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Accumulating Storyline

Guest MurderMachineX

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Guest MurderMachineX

I don't think so. Firstly, they refer to Eagle's Nest frequently. They refer to it as Eagle's Nest. Why would they say "Der Riese" unless it was a completely different entity from Eagle's Nest?

Richtofen migrated all over the place: Der Riese, Griffin Station, Shangri-La, Eagle's Nest, Shi No Numa, Kino der Toten maybe.


Well they do refer to it frequently, but they only refer to it as that after he mentions Der Riese. I think it holds as much possibility as Call of the Dead, the circumstantial evidence for both is there. And as for your list as where he has been, take out Kino, Ed was never there. He frequently mentions things like "This must be where they..." as if he hadn't known the layout of the location, so I don't think he's been there.

Guest MurderMachineX

No, Richtofen mentions Eagle's Nest at the beginning of his presentation, and Groph mentions Maxis at Der Riese later on.


True that. But they say that the group who built up Griffin Station built up Eagles Nest, and they were just then breaking away from Maxis. So whos to say they didn't help build up Der Riese, I mean it had to of not been much in 1940when they would have started.

Guest MurderMachineX

By the time of the presentation it was 1942. Richtofen was making a formal break from 935. However, they had already been broken off to some extent, an extent large enough to have time and manpower to build a MOON BASE. And no matter how long it takes to build a Moon base, building a comparative Siberian base is faster.


They were broken off to some extent, yes, but that doesn't mean that they couldn't have helped build up Der Riese too, like I said in my post. Richtofen says that they built up Griffin Station and Eagles Nest while under Group 935, so who's to say that Eagles Nest wasn't Der Reise too? Richtofen always refers to it as Eagles Nest, and Groph decided to use the term Der Riese. Just because they refer to it differently doesn't mean it is not the same place. It is simply preference depending on the person. Another thing that hints towards it to me is that Richtofen says he will proceed with Operation Shield and join them shortly. In the last Der Riese radio, the PA Announcer says that "the shield is now active." To me, it all kinda connects.

Guest MurderMachineX

I know the Shield reference, but that doesn't have any correlation to Eagle's Nest.

Think about WHY they would call it Eagle's Nest. WHY? Just call it Der Riese, like any other time. Groph said the name aloud; apparently having a secret codename wasn't very helpful. It is much more logical to have a nameless base be called Eagle's Nest rather than having a base with an already widely-used name of Der Riese be called Eagle's Nest.


Well it isn't necessarily supposed to be a secret code name when it is just those men there in that conference. But is see what you mean. What exactly are your reasons for it being Call of the Dead?

Guest MurderMachineX

Well I already said them. But

-The Siberian base didn't have a name. Perhaps that's because its name was Eagle's Nest.

-Richtofen says he found many artifacts and establishes a connection between Eagle's Nest and Griffin Station. There is a vril artifact found at the Siberian base.

-A vril device was used in Moon Film Roll 6. It's hard to explain its movement to the Siberian base, which further supports the point above.

-Richtofen mentions the "jog their memories" quote, which indicates they've been there before. That coupled with his Radios' possibly occurrence in the same location, point to Richtofen spending a considerable time there.


Well I know you already said them, I just wanted them to be presented in a more organized way, which you thankfully did in the second time around. As for your points;

Yes he establishes a connection between Eagles Nest and Griffin Station, but never connects Vril artifacts to them both. In the radio, he says that he only found many Vril artifacts in Griffin Station, he never says anything about finding them in Eagles Nest.

There may have been a VRIL Generator in CoTD already, because that place deals of more VRIL Energy than 935 could have ever been the reason for. Romero goes into the water and gets infected with VRIL Energy, and the way he does it is by going underwater to a small tunnel. *Insert Agartha hint here* All I'm saying is that that was not something that Group 935 had control over, so in reality, the only thing that we know to be of 935 influence is the weapon, V-R11.

Guest Shooter

Dr. Richtofen: "Gentlemen, for two long years we have toiled here and at Eagle's Nest to build up fortifications. For two long years we have taken equipment to build up our labs. For two long years we have worked under Group 935, believing that Dr. Maxis truly wants to help the world. For two long years we've led a double life. Today, that all ends."

(Inaudible conversing is heard from crowd and continues through Richtofen's speaking.)

Dr. Richtofen: "I bring to you what this project is all about. What I have worked to keep from my enemy."

Dr. Groph: "What is it Dr. Richtofen? It looks alien."

Dr. Richtofen: "It is an ancient vril machine. And you, Dr. Groph, are now the lead scientist here at Griffin Station."

(Applause for Dr. Groph is heard.)

Dr. Richtofen: "You will be the one to discover how it works."

(Applause ends.)

Dr. Groph: "We first must discover what it does."

Dr. Richtofen: "Nein, Dr. Groph, I know what it does. It is a direct connection to another dimension."

(Crowd begins conversing again.)

Dr. Groph: "Preposterous!"

Dr. Richtofen: "No more preposterous than teleporting all of you to (Static) Griffin Station."

Dr. Groph: "Is it (*Static*) How do you know what it does?"

Dr. Richtofen: "I found many interesting vril artifacts here. I have decoded them and all signs point to this device being a stable gateway to the Aether"

(Loud conversing again)

Dr. Schuster: "Dr. Richtofen, I am aware of a project being run by Dr. Maxis at Der Riese concerning vril."

Dr. Richtofen: "As am I. I am going back to my port at Group 935 to continue the charade. I will be figuring out just how much information Dr. Maxis has (*Static*) Once the machine is operational, I will enact my plan and return. Gentlemen, let the games begin."

(Applause is heard.)

I believe "Eagle's Nest" is the codename given to Der Riese. Notice Richtofen only uses it when addressing the crowd of people and when contacting Groph via radio contact, most likely using the codename in case others were listening in. He says Der Riese when talking with Groph directly.

Richtofen states they toiled at Griffin Station and Der Riese to build up fortifications (for Griffin Station). They "toiled" between the two, not built up fortifications at two different places. He even says they've all lived double lives, because they were traveling between the two, while bringing equipment and building fortifications at Griffin Station.

Eagle's Nest was codename for Der Riese to members of Griffin Station. But when Richtofen was in close company of Groph, codenames were not needed.

And Groph tells Richtofen that Maxis working with Vril at Der Riese, but not that there was any found there. As far as I'm aware, Richtofen has only found Vril Artifacts at either the Moon, the jungle he teleported to (Shangri La), the Aether, or somewhere else he traveled to within the 19 days before returning to Groph at Der Riese.

Oh and the idea that Richtofen took the Vril Generator to Call of the Dead before we got there is unlikely. Consider how we retrieve the Golden Rod. Sacrificing a guy filled with Vril Energy that floats up into the top of the lighthouse and teleports away. It's possible Richtofen's designed this procedure, but it just seems unlikely.

Guest MurderMachineX

Der Riese is already a codename for the facility. NO ONE makes codenames for the codenames of facilities. We can saw all this stuff about who to say it to and refer to it as different things around different people, but that's muddled and unlikely. Odds are that when a person says two different names, they belong to two different things.

The only known vril artifacts originated from the Moon. While it is possible some could come from Shangri-La, none are confirmed. But the staff in Call of the Dead could have come from work from Griffin Station. I'm not saying Richtofen put it there himself, but his organization could've left one of the artifacts there. And Richtofen remembered that, so he went to go find it.

Also, the easter egg on Call of the Dead so surreal, vague, and cryptic that I wouldn't use it to prove anything because of how little sense it makes no matter HOW you use it.

Guest MexicanIlluminati

Gotta agree with Murder on this one, though Tac makes some VERY good arguments. Just felt like i should say that since me and Murder have disagreed on ALOT in the past. :lol:

To be honest though, I wish Eagle's nest DID refer to Der Riese, I'm getting tired of Treyarch introducing more and more 935 stations :|

One question though:

The only known vril artifacts originated from the Moon.

What about the Vril project that Maxis was working on? The one that Schuster mentioned?

Guest MurderMachineX

Lol. Thanks

Well we might be able to expect even more 935 stations in the future.

Oh, I forgot about the Egg. Sure, but we don't know where he found it.


I definitely think it is safe to assume there will be more 935 stations. As Richtofen says in the Kino loading screen, "How many stations does this group have?"

Guest MexicanIlluminati

That honestly kinda bums me out :(

I liked it better when there were only a few 935 outposts we had to keep track of. The story seemed more centered. Now in Black Ops were all over the place: Siberia, the Pentagon, Shangri-la. It makes the storyline seem scatterbrained, random, and incoherent anyone agree?


I definitely see where you are coming from. The game, I feel, has strayed a bit from its original feel and general gameplay emotions. What I mean by that was like in NDU, Verruckt, and SNN, I was scared as hell to play those maps, they still give me goosebumps. But now, I don't get that feeling anymore with like Shangri-La, Call of the Dead, Ascension, and Moon. In terms of the story, they have now incorporated so many different aspects of history that is kinda becoming overwhelming. I mean, I will stay with the story regardless, and history is my major so I love researching for it, but I do think that they should bring it back a bit in terms of how far they are going with it.

Guest MurderMachineX

I get how the original feel isn't there anymore, but that doesn't mean the new feel is bad. I like how Zombies. Actually, I love it. It's my favorite series of all time. I love how complex it is, how much history it has. Sure it's no longer just a secret Nazi organization, but I love it all the more for it.

Guest MexicanIlluminati

What I liked about WAW was that all of the maps were closely intertwined. It elaborates on storyline that was presented in the last maps instead of how in Black Ops it introduces more characters and locations that we know nothing about.

Like in Der Riese it elaborates on Dr. Maxis, who we had only heard of in SNN. In Shi No Numa it tells us about how "we failed to contain the Asylum". In Der Riese we obviously get a whole lot of information about Richtofen's background. It reveals more about the characters and setting we already know and love with every passing map.

Black Ops on the other hand just branches out to sub-plots that are pretty much irrelevant to the overall storyline, like with the addition of the COTD crew and Gary and Brock and Yuri and Gersch and George Romero. Its cool that their showing how far the outbreak has spread but to be frank, I don't really care about all these people and places :| Just give me more story on the original crew and i'll be a happy man :D

Guest MurderMachineX

Well what do you expect them to do? You want it to be simple, yet you want more? By adding on to something, you inherently make it more complex.

On a more unrelated subject, does anyone happen to know any vocally developed females? I had one for a task related to this, but she has ignored me for the past week; I may need to find another, if such a thing can be done.


Well you can still make something be more complex and have it be simple. Something can be simple but still be added upon. As for your question, no, I don't know any :/

Guest MexicanIlluminati

I'd like them to elaborate and do more to reveal the Storyline weve already seen, and give us more clues to the already set plot then have them introduce completely new story elements get me? I guess that would be hard to do with NEW maps but i guess im a hard fan to please :D

Guest MurderMachineX

Thanks Tac. She ended up coming around, so false alarm.

Eh. I don't think so. If they spent all their time clearing up the existing story, then there'd be no mystery left. And isn't the mystery of the storyline its real appeal?

Guest MexicanIlluminati

I DEFINITELY see where your coming from but honestly, with the evidence we currently have I don't think we'll EVER figure out for ourselves the Storyline we already have. There are too many things we're WAYY in the dark with.

Guest MurderMachineX

Zombies is not about figuring out the storyline. That's not what makes the game. If they were to spoon-feed us the storyline, it'd be like any other game. It's them deliberately keeping it from us that makes it. Of course it's going to have holes. It always will. That's its appeal.

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