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Accumulating Storyline

Guest MurderMachineX

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Guest Rissole25

The radios look too tech-savy to have been 1946 though. Obviously ANDO is the brand, so why else would Treyarch put it on their. These radios are unique, and I think it's their way of letting us know the a date or year, obviously through searching and researching though. Ando Media is still related to radios and such, so I won't rule them out just yet.

However, what is your reasoning for saying they go their in 1946? They activate the eclipse, and the sound of teleporting is heard. I don't think they just activated an eclipse, I think they traveled back in time just like the gang does.

Guest MurderMachineX

I know. That teleportation is later discussed in the Shangri-La section.

I'm not too adamant about Brock and Gary being from the 40's. The Radios do look advanced, and that's why I'm having a buddy of mine, well in-tuned with advancement of technology place a date on them. I'll find out what he says later.

But the ANDO company seems to be a fictional company that just happened to have a real-world company with a similar name. I mean, it's just four letters. Not only that, the real world company also has the word "Media" and it isn't in all caps and it isn't software. With all these differences, linking the phonetical spelling seems to be a bit of a stretch.


Yeah I think it would be really helpful if we could find a time of the flashback. Is it possible that it's during Der Riese because of the eclipse? I mean as far as the radios, I have a hard time thinking that Treyarch would miss this. I think it's a clue of some sort. I mean just because the company is ANDO Media, doesn't mean it isn't referred to as just ANDO right?

Guest MurderMachineX

Yeah, my reasoning upon coming to that conclusion was just the fact that total solar eclipses are rare. So to have two in one game would be phenomenal.

I really think that the whole ANDO Media thing is just a Google-caused coincidence. It doesn't even make the right product. It just has a similar frequency, a radio frequency. That's all. It doesn't even make any actual radios. And the actual radio is the pivotal point point here, not its frequency; everyone uses radio waves. Not to mention that ANDO Media SPECIALIZES in Internet-usage, and the Internet might as well not exist in Zombies because of its lack of appearance and necessity.


Yeah, my reasoning upon coming to that conclusion was just the fact that total solar eclipses are rare. So to have two in one game would be phenomenal.

I really think that the whole ANDO Media thing is just a Google-caused coincidence. It doesn't even make the right product. It just has a similar frequency, a radio frequency. That's all. It doesn't even make any actual radios. And the actual radio is the pivotal point point here, not its frequency; everyone uses radio waves. Not to mention that ANDO Media SPECIALIZES in Internet-usage, and the Internet might as well not exist in Zombies because of its lack of appearance and necessity.

Yeah so while the characters were fighting in Der Riese in early 1946, Brock and Gary were searching Shangri-La for Agartha. Then they get trapped for like 60+ years and Richtofen and the other 3 come. They hear them and from there, teleport using the eclipse back to 1946.

Sound right?

Guest MurderMachineX

Hm. That's sounds right. Except, they didn't get trapped. They were killed. Richtofen and Co. change time by preventing their killing (temporarily). But the radios seem to imply a date other than 1946.


Hm. That's sounds right. Except, they didn't get trapped. They were killed. Richtofen and Co. change time by preventing their killing (temporarily). But the radios seem to imply a date other than 1946.

Well, they were killed. Then they went back in time and were saved. It's a never ending paradox where they will keep dieing and being saved by the crew basically. And how do you see them to imply that the date is past 1946.

Guest MurderMachineX

Because I have looked at the history of Radio. The Shangri-La Radios were far too complex for the 1940's.

And no. It isn't a never-ending paradox. They died. The crew went to save them. Then they died again. Then they crew went to save them. They died. That repeats UNTIL you as the player, or the crew as the storyline, move on, going to Moon. They can't help Brock and Gary forever. So whenever they chose to stop helping, they died for the final time.


Because I have looked at the history of Radio. The Shangri-La Radios were far too complex for the 1940's.

And no. It isn't a never-ending paradox. They died. The crew went to save them. Then they died again. Then they crew went to save them. They died. That repeats UNTIL you as the player, or the crew as the storyline, move on, going to Moon. They can't help Brock and Gary forever. So whenever they chose to stop helping, they died for the final time.

Ok, that's true. Basically, they are trapped, they die, you save them. Then you repeat the process, and when you stop interfering, they are no longer going to come back and they are dead forever.


To elaborate, when they die, that is the reason that you go to save them. When you save them, they haven't died so you have no reason to save them, thus undoing the course of events that led you to save them in the first place. Therefore, you don't go and save them, so they die, making you want to save them. It repeats until you stop interfering with the situation.

Guest MurderMachineX

No no. That's the conventional paradox of time-intervention. The solution is alternate timelines. When you change the past, you are now existing in a new timeline. Basically it just eliminates the idea of a paradox. It's not perfect, but that's time travel for ya.

EDIT: There's really no way for us to know time travel without paradox, but apparently, in the game, it exists.


So you basically have time that branches off like a river and both outcomes take a different direction and you are in a super position between both outcomes. So every time you go back in time to save them you enter a new time, thus creating alternate timelines?

Guest MurderMachineX

Yeah, that's how the theory goes.


Are you sure though? I mean it seems incredibly likely that the conventional paradox theory would make the most sense? Idk I think that both are possible, but I can't figure out which to believe

Guest MurderMachineX

The conventional paradox theory means that time travel is impossible, because a time paradox is an impasse. If that theory is correct, either time travel never happens or time itself ends at the paradox. Now I don't think that's likely.

It doesn't really matter though, because we both came to the same result.


Well I guess that technically either theory can be applied. You can plug the information into either theory and it will produce the same outcome, so we don't know for sure which it is.

EDIT: I just read your post, were saying the same thing :P

Guest MurderMachineX

lol okay.

Well it is my personal guess that the radios are from the 90's. All other Radios seem to primitive. Even Ascension, in the 60's, had too primitive radios. I have a professional looking at a picture of one; waiting for his reply.


lol okay.

Well it is my personal guess that the radios are from the 90's. All other Radios seem to primitive. Even Ascension, in the 60's, had too primitive radios. I have a professional looking at a picture of one; waiting for his reply.

Alright, I think that due to the advanced looking radios I think it is in the 00's, which I still think is related to the radios. I mean the fact that they don't make the radios doesn't mean that they don't use the frequency that ANDO makes right? Maybe that's why ANDO is on them? I still say it's in the 2004-2011 range

Guest MurderMachineX

I guess that's possible. And in the 2000 decade, Ando-bought MP3's could possibly be found on the Radio. It could have been branded just like Windows is on computers. So, yeah, that's possible.


So basically. They travel to Shangri-La, and then teleport to the past where they are then trapped. So we assume that they traveled there in the 2000's, but to what point are they teleported to? Der Riese time in 1946?

Guest MurderMachineX

That sounds likely, since total solar eclipses are rare, but just likely. It isn't certain. My concern is why did Brock and Gary stay there, but with the crew they have a time limit? I'm thinking that Brock and Gary accidentally pressed something that made them stuck.


That sounds likely, since total solar eclipses are rare, but just likely. It isn't certain. My concern is why did Brock and Gary stay there, but with the crew they have a time limit? I'm thinking that Brock and Gary accidentally pressed something that made them stuck.

Well it seems that when they arrived they had current radios, and they pressed the thing to make them go back in time. After they do this, the zombies come out and they get stuck. I think it has something to do with the fact that you can only save them in the past because they were trapped in the past.

Guest MurderMachineX

Sounds good to me. Anything else you'd like to discuss?


Not as of now, I'll keep an eye on my thoughts and this thread and post if I have anything else. Anything you want to to bring up?

Guest MurderMachineX

Sorry, I can't think of anything. The point of this thread is to disprove or uphold the things I say in my guide. Since I do believe what I have in my guide, I can't really find something myself that I think is wrong. I leave that up to the other people, who may or may not have information I hadn't considered.

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