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Shi no numa to Der Riese?

Guest killerussian

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Guest killerussian

EDIT: I enjoy hearing about new wunderguns that you guys have come up with. Leave the name and description of your personal wunderweapon!

We all know about the Wunder-weapons. They're the piece of the map that everybody looks forward to ascertaining. Everytime a new map pack comes out (in this case, new GAME) one of the first questions on people's minds are "which gun will be in this one?"

Treyarch made the ingenius move of making the fun blasting ray gun and.keeping it in every map, its sort of become a symbol FOR the zombie mode specifically. However, even more-so genius than that was the introduction of the Wunder-Waffe. To this day i still believe that gun is the most majestic, over powered, fun filled gun to date! Since they introduced it so early in the game, they've come up with substitute wunder guns for new maps so players didnt get bored. Sometimes they did a "wunder-ful" job (thundergun, scavenger) and sometimes they didnt (ice gun, shrink ray)

Even though having an overpowered gun can sometimes make things 'not challenging', those über guns are what can make or break a map!

I believe that players thrive for the invincible feeling you get when wielding the thunder gun/wunderwaffe because those 2 guns have such immense power its ridiculous.

But i do know that some players loved the VR-11 for its tactical use.

What kinds of guns would you guys like to see included


We all know about the Wunder-weapons. They're the piece of the map that everybody looks forward to ascertaining. Everytime a new map pack comes out (in this case, new GAME) one of the first questions on people's minds are "which gun will be in this one?"

Treyarch made the ingenius move of making the fun blasting ray gun and.keeping it in every map, its sort of become a symbol FOR the zombie mode specifically. However, even more-so genius than that was the introduction of the Wunder-Waffe. To this day i still believe that gun is the most majestic, over powered, fun filled gun to date! Since they introduced it so early in the game, they've come up with substitute wunder guns for new maps so players didnt get bored. Sometimes they did a "wunder-ful" job (thundergun, scavenger) and sometimes they didnt (ice gun, shrink ray)

Even though having an overpowered gun can sometimes make things 'not challenging', those über guns are what can make or break a map!

I believe that players thrive for the invincible feeling you get when wielding the thunder gun/wunderwaffe because those 2 guns have such immense power its ridiculous.

But i do know that some players loved the VR-11 for its tactical use.

What kinds of guns would you guys like to see included

A portal gun :lol:

It would work but I don't know how, would probably be the same as a Gersch Device....but

What if...

You shoot a zombie with it, the zombie is sucked in to this minature black hole, then pulses and damages zombies around it?

Guest Kill_All_Monkeys

Brains! [brains]

And I know I've seen many people ask for this before, but me being a pyromaniac, I feel as if it should be mentioned once more.

I would love, and I mean LOVE, a flamethrower wonder weapon. I want to make those suckmonkeys burn!!!

(In case you haven't noticed, I really hate those monkeys)

Guest bad karma

I'm curious if anyone knows this, but how did the Original Characters get from Shi No Numa to Der Riese? I always thought it was by teleporter, but I'm not sure.

Guest MyLittleHellhound

I believe so....

That would explain why they all feel sick. They must have teleported somehow, whether through the 115 rock, or a teleporter that the Japanese had.

Guest 8feet

A wunderwaffe designed for Co-op usage, just like the V-R11.

I like giving mah pals some instant-kill, Ubercharge, and Zombie Repellent as long as they back me up :D

Guest xXDG-2Xx

View my name. :P I love the Wunderwaffe, and would love to see more of it. I also enjoy the Thundergun, Scavenger, and the 31-79JGB215. It's just fricken hilarious to kick zombies. :lol:

Guest SkylinexBleedsxRed

I would enjoy the freeze gun more had it worked much more better. It takes a good 2 or 3 shots just to freeze zombies at round 8 or so. And forget about round 20. It's pretty much useless. Shame too, That the potential of that weapon has. [brains]

Guest bad karma

I kinda don't think that they used a rock to do it. Maybe a teleporter conviently hidden off map somewheres.

Guest Superhands

I love a practical weapon. The Thundergun and Wave Gun are perfect examples - infinite damage, good defensive possibilities and nice ammo count, great for high round runs.

Weapons like the Winter's and Scavenger are very nice in the earlier rounds, but in later rounds they start to become a liability. Not to prefer...

The Wunderwaffe does infinite damage, but kills only 10 zombies at a time so runs out of ammo far too quickly in the high round runs. Not to prefer...

The Shrink Ray has a very tasty ammo count and can kill a full group of 24. But it's range is terrible so you sometimes miss some, and it's defensive capabilities aren't all that great mainly due to it's short range. A good gun, but probably not to prefer...

So that's my analysis. Treyarch, if you don't include a weapon with infinite and realistic high round capabilites, at least include traps. COTD is a good map, but a prime example of what to avoid in terms of high round playability, for solo at least. Also make the traps nicely accesible so it doesn't take so long, like the run to round 115 on FIVE I just finished which was done the quick way.

Guest beanbag1992

I love a practical weapon. The Thundergun and Wave Gun are perfect examples - infinite damage, good defensive possibilities and nice ammo count, great for high round runs.

Weapons like the Winter's and Scavenger are very nice in the earlier rounds, but in later rounds they start to become a liability. Not to prefer...

The Wunderwaffe does infinite damage, but kills only 10 zombies at a time so runs out of ammo far too quickly in the high round runs. Not to prefer...

The Shrink Ray has a very tasty ammo count and can kill a full group of 24. But it's range is terrible so you sometimes miss some, and it's defensive capabilities aren't all that great mainly due to it's short range. A good gun, but probably not to prefer...

So that's my analysis. Treyarch, if you don't include a weapon with infinite and realistic high round capabilites, at least include traps. COTD is a good map, but a prime example of what to avoid in terms of high round playability, for solo at least. Also make the traps nicely accesible so it doesn't take so long, like the run to round 115 on FIVE I just finished which was done the quick way.

I agree. They kind of screwed the wunderwaffes usability when they brought it over to black ops from world of war. I think they should restore it to its original 24 zombie kill if it makes a return in Black Ops II.

Guest selectyeti89

The waffe has NEVER killed 24 zombies! I dont even know how people think that. Go upgrade it right now on waw and hoard all zombies it will only kill ten.

Guest XxJason LivesxX

I agree with some of the above statements about the Shrink gun. I enjoyed the hell out of that the one time I got it from the box. I didn't play shang much really just to finish the egg, but that gun was awesome. :mrgreen::mrgreen:


JGB is amazing. The tiny zombies deal a miniscule amount of damage. Anyways, I posted this in another thread, but this is my idea:

Pulse Cannon (Upgraded: Neptune's Trident)

Effect: Found in a flooded underwater 935 base, the Pulse Cannon fires a super-pressured blast of water and does infinite damage. The Pulse Cannon has 3 shots in its clip with 6 in reserve. However, if you go outside in the water, the Pulse Cannon has infinite ammo, but its damage is greatly reduced to that of the Ray Gun, but without the explosive qualities of it.

Pack a punched it becomes the Neptune's Trident, with 5 shots in its clip and 15 in reserve. In the water, its damage is increased to that of the Scavenger.

Also think we will see the return of the JGB and Wave Gun (the JGB was on the Moon loading screen, after all)


I would like to see some sort of shotgun as wunder-weapon.

Guest killerussian

I would like to see some sort of shotgun as wunder-weapon.

Yes, I would like to see a new type of Wunder weapon with the likes of something we've never seen before. The shotgun woul be a prime example of that.

I'd REALLY like to see a brand spanking new type of gun- we've had ice, electric, wave power, 'thunder' power, shrink, and explosive.

A pulse gun sounds like a real fun time, even a portal gun, or in 'imploding' gun that sucks in zombies.

I'm just throwing around ideas. I like hearing about entirely new guns you guys have thought about, names and descriptions, etc.

Guest Kill_All_Monkeys

I also want a melee wonder weapon. Kind of like when you PaP a ballistic knife except with with more electricity, or fire!

Guest RuskieMoneyMan

Well since this game is supposed to have a riot shield, I would love to see one that when you bash emits kind of a pulse that acts like the thundergun. It can be less powerful but have unlimited ammo unless you let the zombies get to close a break it.

Guest lackingvoltage

The waffe has NEVER killed 24 zombies! I dont even know how people think that. Go upgrade it right now on waw and hoard all zombies it will only kill ten.

Yeah, 24 zombies is the maximum amount that can be on the map at once, at least in WaW, not sure about BO.

Well since this game is supposed to have a riot shield, I would love to see one that when you bash emits kind of a pulse that acts like the thundergun. It can be less powerful but have unlimited ammo unless you let the zombies get to close a break it.


Here's my idea for a wonder weapon. It's called the Aging Gun. You fire it at zombies and it releases a wave of energy, which causes the zombies to quickly grow old and wrinkly, hunch over, gradually move slower and get older, and eventually turn to dust and die. Upgraded it would do the same except backwards: it would make the zombies shrink into children, then into babies and start crawling, and eventually turn into zygotes and shrink so tiny until they virtually pop out of existence. The zombies would also become weaker both offensively and defensively as the transformation takes place for both versions of the gun, though the upgraded version would slightly magnify this to make it "better" than the normal version.

Guest xXDG-2Xx

Upgraded it would do the same except backwards: it would make the zombies shrink into children, then into babies and start crawling, and eventually turn into zygotes and shrink so tiny until they virtually pop out of existence.

Thank god they would just pop out of existence, I don't want to get chased by zombie sperm cells. :shock:


They should make a WW Assault Rifle. They havent done it yet so why not? I say make it have a 15 round mag. Each round is a zap gun round, and you get 105 rounds MAX AMMO. It would also have an undermounted grenade launcher, but the grenade launcher shoots Napalm Grenades, which leave a patch for 10 seconds. You get 3 grenades MAX AMMO.


Has 20 round mag, with 150 round capacity, a SIDE MOUNTED ray gun with 20 rounds in it, AND the undermounted napalm grenade launcher, and the patch lasts for 15 seconds. The catch is that the napalm will instantly down you, to keep from becoming to OP. You get 5 grenades MAX AMMO.

NAME: (insert ideas below)


Blade: Underworld Pap'd: Devil's Fang

Ammo:12 Slashes Ammo: 24 Slashes

Effect: Knife and a fissure opens up, then shadows lash out and pull all zombies into it then closes on them.

It would be similar to how the wave gun (you have to press <- on d-pad to pull out) then just knife regularly. Can only slash 12 times and max ammo would recharge it. Melee wonderweapon let me know if you guys like it.

Guest killerussian

They should make a WW Assault Rifle. They havent done it yet so why not? I say make it have a 15 round mag. Each round is a zap gun round, and you get 105 rounds MAX AMMO. It would also have an undermounted grenade launcher, but the grenade launcher shoots Napalm Grenades, which leave a patch for 10 seconds. You get 3 grenades MAX AMMO.


Has 20 round mag, with 150 round capacity, a SIDE MOUNTED ray gun with 20 rounds in it, AND the undermounted napalm grenade launcher, and the patch lasts for 15 seconds. The catch is that the napalm will instantly down you, to keep from becoming to OP. You get 5 grenades MAX AMMO.

NAME: (insert ideas below)

I really like that idea of having an attached Ray Gun! It would of course have to have a seperate clip that is unrelated to the main gun's ammo just like the wave gun from Moon did.

Guest killerussian

Blade: Underworld Pap'd: Devil's Fang

Ammo:12 Slashes Ammo: 24 Slashes

Effect: Knife and a fissure opens up, then shadows lash out and pull all zombies into it then closes on them.

It would be similar to how the wave gun (you have to press <- on d-pad to pull out) then just knife regularly. Can only slash 12 times and max ammo would recharge it. Melee wonderweapon let me know if you guys like it.

A melee Wunder-Weapon? That sounds rather intriguing, [brains] to you for thinking so avant-garde.


Blade: Underworld Pap'd: Devil's Fang

Ammo:12 Slashes Ammo: 24 Slashes

Effect: Knife and a fissure opens up, then shadows lash out and pull all zombies into it then closes on them.

It would be similar to how the wave gun (you have to press <- on d-pad to pull out) then just knife regularly. Can only slash 12 times and max ammo would recharge it. Melee wonderweapon let me know if you guys like it.

A melee Wunder-Weapon? That sounds rather intriguing, [brains] to you for thinking so avant-garde.

for some reason i really want a huge sword or a sledgehammer :)

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