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Accumulating Storyline

Guest MurderMachineX

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Then why don't we see Gersch's body in the MPD? His body is taken into the device and out somewhere, but when we release his soul, his body WOULD stay in the same spot. So why isn't he in the MPD?

That's what I am saying haha, I basically summarized what you said by saying "they go through Aether during teleportation. But do we have any legit in-game evidence to even suggest that Gersch is in the MPD?

Guest MurderMachineX

Yes. We "freed" Gersch from Samantha. Until Moon came out, we did not know what "freed" meant. It means he's no longer in Aether. He used the Kassimir Mechanism to return his soul to his body, his body out of the MPD. He was free.


It's spelled Casimir btw ;)

But I dig the theory, makes sense I suppose. Where did his body go afterwards though?

Guest MurderMachineX

Well he walked away. Wherever he went, it was of his choosing.

The Wiki says Kassimir, and I haven't seen it spelled any other way anywhere else. So if that's so, that's evidence I don't have.

Guest MurderMachineX

Oh yeah, and we don't know if Tank's child is a boy or girl. You've got it as a boy, and it most likely is, but he doesn't actually mention the gender.

I’m gonna buy one of these for my 5-year-old once this sh*t’s over.

You don't buy girls guns. Not to mention, despite Tank's rude behavior, he did come from the 40's, an era where girls were prim and proper.


Lol the Wiki blows. He has a quote, "Is this related to Hendrik's work?" Hendrik Casimir created the Casimir effect, which I believe the Gersch to run off of. We know it wasn't 115, due to Yuri wanting to hide 115 info from him in the radios. The main theories of the Casimir effect have to deal with 2 plates... where are two plates? Oh right, Moon. Other theories deal with wormholes, so I relate it to Gersch Device.

Anyways, I'm not to to refute your Gersch theory any longer as it seems plausible. I just want to fill in some gaps. So you say he became human again afterwards? Interesting... How did he get in the machine in the first place, because I think you can enter the machine via the outisde world, not getting teleported into it.

As for the M-16 quote, I think it's mainly a joke tbh. I thought it had something to do with the time period possibly, but it is most likly a joke seeing as you wouldn't normally by a five year old an m16.

Guest MurderMachineX

Oh soo that's what "Kassimir" comes from. But wait. The two plates? I had a completely different idea from them. In Hangar 18, you can see those very same plates. I thought they were from that.

Well Gersch was never really un-human. None of them were. Technically. Samantha wanted a playmate, seen by her quotes, so she messed with Yuri to teleport Gersch, working around the way you're supposed to do it.

Yes, but Dempsey isn't exactly normal. But even if he is joking, he still mentions his son. I can make a joke about buying my grandma an M16, but that gives away that I have a grandma.


Oh soo that's what "Kassimir" comes from. But wait. The two plates? I had a completely different idea from them. In Hangar 18, you can see those very same plates. I thought they were from that.

Well Gersch was never really un-human. None of them were. Technically. Samantha wanted a playmate, seen by her quotes, so she messed with Yuri to teleport Gersch, working around the way you're supposed to do it.

Yes, but Dempsey isn't exactly normal. But even if he is joking, he still mentions his son. I can make a joke about buying my grandma an M16, but that gives away that I have a grandma.

No, the name comes from Moon, trust me :D The one's on Hangar 18 are the same plates considering we get the plates from Area 51 in the Easter Egg.

Wait, so how exactly did he get into the MPD?

Good point. But I swear he said it was his daughter, but I think I am mistaken. But either way, that means that he had a 5 year old before his memory was wiped. He had a baby in 1940. Good to know.

Guest MurderMachineX

Yeah, so the United States manufactured them. But I thought it was using the alien technology in Hangar 18. A Casimir effect confuses that.

Samantha gave Yuri specifications to the Gersch Device which, when used on Gersch, made it teleport him inside the MPD.


I don't think the US manufactured them. I think that 935 had control over that area of Area 51. Disregard Hangar 18, that has nothing to do with Zombies. All there is is an Easter Egg, that's it.

And I'll go with theory for now

Guest MurderMachineX

No. The multiplayer maps relate just as much to Zombies as does the campaign mission. (Recall Nova gas?) There are hexagonal plates in Hangar 18. There are hexagonal plates in No Man's Land. Both places are in Area 51. That's not a coincidence. If they are connected to the Casimir Mechanism, then that turns a simple connection into a conundrum. One that will have to be thought about. It's just as connected to the story as Dr. Steiner is to the Gas Zombies.


No. The multiplayer maps relate just as much to Zombies as does the campaign mission. (Recall Nova gas?) There are hexagonal plates in Hangar 18. There are hexagonal plates in No Man's Land. Both places are in Area 51. That's not a coincidence. If they are connected to the Casimir Mechanism, then that turns a simple connection into a conundrum. One that will have to be thought about. It's just as connected to the story as Dr. Steiner is to the Gas Zombies.

Lol I know I said that in my post!

The one's on Hangar 18 are the same plates considering we get the plates from Area 51 in the Easter Egg.

I said they are same ones as in Moon but then you started to go on about how apparently that contradicts the Casimir Effect, which it doesn't


One things I do want to discuss with you is Shi No Numa. You have that they worked with the Japs since 1939. I don't disagree, but I want to hear your reasoning. I believe they worked with the Japs, but from my research and my thread in the facility, it said they started working on the Microwave Weapons in the later half of WW2. So my question is, what exactly did they work on in the 3 years working up to the Ray Gun production? Disregard everything before, just worry about my Q haha


New theory! Sam is shot at like I thought and afterwards, Maxis, Groph, and Schuster build an A.I. system for Maxis to put his mind into to stop Richtofen. Because if you notice, it seems like everything in the A.I. system happens AFTER Sam is already in the pyramid, suggesting he made it after she entered the machine. So what if he created the A.I. system then and then dies?

Guest MurderMachineX

Eh... If Sam was shot, she'd be dead. I mean, there's the possibility that they tried to shoot her and it did absolutely nothing, i.e., she blocked it with her powers. But Maxis and Groph would never work together. The only reason they didn't strangle each other at first was because Samantha was loose, and Groph needed Maxis to quelm her.

Well, back in World at War, there was one 1 meteor of 115. That was Shi No Numa's meteor. The characters even have quotes about it that say stuff like "This is where 115 comes from." meaning that other sources hadn't been discovered yet. That's why 935 needed the Rising Sun. They needed the 115, so, that microgram Schuster used must have been from that meteor. As for what they worked on, there are many things they could've done- Perks, for example.

Well it does contradict the Casimir effect. That doesn't mean either is wrong. They're both right. So it needs to be re-thought to include both.


I want to hear your thoughts on how it contradicts the Casimir Effect? It doesn't matter where the plates originate (even though I still think 935 had something to do with them being in Area 51), all that matters it the effect itself.

And I think they traveled through the Gersch device into CoTD tbh

Guest MurderMachineX

Well we agree that the U.S. built these plates, but upon what technology? I had thought the aliens in the next hangar over at Area 51. You say the Casimir effect. Can't it be a bit of both?

Well they had to get there somehow :P


Well considering it's actual technology, anyone could have built it, it's not definitively of alien origin.

Guest MurderMachineX

Okay okay. So the hexagonal plates were built using the Casimir effect, possibly reverse engineering Ascension work, or possibly cutting out the middle man by building it themselves off the studies of the effect. Meanwhile they have alien bodies unrelated to the plates... I guess that could work. I just thought it kinda neat to have reverse engineered alien stuff. What about the floating, inpenetrable, force-fielded apple? Possibility of alien technology? Or do you think the US constructed that as well, and the aliens are just alien bodies (i.e. no reverse engineering their stuff)?


I don't really like the ideas of reverse engineering, so I think that the plates in Area 51 are an Easter Egg. As for the apple, I think the US made that, not aliens. And I do believe that the bodies are just aliens recovered from the Roswell incident

Guest MurderMachineX

The plates in Area 51 ARE the plates used for the Casimir Mechanism. They aren't an Easter Egg. In fact, the aliens are more of "easter eggs" since everyone thinks that they're interesting. Most people don't care about the hexagonal plates in Hangar 18.


The plates in Area 51 ARE the plates used for the Casimir Mechanism. They aren't an Easter Egg. In fact, the aliens are more of "easter eggs" since everyone thinks that they're interesting. Most people don't care about the hexagonal plates in Hangar 18.

I agree they they are the same ones, but I think that they just show that you are in Hangar 18, nothing else. But that's just me.

Guest MurderMachineX

Then where do you think they come from?


I think they are manufactured in Area 51 by the 935 scientist, or any of them tbh. He set them there to be used again.

Guest MurderMachineX

Why would a 935 scientist be in Area 51?

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