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Accumulating Storyline

Guest MurderMachineX

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Personally, I think the mystery and hidden things behind the storyline is the appeal, not the holes and the things that they haven't said yet. But it depends what kind of holes you are talking about. Either things missing that they haven't explained, or mistakes they've made that made a hole in the story.

Guest Monopoly Mac

These holes and gaps make the story flexible. No offense to any of you of course but nobody on this forum will ever manage to translate the story perfectly. People will always have different interpretations which makes the theory section of Codz bubble with different and colorful ideas. That is the appeal in my opinion.

Guest MyLittleHellhound

I agree ^

After all, doesn't about 3/4 of the posts on here depend on theorizing and guessing and speculation? Not to forget the element of mystery?

Guest MurderMachineX

I don't know. I kinda see it like science. In science, that statement would be both right and wrong, depending.


I agree, I think that a lot of the posts here are us speculating based on how we think it happened because there wasn't enough evidence to tell us definitevly. If everything was listed out for us then there would be no such thing as speculation. However, we all speculate in every thread on the site, so I don't think it's an overstatement to say 3/4.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest MurderMachineX

Update: Seems I can't count. I changed the "three alien bodies" to "four alien bodies".

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest MurderMachineX

I updated my storyline with the Shangri-La Mars thing. The most significant change is the following:

Approximately on December 5, 1939, a thirty-day period began where Richtofen and Dr. Schuster made rapid advancements to the teleporter prototype. By this time, the Vril-Ya had advanced even further, far surpassing the utopia that Edward Bulwer-Lytton had witnessed. They had expanded their civilization underground, likely suppressing the rest of the Ana. They had invented space travel among many other technologies. They despised intermingling between mankind and Vril-Ya, so they opted to remain hidden from mankind rather than destroy mankind. They had established a base on Mars that used their superior technology to create a biosphere around it with flora. But something had happened. For whatever reason, the Vril-Ya had decided to change location. They had launched three Pyramids, which were like vehicles. One had gone into orbit around the Earth. One had landed on the Moon and dug itself into an enclosed cavern. Then the rest of the base with the last Pyramid had been transported to a place lost in the Himalayas, taking a Martian mountain with it. Some Asians had found the location and had thought that it was holy. The Vril-Ya had retreated from the area to keep with their code of not interacting with mankind. The local Asians named the place Shangri-La.

Guest Monopoly Mac

I'm not the sure the one on the Moon dug itself into a cavern.

Guest MurderMachineX

But the Pyramid in-game is in a cavern? Surely they are the same Pyramid no? Why would there be a fourth unrelated Pyramid?

Guest Monopoly Mac

Well the pyramids we see in the loading screen are stone step pyramids with a flat top. The one inside the cavern is a pointed and metallic pyramid. That pyramid has been there for a long time while the other pyramids just arrived recently.

The pyramid that landed on the Moon seems to be just next to Griffin Station according to the Loading Screen.

Guest MurderMachineX

All the Pyramids are really ancient. We already know that the Pyramids are actually machines. That means that their insides are likely to contain lots of metal. Perhaps the one on Moon is the Pyramid with its stone sheath removed? Maybe it got lost in the drilling?

Guest Monopoly Mac

That pyramid has been there since 1940. Probably even older. The Shangri La move happened long after 1940. I really don't believe they are the same.

Plus those pyramids are flat topped and the metal one is pointed.

Guest MurderMachineX

Look. Stop saying that like it is a fact set in stone. It is not. I don't go around saying "This is how it indisputably is!" So work with me here. If you have a reason for saying that but choose not to provide, I don't see who you're helping.

The Shangri-La move I believe happened in between 1871 and 1940.

Guest Monopoly Mac

I'm sorry.

Shangri La was on Earth long enough for landers to drop in. Landers were most likely not in made until about the 60's. The Eclipse/move had to occur after the 60's.

Do you understand what I am saying now?

Guest MurderMachineX

It's a good point.

Hm... Well that means that there HAS to be two moves. The move of Shangri-La to Mars and the move back. Because it MUST be on Earth when Richtofen goes, as he comes back without aid of a teleporter. And it MUST be on Earth when the characters play, because Brock and Gary were there. In the middle, the Martian mountain was picked up. Saying that makes me feel crazy, but it's the best I can come up with, considering the evidence.

Guest Monopoly Mac

I assumed there was one move. I believe the move happened when Brock activated the eclipse for the very first time.

Guest MurderMachineX

Um... that's rather inspecific. And you didn't really comment on why I came up with that.

Guest Monopoly Mac

It doesn't have to be on Earth when we play. I believe it was moved to some location when Brock touched something the very first time. Once he did that, he and Gary literally disappeared off the face of Earth.

Guest MurderMachineX

I don't know about that. It seems kinda like a cop-out to me. That incident with the recursion with the Focusing Stone is really mysterious, the kind of thing that wouldn't have ever been explained except for the fact that we know it happened. As such, I can't really disprove that, but everything but that considered, it'd have to be on Earth since Brock and Gary got there.

Guest Monopoly Mac

Well I just think that when we teleport to the time of the Eclipse, the move has just happened. That's my thinking.

Guest t11clancy

On July 14, 1954, Doctor Vannevar “VB” Bush, the leader of Majestic-12 and administrator of the Dreamland server, sent an e-mail to John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Richard McGarrah Helms, Richard Kain, Richard Milhous Nixon, William Raborn, and T. Walker, telling them that access to the Dreamland server had been restricted to Majestic-12 members alone. Oddly, three of these people later became president, and three became directors of covert operations.

You mention here and several other times that these officials e-mailed each other. As you state, it is the year 1954. E-mail is not invented as of this date.

Guest Shooter

On July 14, 1954, Doctor Vannevar “VB” Bush, the leader of Majestic-12 and administrator of the Dreamland server, sent an e-mail to John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Richard McGarrah Helms, Richard Kain, Richard Milhous Nixon, William Raborn, and T. Walker, telling them that access to the Dreamland server had been restricted to Majestic-12 members alone. Oddly, three of these people later became president, and three became directors of covert operations.

You mention here and several other times that these officials e-mailed each other. As you state, it is the year 1954. E-mail is not invented as of this date.

It's from JFK's terminal file. This is the first piece of mail in his account.

Server Access


Dreamland Admin



Date/Time: Wednesday, July 14, 1954

Subject: Server Access

Please note that the dreamland data storage center has been restricted to members of MJ-12


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