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Shrieker Zombie Origin & Maxis Works w/ Japanese?

Guest Tac

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I was reading Krazycookies thread about the origin of the Napalm Zombie and thought I would find something for the Shrieker Zombies. As we all know, in the later phases of World War II, Nazi Germany increasingly put its hopes on research into technologically revolutionary secret weapons, the Wunderwaffen. Some of these weapons involved used directed-energy, or sonic weaponry using parabolic reflectors to project sound waves of destructive force. Could these be our Zombies? Did they put these reflectors in the Zombie and make him scream to cause destructive force?

Next up, I read that in the latter half of World War II, the Germans investigated microwave weapons WITH the Japanese. As we know, the Ray Gun was made via blueprints retrieved from Shi No Numa, a Japanese compound. So did the Japanese and Germans make the blueprints together and then Group 935 slaughtered the Japanese unit inside the compound and took all the technology they could?

Tell me what you think!

Guest Shoreyo

seeing as SNN is in Japan (or somewhere where Japanese soldiers work) and Richtoffen stayed there as well as them shipping 115 to der riese from there we can assume they worked together. [brains]

  • 3 months later...

Sweet beans. How do you think he rid of them? Do you think they created the blueprints together and then the Japs were killed off, or do you have any other theory?


i always found it weird the way the sound waves came from there stomach, do you know why?

Guest MurderMachineX

I disagree. Richtofen has a quote where he says something like "A fire Zombie? What a strange mutation." Since Napalm Zombies are formed by a mutation presumably then, I think it could be applied to Shieker Zombies too. I think that they were just really old, preserved bodies (many, many cultures preserved special dead bodies) that just reanimated like the other bodies.

EDIT: By the way, 99% of all mutations are done accidentally. Naturally... well as natural as Zombie can be.


That is true, it just has to be one fucked up mutation then :lol:

Guest aegisknight

I always believed that Shi no Numa was a Japanese 935 facility (as in workers of 935 working in Japan, perhaps with Japanese workers but that doesn`t really matter), based on the radios


Yeah it's an old Unit 731 workplace I believe, actually I am positive

Guest aegisknight

In that case I do not see why the Japs would be «killed off», the radio leads me to believe that the researchers escaped with their work back to Der Reise after the outbreak. Imperial soldiers arrived to suppress it, and were themselves consumed.


What radio are you referring to? I don't recall a radio that is in regards to them moving their work. I mean this is an old theory, but I think that the Japs were killed by the Russians when they invaded in the 40's

Guest aegisknight

the Russians never invaded Japan.

I am referring to the radio in the spawn at the start of the game


Actually they did in August of 1944 I believe, but my year may off by one in either direction. And Nikolai was involved, there is even evidence in the campaign intel about it. Regarding the radio, I believe you are talking about the one with gunfire and stuff, which is just the audio from the Verruckt trailer, "Just the Beginning."

EDIT: I am not really allowed to say much more about the Russia thing as I am in tight bounds about what I can post, but yeah.

Guest aegisknight

why tight bounds?

and they did not, at least not historically speaking. They declared war on Japan after the first atomic bomb was dropped, and they invaded Manchuria in 1945. But they never invaded Japan proper. I don`t recall the intel you`re referencing, care to provide it?

The radio I was referencing I looked up and it does not seem to support my point.


Erm, I am actually not allowed to say, but the intel I am referring to is the Rebirth, where they say: "Japanese biological weapons research in Manchuria on the part of the Imperial Army's covert R&D group Unit 731." We know they made biological weapons in Shi No Numa, that is a fact. There are some other things, but that is the main one. AlphaSnake actually was the first to propose it a while ago, but everyone overlooked it.

Guest aegisknight

so the proposition is that Shi no Numa took place not in Japan, but China.

That is some interesting intel, where can I find it in rebirth to look into it?

Guest aegisknight

So how do you verify the sites are the same (i.e. biological experimentation by the japanese at that particular site), and how are you connecting Nikolai?


Most of it is circumstantial, but the layout is similar and in real life they referred to live specimens as "logs" because the cover was that the site was a wood factory. I ask you this, notice how many logs and wooden structures around SNN? While we can't prove that they did human experiments there, we can't prove they didn't.

As for Nikolai, no one knows how he was captured so I am just having a theory that he was taken back to Der Riese with Takeo when they invaded. I mean the Russians invaded in August, the radios with both of them are at the beginning of September. It fits to me.

Guest aegisknight

so then why are the 4 at SNN?


Because 935 has been there before so they knew it existed, so that was the best place to flee to.

Guest aegisknight

this is an interesting discussion and I would like to continue it, but I think this thread perhaps isn`t the place.


Just send me a PM and we can talk I suppose. So the general consensus is that my beliefs on the Shrieker zombies are incorrect?

Guest aegisknight

well my question would be whether the shrieker zombie is producing its affect by sound waves or air waves. If it is air, I would connect its development to the Thundergun and the real-life Vortex Cannon in the same context that Nova 6 was infused into the gas crawlers.


I believe that it is sound just since he makes a horrible sound and his name is "shrieker." Even if it is air, I believe it is unconnected to the Thundergun, I believe the Nazi's never made that.

Guest aegisknight

Thundergun itself? Perhaps not. However, the actual wunderwaffen developed by the nazis in the 30`s and 40`s did include real, working wind/vortex cannons, as well as a lethal sound cannon.

Finding good sources for some of the more obscure wunderwaffen is difficult, but here is a kind of crappy place that explains it a bit: http://corypettit.wordpress.com/categor ... -retarded/

Both of which, by the way, have been taken over and improved by both modern militaries and hobbyists. A working «thundegun» can be built today by a dedicated hobbist right at home, which would be a pretty awesome addition to a nazi zombie enthusiast`s collection of memorabelia.

I kinda want to build one now

getting back to the point, I think it would make sense for the mechanisms of the sound gun (since we`ve established it «shrieks» sound waves) would be a zombie science development in the infusion of the mechanics and destructive power of the sound gun into a zombie biological host, the same as nova 6 was infused to create the crawler zombies.

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