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Shi no numa to Der Riese?

Guest killerussian

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Guest xXDG-2Xx

Oh yes, their would definitely be a way to upgrade just one gun the traditional way. This would be a completely different machine somewhere across the map.

The machine would make every gun have two different fusions. Going back to my Hk/Ray gun theory. "Put your first weapon in the left slot (Let's say a ray gun.) Put your second weapon in the right slot (HK21 perhaps.) The machine would combine them, and out of the bottom slot would come your "Porters Hk115". Lets say that the weapon you put in the left slot provided the ammo type, and the right slot provided the body/fire rate. If you switched slots, you would get a ray gun that shot Hk21 bullets. If you learned which slot did what you could make some crazy gadgets, and then you would have that 50% chance where you get a bad combo. (Lets say a M1911 ammo firing commando). I think this machine would fuse for 10,000 points.

Guest killerussian

On that note, I think it would be nice for PaP bullets to be color coded in respect to the character's color.

For example: All of Nikolai's PaP bullets would be blue, since his point score was traditionally blue.

I think this would be neat in the sense that you would immediately be able to tell who is shooting at what if need be. Just thought it would be a nice feature to have.

Sweet idea! All those colors flying around the map ;)

Somebody said something about a melee weapon as a wonder weapon, I really liked that idea. Immediately made me think of the gravity hammer from Halo Reach, something like that would be so cool. Obviously splash damage would play a role, but a high powered melee weapon like that would be sweet, up close and personal you know?



I would like to see something more reasourceful in a wonder weapon like this guns.

- The "wonder toy"

- Element custom

- shot rate custom

- shot type custom

This weapon when you first get it will be weak, but it will upgrade itself with zombie kills. Each time you kill a zombie with the gun it will give you a little exp for it, and will progress the more you use it. You would also be able to pick up items for the gun such as, broken gun parts around the map.

And each time you would pack a punch the weapon all the parts and attachments would be lost. But if you do pack a punch it gives you,

-1st pap- duel mags and more attachments, like a rocket laucher attachment or be able to hold two mags like a sniper mag and an m60 mag

-2nd pap- akimbo

-3rd pap- customization over akimbo weapon

-4th pap- joiner, would be able to join the akimbo weapons, like the wave gun, for something special. please tell me what you guys think of this weapon. ;)

Multiple upgrading has always been a concern shared by me and other members of the community. When it'd be nice to create such strong weapons, and be able to go and replenish the ammo of a gun by upgrading it again- think of the repercussions:

-If guns could get even stronger than they are now, that means to balance it out the Zombies would have to be even STRONGER, and the rate they'd get stronger would be a lot faster than it is now.

-Players that aren't too good at zombies would have a really hard time getting enough points to buy these stronger guns, by round 20 it'd be impossible for them to stay alive without a Wunderweapon or level 2-3 upgraded gun. It'd be unfair for them, Treyarch wouldn't try to play with Darwinism when it came to zombie mode and attracting a bigger crowd, etc. I just like it to be equal for everyone no matter their skill level, bigger and better guns shouldn't just be given to the bugger and better players.

Sorry if this seemed like I was smashing your idea down, it's swell and all, maybe they could include it in one map to give it a 'test drive' =]

Don't look at it from BO zombies perspective because BO zombies are very overpowered. By the time you get to round 35 on most maps if you don't have, for example, the wave gun (moon) there is no traps and the raygun is gonna go empty very quickly, your other guns are basically just point guns, and there is exponentially more zombies. The whole you even playing there becomes just an annoyance for whoever does have the wave gun, and they get stuck doing all the work really. That's only round 35. Now imagine when you end up spending 10-12 hours just trying to make it to round 50. It becomes a chore because there is only 1 player doing all the work. Except on maps like call of the dead, which requires the teamwork strategy of vr-11, or any map with traps. Shangri-La, Moon, and (lets face it, we know its coming) future maps, we already know there's gonna be scenarios like this.

Also to the zombies being noob friendly aspect, zombies is already not noob friendly. I believe the best way to counter this is to have the spectator function in zombies where they can come in and watch skilled players and actually learn from them. Because (and it pains me to say this) it seems like some people just refuse to go watch one of the many thousand instructional, noob friendly, zombies videos on youtube. I can almost guarantee if they did, I wouldn't feel the need to slam my head in the wall when trying to find people who have at least been to round 20 on five. Long story short, its impossible. Noob friendly isn't call of duty's style, it's survival of the fittest.


I want a MG42 that shoots baby heads


Guest killerussian

I want a MG42 that shoots baby heads


I just want the MG-42. That's it. It was beautiful to look at, and really made you feel powerful while shooting.


Odds are the zombies are going to be just as powered if not more, and I'm okay with that because of people can't keep up with surviving, that'll eventually either:

A) force all the noobs to adapt or die (finally)

B) discourage bad players who are unwilling to work as a team from playing and leve only the good team working players

I just can't get over this whole 4v4 thing. Because no one knows exactly what that entails, it could be 2 teams of 4 on 2 seperate parts of the map inaccessible to each other, or you're somehow actually vursing (new word, deal with it) one another which sounds completely ridiculous.

Guest Death_Angel

i read a few people somewhere here about meele wonder weapons i am really liking this idea, its a bit hard to just try to imagine how this will play on call of duty zombies since its already nearly impossible to meele zombies without having an insta-kill power up.... we should have some meele wonder weapons like perhaps these few that i just came up with...

Wunder-Schwert : A japanese katana crafted using element 115 stone by masters of swordsmiths in fuedal japan just before the germans over took control of areas with element 115 meteors. Sword when strikes creates a big slash of element 115 electrifying anything in its path and when it is pack-a-punched has a wider range in its strike.

Donner Vorschlaghammer : A mighty sledgehammer build from a very concentrated and extremely dense element 115 meteorite. Has a primary meele which you swing and create a gore fest of zombie guts. Secondary meele attack in which you strike at the earth creating a quake knocking down zombies and those nearer to the quake are affected by the magnificent vibration and explode from the extreme high frequency the quake causes. Pack-a-punchig this weapon will only increase damage and range.

Panzerhandschuh-115PT (115 prototype) : Untested gauntlet with devastating power in which those hit by it disintegrate along with those nearby, in not careful its user can receive damage. Pack-a-punching this meele weapon is not recommended as it is still in its protoype stages and is still not tested in various fields in its normal state.


I did post a melee wonder weapon idea on the first page of this thread and thought it was ok. You would switch to it from your regular melee weapon by pressing a button on the d-pad similar to how you switch to the wave gun. Then when you slash instead of your regular knife, it would activate. It would have a limited number of slashes (say 12) and when pap'd double the amount of times you can slash. It would of course be refilled by max ammo.


That whole 4 v 4 thing idk. I was thinking it would have been 8 players on a team but if they end up doing some L4D/Operation raccoon city, type crap where you turn into a zombie then screw that. Unless they make me like George Romero where I can get pissed off and rush at people then I'm just gonna stay clear of that whole mess.


Name: Sams decapitator

What is it?: it fires disks that boomerang around the area and take of the heads of a the 24 zombies (max on map at time or 48 for BO2)

PaP'd name: SD3

what it does PaP'd: 1 in 4 disks return to gun, and can be changed to a 'distraction' , fired up and flys around room making zombies chase it then about 10 seconds in decapitates all zombies heads

Ammon: sams decapitator: 12 plus 2 in use then PaP'd 24 plus 4 in use

how it was made: sams first invention to orignally take off rictofens arms and legs and other limbs however when placed in rictofens body she uses it as a weapon to kill zombies, and adds PaP'd schemanatics then makes it.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest HawkEyeNds

I had two ideas, one is a gun, and one is an equipment.

The Gun:

(Only available through the random weapon box)

Incinerator: Looks like a type 99 with a futuristic ammo counter at the side (using lights) Uses incredible heated micro-wave technology to fire an invisibe super-heated wave, that instantly vaporises any zombie in it's path. 3/9 ammo. Fires in a straight line, 2 metres wide and 6 metres long.

Decimator (PAP Incinerator): This time, the radius of the wave, is 2.5 metres wide, and 10 metres long. Also holds extra rounds. 5/15 ammo. With a thunder-gun like attatchment, that can shoot 3 rounds which pushes back the zombies, but can't kill them.

The Equipment:

(2500 points for 1 knife)

D3S0L8RS: Throwing Knives, that when thrown at at a zombie, if the knife hits and enters the body, the zombie is sucked into a small eerie-green dimension which leaves a random power up behind, after a second, a similar coloured pulse is sent out that instantly kills any zombies, within a small radius. If the knife misses and hits the ground, then it will just vaporise itself. If you throw the knife at a perk machine, it will turn the colour of the perk machine, and fly back into your inventory. With this 'perk' knife. If you throw it at a player, the knife will vaporise, but the player will gain that perk.

Guest Superhands

Akimbo magnums anyone? Instead of Mustang & Sally and instead of Calamity & Jane let us have a Eastwood & Wayne. That would be amazing.

You take away my Mustang & Sally, I'll kick off :evil:

Guest killerussian

D3S0L8RS: Throwing Knives, that when thrown at at a zombie, if the knife hits and enters the body, the zombie is sucked into a small eerie-green dimension which leaves a random power up behind, after a second, a similar coloured pulse is sent out that instantly kills any zombies, within a small radius. If the knife misses and hits the ground, then it will just vaporise itself. If you throw the knife at a perk machine, it will turn the colour of the perk machine, and fly back into your inventory. With this 'perk' knife. If you throw it at a player, the knife will vaporise, but the player will gain that perk.

You have good ideas but I'd like to expand on the knife idea.

How many knives would you get?

Would they replenish every round like claymores and grenades or only by attaining max ammo?

This sounds like fun but I don't think it'd be feasible to have many knives because of all the free perks players would get, ya know?

Guest Illuminatti115

All I can say is I would enjoy my AC Gun. That's all, I don't want anybody copying my ZWW project.

Guest Reilu-Pena

I would love this weapon:


Works with gas mixed with 115 element

Fuel tank: 100ml (Pap 200ml), can be loaded 2 times (PaP'd 2 times also). 100ml of gas run outs in 50 seconds.

Kills zombie in 2 second for first 10 rounds, 3 seconds for next 5 levels etc.

Pap would cut killing time with 1 second.

Or something like that :D

And next weapon would be Noobtube (or chinalake) and when upgraded it would shot napalm grenades what would last for 10 seconds. It would be like shootable trap :D

Guest Sneaky

Man i would love a rusty katana, picture this its stronger and faster then the knife an

awesome sound effect when you slash and can 1 hit up to 15 maybe even 20 upgrade it, It

turns into the Honjo Masamune, Masamune is a famous swordsmith his blades are renowned

for there beauty and quality maybe it could be infused with lighting and have a

Electricity sound effect, kill up to 25 and doesnt attract zombies, Might kill two

zombies at once lets say if there in a group melee weapon might actually be a viable

choice for high round zombies then im just brainstorming lol sorry for spacing just figured it would be easier to read

Guest Shockr 115

I want the flamethrower back, or at least a wonderweapon relating to fire somehow.

Anyone see Prometheus? One of the chics used a flamethrower-like weapon, so I want something like that


My dream wonder weapon would be something that combines the ray gun, wave gun, and thundergun. I want it to have similar aesthetics as the Ray Gun, have the ability to split into two weapons like the Wave Gun, and shoot air like the Thundergun. I think that that would be so cool to shoot little blasts of air from dual weilding handgun-like weapons.

Guest Pascal

I want a weapon that's kinda like the upgraded crossbow / VR11, but different.

It shoots something colorful, something that Sam would like to see (like the monkey bomb). I'm not sure what it would be, though. Instead of having to wait for it to hit the ground, zombies near it start chasing it when it flies through the air. When it hits the ground, the zombies realise it's not what they're looking for. Then they stand still and look around for a second to locate their next victim (the player that's the nearest to them).

It seems like the projectile disappeared, but it didn't. After a few seconds it explodes. The explosion creates crawlers if the the projectile got stuck in the ground. If it got stuck in a wall or a zombie, it might kill a few zombies or rip off some limbs. By the time the explosion happens a few zombies have already started chasing the players again and if they're far enough away from the explosion, there's no impact on them. So you'll create crawlers but only a few if you're lucky.

The upgraded version, ofcourse, attracts more zombies and makes a bigger explosion, but it takes longer for the projectiles to explode. Any downed players that get hit with the projectile or the explosion instantly get revived (Krauss Defibrillator style), but there's a risk of getting downed again pretty quickly because the Zombies chase the projectile when it flies through the air.

I think this could turn out to be a realistic wonder weapon. It takes time to figure out the right time to use it, since it can cause trouble for other players or maybe even the user since it makes some crawlers that can get in the way and the zombies start going after players before the explosion happens.

Guest redflame115

I want a weapon that's kinda like the upgraded crossbow / VR11, but different.

It shoots something colorful, something that Sam would like to see (like the monkey bomb). I'm not sure what it would be, though. Instead of having to wait for it to hit the ground, zombies near it start chasing it when it flies through the air. When it hits the ground, the zombies realise it's not what they're looking for. Then they stand still and look around for a second to locate their next victim (the player that's the nearest to them).

It seems like the projectile disappeared, but it didn't. After a few seconds it explodes. The explosion creates crawlers if the the projectile got stuck in the ground. If it got stuck in a wall or a zombie, it might kill a few zombies or rip off some limbs. By the time the explosion happens a few zombies have already started chasing the players again and if they're far enough away from the explosion, there's no impact on them. So you'll create crawlers but only a few if you're lucky.

The upgraded version, ofcourse, attracts more zombies and makes a bigger explosion, but it takes longer for the projectiles to explode. Any downed players that get hit with the projectile or the explosion instantly get revived (Krauss Defibrillator style), but there's a risk of getting downed again pretty quickly because the Zombies chase the projectile when it flies through the air.

I think this could turn out to be a realistic wonder weapon. It takes time to figure out the right time to use it, since it can cause trouble for other players or maybe even the user since it makes some crawlers that can get in the way and the zombies start going after players before the explosion happens.

I like that idea. I thought the VR11 was a very underrated wonder weapon. Every time I play COTD I try to get it. Its because i guess I like assuming the role of a "helper/medic" kind of person. The gun your describing kinda sounds like a buffed VR11 not many people know but the VR11 makes a mini explosion that kills zombies you have to shoot a human twice I think.

Guest MauriceM

How about a gun that turn the zombies against them selves or turn the back human

Guest Illuminatti115

How about a gun that turn the zombies against them selves or turn the back human

The last part is VR-11, but the first part is a good idea. Despite that it's my idea first, can't wait for it to come out.

Guest Edward Richtofen

I would like to see a legitimate Death Ray that shoots an orange/red continuous beam with a large width and instantly vaporizes all zombies in front of you up to 15/20 meters away.

The death animation would be the zombies stop and you can see x-ray flashes showing their bones, then they disintegrate. Zombies in front of you but out of range would also be stopped and injured but wouldn't die and they would recover in a second or two.

Upgrading would give you a larger clip and ammo capacity as well as extend the range slightly.

Since we already have the ray gun. The death ray could look like akimbo ray guns when pulled from the box, with the ability to combine them into the death ray, like the wave gun.

I would also like the ability to have two different wunder weapons at once on the map. Like each map would now have two super weapons instead of one. If not this then at least more co-op wonder weapons like the VR-11 introduced. It certainly makes high round strategy more interesting.

Just my two cents :idea:

Guest Pascal

I like that idea. I thought the VR11 was a very underrated wonder weapon. Every time I play COTD I try to get it. Its because i guess I like assuming the role of a "helper/medic" kind of person. The gun your describing kinda sounds like a buffed VR11 not many people know but the VR11 makes a mini explosion that kills zombies you have to shoot a human twice I think.

I like the VR11 but I don't use it because it's not the most useful weapon to have on Call of the Dead, especially when you're playing with someone who doesn't go down a lot. The VR11 on Call of the Dead, in my opinion, is kinda like the Matryoshka dolls on Ascension. I'd rather have something else - like Gersch Devices instead of the dolls and a Ray Gun/Scavenger/RPK instead of the VR11. The only reason I know you could make explosions with the VR11 is because there's a trophy for it on the PS3.

Guest redflame115

I like that idea. I thought the VR11 was a very underrated wonder weapon. Every time I play COTD I try to get it. Its because i guess I like assuming the role of a "helper/medic" kind of person. The gun your describing kinda sounds like a buffed VR11 not many people know but the VR11 makes a mini explosion that kills zombies you have to shoot a human twice I think.

I like the VR11 but I don't use it because it's not the most useful weapon to have on Call of the Dead, especially when you're playing with someone who doesn't go down a lot. The VR11 on Call of the Dead, in my opinion, is kinda like the Matryoshka dolls on Ascension. I'd rather have something else - like Gersch Devices instead of the dolls and a Ray Gun/Scavenger/RPK instead of the VR11. The only reason I know you could make explosions with the VR11 is because there's a trophy for it on the PS3.

It's just personal preference. I like the VR-11 but I know that it isn't the best weapon on Call of the Dead. I just think its really fun to use. I also like it because it's different from all the other zombie weapons. Instead of actually hurting the zombies it alters them instead just like the 31-79Jgb215.

Guest oBearz

i would love to see another sniper wonder weapon.

Name: The Uproar

Effect: Burns zombies to a crisp

PAP: Gun of Apollo

Effect: can revive team mate, increased ammo and damage per second

this gun would be a little bit like the scavenger, when you shoot it it shoots a bullet covered with fire when it hits a zombie it it explodes like the scavenger, but instead of the regular scavenger pulse this one is of fire spreading everywhere and lighting the zombies on fire

i would also like the V-R11 and the Winter's Howl to be back. the winter's howl isnt such a good weapon but if you look at it it kind of looks like it is incomplete, so probably it is going to get an upgrade in black ops 2 [brains]

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