I found a quote that I think pretty much confirms he was there, and that he tested on Tank, Nikolai and Takeo there.


At 15:22, he says "So close now. So very close... I'm almost glad that we're stuck in here. That way there's nothing to jog their memories".

They would probably recognize the scenery, the lighthouse, the ship, etc. Doing so, it's possible that they would've regained ALL memories before Shi No Numa, undoing the mind-erasing that Edward had done to them all.

Guest MurderMachineX

@Rissole: Yes, that quote does make compelling evidence.

@Tac: No, not really. I don't have anything specific. It's just that this version of the storyline for me is coming to a close. I want to finish this within the next week or so, not to edit it again until Black Ops 2 comes out.


I had always thought of that quote like him saying he's glad they were stuck in Call of the Dead as not to jog their memories, but I suppose yours makes more sense. I don't know why I am so reluctant to believe that he tested them there. Also, what do you plan on doing with your story when it is done?

Guest MurderMachineX

Well I have an idea. I'm not fully committed to it, but for it to work, I need this to be "completed" within the next week or so. Honestly, I'm satisfied with it, but in the past there've still been things wrong with it that I just didn't see, even though I was satisfied.


I will read through it again for you if you would like and bring up the things I disagree with? I'm not sure how much you want me to bring up though since you are doing something with it as soon as one week.

Guest MurderMachineX

Well its not exactly a week. "A week or so". But bring up whatever you want.


Well I would like to propose to you the idea that Eagles Nest that Richtofen is at is actually Der Riese. In the Moon radio, Richtofen says he going back to his port at Der Riese to continue the VRIL experiments and that when the machine is operational, he will kill Maxis and Sam and then join them in Griffin Station. From there, he travels to Eagles Nest. Then Groph contacts him and says that the machine is ready, so he says he will kill Maxis and Sam and then join them in Griffin Station. Therefore, perhaps he is actually in Der Riese? I hope you see the connection I am trying to make here, that he said he was going back to Der Riese and he would return. Then he says he is at Eagles Nest to carry out the plan against Maxis and Sam and then he returns.

*I'd like to thank BlindBusDrivr and Monopoly Mac for helping me formulate this theory.*

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