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Shi no numa to Der Riese?

Guest killerussian

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Guest Sally'sMustang34

i personally think it would be badass if they made some sort of wunderammo for weapons that u buy off the wall instead of getting upgraded ammo it should be like incindiery ammo or armor piercing like nikolai wanted i mean if ur paying 5000 for it shouldnt u get more bang for ur buck? ;)


Blade: Underworld Pap'd: Devil's Fang

Ammo:12 Slashes Ammo: 24 Slashes

Effect: Knife and a fissure opens up, then shadows lash out and pull all zombies into it then closes on them.

It would be similar to how the wave gun (you have to press <- on d-pad to pull out) then just knife regularly. Can only slash 12 times and max ammo would recharge it. Melee wonderweapon let me know if you guys like it.

A melee Wunder-Weapon? That sounds rather intriguing, [brains] to you for thinking so avant-garde.

for some reason i really want a huge sword or a sledgehammer :)

Might be anime? I watch alot of anime so was just imagining a blade doing something like that. Glad you likes it :)


I would love to have a blade wonder weapon. Like instead of the Bowie Knife have the Eastwood Sword (Clint Eastwood reference).

Guest Kill_All_Monkeys

I want a Bastard Sword.


Akimbo magnums anyone? Instead of Mustang & Sally and instead of Calamity & Jane let us have a Eastwood & Wayne. That would be amazing.

Guest RuskieMoneyMan

The waffe has NEVER killed 24 zombies! I dont even know how people think that. Go upgrade it right now on waw and hoard all zombies it will only kill ten.

Yeah, 24 zombies is the maximum amount that can be on the map at once, at least in WaW, not sure about BO.

Well since this game is supposed to have a riot shield, I would love to see one that when you bash emits kind of a pulse that acts like the thundergun. It can be less powerful but have unlimited ammo unless you let the zombies get to close a break it.


Here's my idea for a wonder weapon. It's called the Aging Gun. You fire it at zombies and it releases a wave of energy, which causes the zombies to quickly grow old and wrinkly, hunch over, gradually move slower and get older, and eventually turn to dust and die. Upgraded it would do the same except backwards: it would make the zombies shrink into children, then into babies and start crawling, and eventually turn into zygotes and shrink so tiny until they virtually pop out of existence. The zombies would also become weaker both offensively and defensively as the transformation takes place for both versions of the gun, though the upgraded version would slightly magnify this to make it "better" than the normal version.

The leaked ingame screen shot of the game. Its shows the proper HUD and an armored riot shield with a prompt to pick it up.

Guest Kill_All_Monkeys

The waffe has NEVER killed 24 zombies! I dont even know how people think that. Go upgrade it right now on waw and hoard all zombies it will only kill ten.

Yeah, 24 zombies is the maximum amount that can be on the map at once, at least in WaW, not sure about BO.

Well since this game is supposed to have a riot shield, I would love to see one that when you bash emits kind of a pulse that acts like the thundergun. It can be less powerful but have unlimited ammo unless you let the zombies get to close a break it.


Here's my idea for a wonder weapon. It's called the Aging Gun. You fire it at zombies and it releases a wave of energy, which causes the zombies to quickly grow old and wrinkly, hunch over, gradually move slower and get older, and eventually turn to dust and die. Upgraded it would do the same except backwards: it would make the zombies shrink into children, then into babies and start crawling, and eventually turn into zygotes and shrink so tiny until they virtually pop out of existence. The zombies would also become weaker both offensively and defensively as the transformation takes place for both versions of the gun, though the upgraded version would slightly magnify this to make it "better" than the normal version.

The leaked ingame screen shot of the game. Its shows the proper HUD and an armored riot shield with a prompt to pick it up.

There's also an interview with Lamia with Gametrailers I believe (I forget who specifically) where they were showing developers working on the game and there was a brief part of the video where it zoomed in on a guy working on how the fingers were placed when holding a riot shield or shield like object.

Guest xFierce_Fighterx

I think that we should be able to use Takeo's katana, or get it out of the box. Imagine pack-a-punching that! It could be a one-slash/stab/swing kill to round 15 or 20. A wonder weapon in itself.

The pack-a-punched version would be a more powerful katana, but it could seperate into two dagger-like swords (sort of like the ballistic knives). These could be one stab kills until 35 or so, and have a quicker melee time.

Guest crazy skillz

My wunder weapon Idea would be a regular gun mixed with a wunder weapons so when you run out of wunder weapon ammo then you can switch back to the regular gun attached to it. Wunder weapon Ideas, Water shooting (pressurized Water forced onto the zombie send them flying back) or QED Wunder weapon, Plasma Rifle (Blasts a Beam of light, forcing anything in its path to be Obliterated) More Ideas coming!

Guest Tacitus

How about something like the gerch device but instead when it hits the ground it will shoot 6 flames that completely circle it in a firey circle going round clock wise and maybe a tac gren that explodes as you throw it but it just keeps going then bangs once it hits the floor.

Ah screw it. I just want a molotov.

Guest XxJason LivesxX

How about a flair gun/incidiary grenade that explodes flames on contact damaging/killing all in it's radius, but it would also leave fire on the ground like a Napalm zombie, making a kind of deployable trap...

Also what about a spear-gun that could impale multiple (10+) zombies as long as they were in a straight line. It could stick the last zombie to the wall, it could also be electrified.

Guest lackingvoltage

The leaked ingame screen shot of the game. Its shows the proper HUD and an armored riot shield with a prompt to pick it up.

I think that image was fake, I think the gun was copied from one of the MW games.

Guest MissedChip40451

They should make a weapon that shoots somekinda pulse thing and then it explodes and makes zombies fat so they run slower

Brain? :)


Wunderwaffe DG-4 ZZ.

All I'm gonna say.

Guest milkjuggernogs

Single shot, laser accurate gun with potential to kill zombies with 1 headshot. Weak body damage though, only the accurate are rewarded.

And please, I asked for it before every map pack in BO, just bring back the flamethrower. I remember amassing over 100,000 points one game while watching a window on Der Riese. Please bring it back, every window watcher loves it.

Guest AlphaSquad_45

My idea is simple a Sub-Machine gun called the "Firebird" that shoots incinery rounds when you pack-a-punch it it becomes the "Phenox" and the rounds also explode

Guest killerussian

Wunderwaffe DG-4 ZZ.

All I'm gonna say.

Ya kidding me? Thats ALL you have to say!

Single shot, laser accurate gun with potential to kill zombies with 1 headshot. Weak body damage though, only the accurate are rewarded.

And please, I asked for it before every map pack in BO, just bring back the flamethrower. I remember amassing over 100,000 points one game while watching a window on Der Riese. Please bring it back, every window watcher loves it.

The flamethrower truly was a marvel for window posts. I loved it upgraded! It was the best thing that ever happened to ammo saving!!

I like the idea of accurate being rewarded, but zombies run and dodge, jerk and dive, and players get hit and their aim gets thrown off. A zombie is getting near you and its do or die with the one wunderweapon shot and you miss the head and hit the body- zombie lives- you get downed- swear at game and vow to never pick up that gun again. I just dont think theres enough support for such a gun with that much liability :/

My idea is simple a Sub-Machine gun called the "Firebird" that shoots incinery rounds when you pack-a-punch it it becomes the "Phenox" and the rounds also explode

That sounds like some heated entertainment ;)

Guest Death_Angel

Pulse Rifle - has about same ammunition as the wunderwaffe DG-2 it would be like the thunder gun but with more of a electrifying shock wave that would disintegrate zombies and any zombie that wasn't in range but nearby the ones that were would get affected by it as if it were shot by the DG-2.

Plasma gun - has an ammunition similar to the flame thrower recharging when depleted but runs out very quick unless upgraded it will deplete slower. It will shoot out a long plasma beam (similar to what the proton weapon in the movie ghost busters) but has a limit to how far it reaches and if it were possible when a zombie is hit by it it gives them a reddish glow before disintegrating.

Fluency ray - shoots a harmless shock wave that sends zombies in a frenzie and causes the ones that got hit by the wave to start attacking each other, only downside to this weapon is its shot amount of ammo and another problem would be that if you shoot it twice at the same zombies that were hit by it they would only go after the person who shot them.

these are just some of the ideas at the top of my head right now but i'm really liking some of the ideas the rest of you guys are putting hope someone from treyach is sneaking up on this and takes some of them!


I would like to see something more reasourceful in a wonder weapon like this guns.

- The "wonder toy"

- Element custom

- shot rate custom

- shot type custom

This weapon when you first get it will be weak, but it will upgrade itself with zombie kills. Each time you kill a zombie with the gun it will give you a little exp for it, and will progress the more you use it. You would also be able to pick up items for the gun such as, broken gun parts around the map. Imagine this ppsh gun barrel, AUG sight, spaz 12 body, m4a1 butt, and a M60 mag. This gun can be pack a punched 4 times but you must reach a certain gun level first. like once you first get the gun you would have to reach level 10 exp before you could pack a punch, the second time it would be level 26 exp, third pap 56 exp and 4th pap 99 exp. And each time you would pack a punch the weapon all the parts and attachments would be lost. But if you do pack a punch it gives you,

-1st pap- duel mags and more attachments, like a rocket laucher attachment or be able to hold two mags like a sniper mag and an m60 mag

-2nd pap- akimbo

-3rd pap- customization over akimbo weapon

-4th pap- joiner, would be able to join the akimbo weapons, like the wave gun, for something special. please tell me what you guys think of this weapon. ;)

Guest xXDG-2Xx

I would like to see a machine similar to the pack a punch machine, but with a twist. I've always entertained a way to combine weapons. The machine would have 3 slots instead of 1. A left slot for the first weapon, a right slot for the second, and a large slot in the bottom which dispenses your combined weapon. Put your first weapon in the left slot (Let's say a ray gun.) Put your second weapon in the right slot (HK21 perhaps.) The machine would combine them, and out of the bottom slot would come your "Porters Hk115". It would shoot like a HK21 on double tap, but it would fire blue ray gun shots. (I just though blue would be a nice touch over red/green. :D I don't know guys, just a thought. I'll photoshop a picture of what I mean and post it tonight. :)

Guest heillingalj

I would like to see a machine similar to the pack a punch machine, but with a twist. I've always entertained a way to combine weapons. The machine would have 3 slots instead of 1. A left slot for the first weapon, a right slot for the second, and a large slot in the bottom which dispenses your combined weapon. Put your first weapon in the left slot (Let's say a ray gun.) Put your second weapon in the right slot (HK21 perhaps.) The machine would combine them, and out of the bottom slot would come your "Porters Hk115". It would shoot like a HK21 on double tap, but it would fire blue ray gun shots. (I just though blue would be a nice touch over red/green. :D I don't know guys, just a thought. I'll photoshop a picture of what I mean and post it tonight. :)

I know exactly what you mean - sorta "fuse" two guns together to make a gun that has both their characterstics combined into one. Would love this!

Oh, and by the way, I would also love the ray gun to shoot blue rays, I can imagine it looking absolutely awesome!. Or having it shooting black rays could be cool as well, just a bit bored of the green and the red.

Guest Kill_All_Monkeys

On that note, I think it would be nice for PaP bullets to be color coded in respect to the character's color.

For example: All of Nikolai's PaP bullets would be blue, since his point score was traditionally blue.

I think this would be neat in the sense that you would immediately be able to tell who is shooting at what if need be. Just thought it would be a nice feature to have.

Guest xXDG-2Xx

This is what I have come up with. It's nothing much, but it gives a general idea. It's essentually a "Modded Pack-A-Punch machine".

-It would be taller for the 2 added slots

-Colors wouldn't have to be exactly what I have, I just tried to keep the vintage look and add the modern twist. I stopped where I am because my idea well ran dry LOL.

- "Fuse two" is just a name I threw on it. Corny I know, but the idea is there.


Guest Jmasta7

Somebody said something about a melee weapon as a wonder weapon, I really liked that idea. Immediately made me think of the gravity hammer from Halo Reach, something like that would be so cool. Obviously splash damage would play a role, but a high powered melee weapon like that would be sweet, up close and personal you know?

Guest killerussian

I would like to see a machine similar to the pack a punch machine, but with a twist. I've always entertained a way to combine weapons. The machine would have 3 slots instead of 1. A left slot for the first weapon, a right slot for the second, and a large slot in the bottom which dispenses your combined weapon. Put your first weapon in the left slot (Let's say a ray gun.) Put your second weapon in the right slot (HK21 perhaps.) The machine would combine them, and out of the bottom slot would come your "Porters Hk115". It would shoot like a HK21 on double tap, but it would fire blue ray gun shots. (I just though blue would be a nice touch over red/green. :D I don't know guys, just a thought. I'll photoshop a picture of what I mean and post it tonight. :)

Combining guns could generate 100's of new guns!! I've always thought that's be a pretty sweet idea. It'd be Treyarchs way of introducing COMPLETELY new guns without having to be historically accurate ;)

But there'd be a way to simply upgrade guns too, correct? Because I assume that when you combine some guns, their product may not be awesome. Like if you wanted to go upgrade/combine because your Wunderwaffe is out of ammo and your other gun is a pistol, by fusing those two guns the new product might not be as strong as say the Wunderwaffe because the pistol dumbed it down. Just like any upgraded gun, some fusions may not necessarily be as 'adequate' as others. But I really like this. WUNDERWAFFE + Ray gun FTW

I would like to see something more reasourceful in a wonder weapon like this guns.

- The "wonder toy"

- Element custom

- shot rate custom

- shot type custom

This weapon when you first get it will be weak, but it will upgrade itself with zombie kills. Each time you kill a zombie with the gun it will give you a little exp for it, and will progress the more you use it. You would also be able to pick up items for the gun such as, broken gun parts around the map.

And each time you would pack a punch the weapon all the parts and attachments would be lost. But if you do pack a punch it gives you,

-1st pap- duel mags and more attachments, like a rocket laucher attachment or be able to hold two mags like a sniper mag and an m60 mag

-2nd pap- akimbo

-3rd pap- customization over akimbo weapon

-4th pap- joiner, would be able to join the akimbo weapons, like the wave gun, for something special. please tell me what you guys think of this weapon. ;)

Multiple upgrading has always been a concern shared by me and other members of the community. When it'd be nice to create such strong weapons, and be able to go and replenish the ammo of a gun by upgrading it again- think of the repercussions:

-If guns could get even stronger than they are now, that means to balance it out the Zombies would have to be even STRONGER, and the rate they'd get stronger would be a lot faster than it is now.

-Players that aren't too good at zombies would have a really hard time getting enough points to buy these stronger guns, by round 20 it'd be impossible for them to stay alive without a Wunderweapon or level 2-3 upgraded gun. It'd be unfair for them, Treyarch wouldn't try to play with Darwinism when it came to zombie mode and attracting a bigger crowd, etc. I just like it to be equal for everyone no matter their skill level, bigger and better guns shouldn't just be given to the bugger and better players.

Sorry if this seemed like I was smashing your idea down, it's swell and all, maybe they could include it in one map to give it a 'test drive' =]

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