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Accumulating Storyline

Guest MurderMachineX

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Alright, something I want to discuss with you is how Maxis got into the computer on Moon

Guest MurderMachineX

My response is A.I. He was clearly shown in the last Film Roll being shot. And then after all this time, he's suddenly talking to us? By its only by audio. And only over either the intercom or via that computer. Simply put, it must be Artificial Intelligence. Maxis made an A.I. of himself. Not only that, but when Richtofen is hacking the computer, he mentions "How did you put yourself into the machine?" and ends with "Goodbye, Dr. Maxis. And delete." as in, deleting Maxis. (He failed though, as the characters hack and yada yada yada blow up the Earth.)


See I don't think it was him shot, I don't think he was shot tbh. I think they shot at Samantha not him. I mean if he was shot, I don't think he could still understand the outside world like he can. I think he found some sort of way to get into the computer. I do believe however that when Richtofen deleted him, he was deleted because after that moment, all Maxis' quotes sound more computerized if you know what I mean

Guest MurderMachineX

If he was shot? If he was shot, he'd be dead, much less understanding the world. An AI would be another entity.

They couldn't have shot Samantha, because the Film Roll shows that the Pyramid was closed up. Maxis, an already unwelcome guest, told Samantha to kill them all, so most likely, someone fired a shot at Maxis. Which resulted in Samantha enacting upon her departed father's will, resulting in Groph's "We are all doomed". Also, there many quotes Samantha says about her father being dead.


I haven't done the Easter Egg, but I am pretty sure it doesn't "show" that the pyramid is closed, they are audio reels, not film reels I believe.

And how could he create an A.I. that understands, speaks, and interprets spoken word? Here let me walk you through the radio from my POV:

Dr. Maxis: Samantha. Honey? Daddy is here. Come dear, please. Open the machine. Daddy will not let them hurt you anymore. Honey? Daddy knows he’s made some mistakes, I am truly sorry that you were put through so much. When your mother died I could not bear the thought of losing you too, that’s why I kept you so close. I did not mean to neglect you, I just wanted to now you were safe from harm-

Maxis has arrived and is talking to her

*Hissing gas & a girl crying is heard crying.*

She brings down the pyramid walls and is seen there crying

Samantha: Daddy!

Dr. Maxis: I love you, Samantha.

Samantha Maxis: I love you too Daddy.

Dr. Maxis: Can you do something for me? Something very important.

Samantha: Yes.

Dr. Maxis: Kill them... all.

*A gunshot is heard*

They shoot at Samantha

Dr. Maxis: No!

He is angered by them shooting at her

*Gas hisses*

She closes the pyramid

Samantha: (Demonic Laughter) Hahahaha

She's laughing because she avoided being shot

Dr Groph: We are doomed.

They couldn't stop her in time

Does that make sense? That's how I viewed it. Afterwards, he put himself into the computer and made himself into the AI. He talks to Ed and then he deletes him. Everything before the deletion has to be because of interpreted spoken word. Everything after the deletion could have been activated due to action in the facility. Does that make sense?


Have you guys all really been arguing for four pages about the existence of vril? :facepalm:

Guest MurderMachineX

Here's my transcript (I just copy-pasted it from my guide):


Maxis clearly states "Open the machine." That means that it is closed. That means that no one shot Samantha, because she was within the machine and not directly involved in the scene, besides her O so common spirit-like nature.

Also, what you are proposing is not too different from what I say. You still say he made an A.I. Because. You can't just "put yourself into a machine". From that, you can propose that he scanned his intelligence into a computer code. That's the same thing I am saying. However, Maxis had been shot and his A.I. left to carry his plans.

Have you guys all really been arguing for four pages about the existence of vril? :facepalm:



Yes the machine was closed, but there was hissing and you can hear her crying. That's her opening the machine. You kinda forgot that entire part...

But I think that his soul or an actual part of him was physically inside the machine until Richtofen deleted him, then he was no longer in the machine.

Guest MurderMachineX

Oh I didn't notice that noise. Okay I guess she did open it. But Maxis was still the one who was shot. After the gunshot, you can hear Samantha laugh.

Also, Samantha says elsewhere "I want my body back, and I will destroy that evil Richtofen for taking Daddy away!" and "I’ll destroy you for what you’ve done to Daddy!"

And about his soul going into a machine. That's really... illogical and impossible. But I'm sure you know; it's mysticism, and just like any religion, or even string theory, cannot be proven or disproven. I can tell you that that can't happen, and you'll reply that it can. And that'll be the argument.

EDIT: Or were you referring to the MPD with Maxis? If that's the case, then Maxis's body would be there, or he could have switched souls, but then Samantha wouldn't be there... and that just doesn't work.


Yeah see why would Sam laugh if Maxis is the one shot? She wouldn't. That's why I don't think he was shot. And that Sam quote is after Richtofen deletes Maxis from the computer and opens the pyramid, thus Sam is angry at him.

As for the soul thingy, I don't mean his literal soul, but just SOMETHING is physically inside, like maybe his mind is connected or something, because I don't think his A.I. would of had a conversation like that with Richtofen, not that intelligible. I don't believe that an A.I. could do that, not at that time at least.

Guest MurderMachineX

Wait, so we have multidimensional pyramids, lasers, zombies, DNA-enhancing drinks, but we can't have AI? Not to mention that Maxis had quite a computer base to work off of with the Datenbediensteter.

Why would Samantha laugh once the Mystery Box spawns a weapon? She's a dark little girl, as evidenced by her voice going from sweet to demonic on ocassion. When Maxis was shot, she laughed and prepared to smite them. Groph says "We are all doomed", and the Radio cuts out, followed by their presumed demise. If she was shot, then she would be dead. Not laughing.


I'm not saying we can't have A.I., just not like that IMO. I already agreed that there is A.I., he shows that after Maxis deletes him. Each step activates his A.I. speaking, but I believe that everything before the deletion on the computer was not A.I., I think that was legitimately Maxis, not an A.I.

And correct me if I'm wrong, but Datenbediensteter is just his Data Servant Program, which is just his note taking on computers. I haven't heard of any reference to the Data Servant other than his files regarding Ray Gun, 115, etc.

And I didn't say that she was shot, no one did. I said she was shot at, but not hit.

Guest MurderMachineX

everything before the deletion on the computer was not A.I., I think that was legitimately Maxis, not an A.I.

What do you referrig to here? You mean his appearance in the Radios and Film Rolls and stuff?

Yeah, I'm just saying that he's had experience with computers.

So, what, you think Maxis is still alive? When he put himself into the machine, his body would be left over, sentient or not. And I don't think he would willingly do that to himself unless he had to, because it is technically death; he'd be losing his body.


Eh I have done a bit of research, and Richtofen does call Maxis "dead." So I suppose there is a high chance it was him shot. I just have trouble believing it was his A.I. And what I am referring to is this conversation:


Dr. Maxis: "Access denied... Richtofen..."

Richtofen: "What is happening? Scanning for haxors (hackers)." (Continues typing.)

Dr. Maxis: "You fool! I should never have trusted you!"

Richtofen: "Maxis… How on earth did you get into the machine!? No matter." (Continues typing)

Dr. Maxis: "I know what you are up to and I will not allow you to succeed!"

Richtofen: "You should never have kept the DG-2 from production, you should have never have tried to steal the plans for the MDT!"

Dr. Maxis: "Stop the madness Edward; we were supposed to help the human condition, not destroy it."

Richtofen: "Indeed, and now you are dead (said in mocking tone). And your little girl is going to be next... ahh... She is the source of madness! Ahh... Not I."

Dr. Maxis: "She is just a little girl Edward! She doesn't even know what she is doing!"

Richtofen: "Und (German for and) Delete. Goodbye, Dr. Maxis."

It seems very... personal? I don't know what the word is but it just seems like it is him talking, not a program. The next line he says is:

"Greetings. If you are receiving this message, it means that Richtofen has entered the device. If you free me, I will help you minimize the damage that he will inevitably cause."

That seems more... robotic? It seems like this is A.I., like it is triggered via something, he's not physically conversing with someone.

To understand you completely, are you basically saying that he scanned his entire mind into the computer to reply and do as he does? Is that what you're saying?

Guest MurderMachineX

Yes. His entire being (as an intelligence) was basically copied or cloned onto the computer, is what I'm saying. So whatever happened to him would not affect the A.I. version; they'd be two distinct beings, with the same form of mind. Kinda like cloning, except one is computerized.

Richtofen tries to delete him, but as the Easter Egg uncovers, you receive a prerecorded message from either Maxis. You then do the Simon Says game which apparently reboots the A.I. who at the end of the Easter Egg fires the rockets and laughs and such. "Freeing me" is undoing what Richtofen thought was deleting.

What do you think of that?

EDIT: Oh, and yes, it does seem so. He seems to be realistic, but if it were his mind scanned onto a computer, it would have emotions just as he does.


I agree, I'll add it to my story now. Now that you won me over on that, what exactly is Data Servant? From what I thought I knew, all it was was the program Maxis used to record information. Is there something I am missing because it seems like there is...

Guest MurderMachineX

Yayyy. I win. It's 1-to-1. jk jk

The Data Servant was basically the network of Der Riese. It contained those files, but those are just files that were extracted from the network; there was much more to it that we will never know about. It started simple, as we can see, and then expanded, to an extent we don't know. All I was using it for was just as an example that Maxis was proficient in computers, as he states in it that he created it.


Yayyy. I win. It's 1-to-1. jk jk

The Data Servant was basically the network of Der Riese. It contained those files, but those are just files that were extracted from the network; there was much more to it that we will never know about. It started simple, as we can see, and then expanded, to an extent we don't know. All I was using it for was just as an example that Maxis was proficient in computers, as he states in it that he created it.

Yeah, I was just wondering like where did we come up with that idea? I have heard a lot about it but I haven't been able to find anything about it other than the files

Guest MurderMachineX

Okay, well all Servant files start off with a phrase like the one below:

What follows is the chronological primary sample from the Der Riese project "Datenbediensteter" (translated: DATA SERVANT). Sample was acquired from CIA asset based out of Vozrozhdeniya in the Soviet Union and is translated from its original German below:

So they extracted this data from the Datenbediensteter using Vozrozhdeniya, but we never have complete access to the entire system. Most of the well-known CIA files come from the Servant files. The first of them, ServantA00001.txt was the most primitive.


***1 EYES ONLY***


What follows is the chronological primary sample from the Der Riese project "Datenbediensteter" (translated: DATA SERVANT). Sample was acquired from CIA asset based out of Vozrozhdeniya in the Soviet Union and is translated from its original German below:

***TEST CASE A00001***


'i am ludvig maxis

'today is 20 january 1942

'my daughter has a dog

'its name is fluffy

'this is file 1

'for storage in the data


'I trust in its success

***END FILE***

So we know when he created it. And just so you know, the file was sent throughout the Datenbediensteter, as the same information is under the file Giant9.txt and ServerOrigin.txt.




What follows is the chronological primary sample from the Der Riese project “Datenbediensteter” (translated: DATA SERVANT). Sample was acquired from CIA asset based out of Vozrozhdeniya in the Soviet Union and is translated from its original German Below:

***SERVANT ENTRY B70326***

'Ludwig Maxis

'Personal File.

'Edward has grown impatient.

'He insists on accelerating

'Our projects.

'Regardless of the fact that

'The 115 is limited.

'He grows angry. Short,

'It was a mistake to invite him.

'He cannot be trusted.

'He watches me.

'He watches Samanthat.

'He watches Sophia

'And his latest creation

'The monkey.

'It screams when set aflame.

'Then again

'Perhaps it is the 115

'Affecting my mind.

'I can no longer discern.

***END FILE***

This is the last seen file. But look at the serial numbers. That's a LOT of files that we don't have access to. The format has now been fleshed out, and this type is seen in most Servant files. And that's really all there is to the Datenbediensteter/ Data Servant. Unless of course, you wanted to see all of the files.


Alright yeah I have basically memorized all the files, but this sounds like it could easily be the importance of the Server.

Guest MurderMachineX

Okay cool. So if you (or if anyone else reading this?) want to pick something else wrong in my guide, I'd be more than happy.

Guest Rissole25

Sorry Murder. I really should remember what radios I'm talking about. Radio 5 I meant.

Dr. Richtofen: "I found many interesting vril artifacts here. I have decoded some of their language, all signs point to this device being a stable gateway to the Aether"

I just realized than, but when he says "their", he means Vril-Ya? I think this might be our in-game reference to them. :)

No-one's mentioned this about the shooting, but after Maxis says "No!", you can hear something fall to the floor. I think this is either Maxis collapsing to the ground after being shot. But another possibility could be Groph or Schuster dropping their weapon in awe after shooting Samantha, but not hurting or hitting her. But I think it's the former, and seems more likely.


At 6:00 minutes in.

Guest MurderMachineX

A weapon falling to the ground would not thud; it would cling.

Guest Rissole25

Well there you go, it's Maxis than. I just figured that it's the only other explanation. If Maxis were alive, I somehow think we would know, or Samantha would know at least.

Meanwhile, during this solar eclipse, in Shangri-La, Brock and Gary, two British explorers, were uncovering the secrets of the temples when they fell into a trap and died of starvation.

Are you saying they traveled to Shangri-La in 1946 during the Der Riese eclipse? I can't tell if you knew this, but on the Shangri-La radios is the brand ANDO. The company is a real-life radio company that was formed/created in 2004, so Gary and Brock traveled there in 2004 or after. They than activated the eclipse, which sent them back 1946. I think the radio appearing in present time is because time-shifted to the present after they had died in each circumstance, so the radio remained their from 1946 to whenever the group arrives/each time they changed something.

Guest MurderMachineX

Such an ANDO company does not exist. The company you are referring to is strictly a software company, not a handheld radio company. If I search a fictional four-letter word company, no matter what the letters are, I'll most likely find something.

For example, if I search MPD, I get many things, like the Metro Police Department. But we all know that the MPD is a Pyramid, not a department.

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