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Accumulating Storyline

Guest MurderMachineX

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Because the radios say he is... Maxis states that their operatives in America report that the Nevada Base got a large supply of Element 115. That strongly implies the fact that 935 has a operative in Area 51.

Guest MurderMachineX

Okay. Spies. Spies were everywhere though. We had spies there. They had spies here. That seems to undermine American ingenuity, though. A 935 scientist wouldn't HELP his enemies. A spy doesn't help the country that he is in. Americans can reverse engineer with steadfast capability, even if they weren't the ones to find it. It happened throughout the 1900's at an alarming amount.


Okay. Spies. Spies were everywhere though. We had spies there. They had spies here. That seems to undermine American ingenuity, though. A 935 scientist wouldn't HELP his enemies. A spy doesn't help the country that he is in. Americans can reverse engineer with steadfast capability, even if they weren't the ones to find it. It happened throughout the 1900's at an alarming amount.

He wasn't HELPING the Americans by developing the plates for 935, he wasn't helping them at all. I mean I guess it's possible that the Americans created it, but who knows.

BTW, my theory is that the Vril-ya gave Richtofen the VRIL Generator WITH the Focusing Stone inside it, that's why they didn't need the plates last time to fuse them, they were already fused.

Guest MurderMachineX

What do you mean last time? Richtofen only used the Vril Device once.


I believe that to be incorrect. To use the M.P.D., you need the Focusing Stone, the VRIL Generator, and the Egg. They used it once before, therefore they had the VRIL Generator once before. Don't forget the quote:

Excellent, bring the scepter.

There is only one thing in the entire story that could be called a scepter, the VRIL Generator.

Guest MurderMachineX

It couldn't have the Focusing Stone, though, because it was busy being stuck on on the Shangri-La alter (if it had even crashed by that point). It's entirely possible the Focusing Stone was only needed by Richtofen for his "master plan" to switch bodies with Samantha, but was not needed for merely opening the device.


Well the meteor hadn't crashed yet, so it's possible he received it when he got the VRIL Generator the first time. And the only way to switch bodies is to open the device, so he would need the Stone.

Guest MurderMachineX

I get the conundrum, but your sentence is a paradox. It hadn't crashed yet, yet you are saying that they gave it to him. That makes no sense.


I'm not saying that the original stone was from that meteor, they gave him the stone to him with the VRIL Generator when he first went on January 20th, 1940. Not to mention the stone isn't even the meteor, they are completely different items.

Guest MurderMachineX

The Focusing Stone is the shrunken meteor. I could link a video to the Easter Egg, but I'm pretty sure that's unnecessary.


Ugh I'm getting all sorts of confused. Ok so they didn't have the stone originally. I messed up my entire thinking. Ok, basically. The souls are used to open the pyramid. To forcefully switch bodies, you need the Stone and Generator. I think you said that before, but I'm all caught up now. So the first time he went to Shangri-La after getting teleported to the Moon, he got the Rod not the Stone. Jeez that's new to me. Sorry for my false statements, I'm not perfect


BTW I'm not sure what hexagonal plates you mean on Hangar 18, for I haven't seen them, but I think we might be talking about separate ones. I think you could possibly be referring to these: viewtopic.php?f=72&t=18186

Guest MurderMachineX

That sounds right. It's fine; people make mistakes. Don't beat yourself up.

I'm talking about the orange-lit room with an array of hexagonal plates in Hangar 18. That thread seems to refer to those.


Yeah I have to disagree on what those are... Like completely lol. Regarding his thread at least.

Guest MurderMachineX

I'm sorry, what? You disagree with me? or him? or both?


Him. He says that it's from a telescope but he can't figure out how it relates. Well it doesn't, because they are not telescope plates. They are uncharged plates using the Casimir Effect. Ed mentions the Casimir Mechanism before the fusing step, so I think the computer is the mechanism. Anyways, I might be making a thread now, but in essence:

The typical example of the Casimir Effect is of two uncharged metallic plates in a vacuum, without any external electromagnetic field (like being on the Moon ;) ). In a classical description, the lack of an external field also means that there is no field between the plates, and no force would be measured between them. When this field is instead studied using quantum electrodynamics, it is seen that the plates do affect the virtual photons which constitute the field, and generate a net force, almost always an attraction. This creates Casimir Pressure. Because Casimir force between conductors is attractive then the Casimir pressure in space between the conductors is negative. Applying this to the VRIL Generator, I'm assuming that the then negative energy inside the conductors fuses the Focusing Stone with the VRIL Generator, thus making them work.

Guest MurderMachineX

Doesn't he say "linking to Casimir Mechanism"? I had thought he just accessed it wirelessly with the computer.

Ah okay. But you know. The array of hexagonal plates in Hangar 18... well, it has a completely identical set right behind it, facing it. :P

Guest Shoreyo

1 Question, how do you know where in the world certain maps are? Der Riese and certain other maps like Five, it's obvious, but you can't be sure where on the moon the map is, or where Ascension or even Nacht Der Untoten? It's obvious which country, but not where exactly


1 Question, how do you know where in the world certain maps are? Der Riese and certain other maps like Five, it's obvious, but you can't be sure where on the moon the map is, or where Ascension or even Nacht Der Untoten? It's obvious which country, but not where exactly

Quite true.

Guest MurderMachineX

In Der Riese, you can see a series of concentrated red dots where 115 is on the Moon. Griffin Station would most likely have to be built near that.

Ascension is somewhere in the middle of Russia. The icon is a point thought, so I put it in the middle of Russia as it was the best I could do.

And for Nacht der Untoten, it depends on your view of the story. Although I haven't argued it here yet, I say the Marines crashed on the way to Verruckt. That would mean that Nacht der Untoten is west of Verruckt. Both of which are west of Der Riese and Kino.


The Marines in Nacht der Untoten aren't the ones from Verruckt I'm pretty sure.

Guest Shoreyo

Guys, quick thing, don't post agreements unless your going to expand on them, don't just put 'I agree', or quote them and put; 'too true'.

1. It looks like your trying to increase your posts for their own sake, this is seen as spamming.

2. You're unecessarily adding length to a topic of discussion, this isn't contributing to the topic, and so is also seen as spamming :D

Any complaints? Blame Carbon for the rules.

Guest Shooter

Guys, quick thing, don't post agreements unless your going to expand on them, don't just put 'I agree', or quote them and put; 'too true'.

1. It looks like your trying to increase your posts for their own sake, this is seen as spamming.

2. You're unecessarily adding length to a topic of discussion, this isn't contributing to the topic, and so is also seen as spamming :D

Any complaints? Blame Carbon for the rules.

So I've been taking a "break" from CoDz, but I just had to comment on this...

WOW Shoreyo :facepalm: Spamming? Really? These dudes are just trying to figure out the story together and you accuse them of spamming posts because they simply respond with "I agree".

Really man, you need to loosen up a bit. Just one of many reasons why I dont visit this site that much anymore is crap like this. To Tac and MurderMachine keep up the awesome work on this. I've been following this thread in particular pretty closely, and love the discussion. Keep it up guys!

MurderMachineX, my apologies for any attitude I previously had towards this thread. I can clearly see you've done loads of research for this. So again, I am sorry for that.

Hopefully it won't be too long before I start posting again, but right now I'm taking a much needed break.

Guest MurderMachineX

I simply said "Correct" because Tac seemed to think that our views contradict, but the Marines could have been from Verruckt yet not be the same ones. I realize this thread has lots of posts, but I couldn't care less really. I'm just trying to iron out the storyline, and I was just trying to introduce the idea of Nacht der Untoten's story. I meant no offense.

And thanks OstonedshooterO. I appreciate that :D

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