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Shi no numa to Der Riese?

Guest killerussian

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thanks GOTDABOOM, you are my new best friend. :D any input on changes to my idea would be appreciated, because i put a great deal of thought into this and don't want my idea to perish in flames :lol:


Wunder Weapon:(Head Popper)Appearance:Circular like the thunder gun but a little bit thicker than the wave gun also has 2 handles like the wave gun.The blast is like the same as the thunder gun but dosent have the thunder gun effect it just passes over them. Effect:Pops the head of the zombies within blast range as they grab their head and scream as their head explodes their body then limplesly drops to the ground.Ammo:Has 2 rounds in the mag and 10 reserve.Range:A little wider as the Thunder Gun with a little more length. PaP:More range.Ammo:3 a mag 15 in the reserve. Name Element 115 Punisher.


thanks GOTDABOOM, you are my new best friend. :D any input on changes to my idea would be appreciated, because i put a great deal of thought into this and don't want my idea to perish in flames :lol:

Well then the only change would be the PaP name and PaP Ammo all wunder weapon ammo double when PaP try,When pack a punched 2 a mag nd 20 reserve otherwise all deadly.Any review on mine

Guest killerussian

after WWII, the united states finally seized the much sought-after die glocke projects. after nearly a century of research and experiments, US military scientists created the perfect formula and perfected their new wonder weapon, following in the footsteps of group 935. thus, the U.S.M.C. BEAM CANNON was born.

imagine a deep electronic whine, menacingly getting higher and higher, until a massive beam erupts from the barrel of your gun, annihilating every victim in your path- living, dead, or undead.

this weapon is going to be long and tubelike in appearance, thicker than a wave gun but thinner than a stinger. it is held like an assault rifle, and has a single shot mag. it comes with 9 reserve "magazines" and has a medium reload time.

while firing the beam cannon, you cannot rotate or look around nearly as fast as you normally can. it also pushes you back quite a bit. for example, it lowers your look sensitivity to 1 regardless of your current settings. this is to balance out the weapon, as it is pretty OP in its rawest form. not only that, but once you pull the trigger, it takes approx. 2 seconds before the beam is actually fired. this makes it a powerful and effective weapon, but not overpowered because it must be reloaded frequently, takes a moment to use even if it is already equipped, and restricts mobility.

the beam itself is blue and continuous, and deals infinite damage. it has no splash damage, and kills any zombie it touches. the continuous beam lasts for about 3 seconds. so, in theory, your 48 zombies could be coming at you (bro) and you could point it at the far right of the horde. then, when you fire, sweep to the left and take them all down! it has infinite penetration through zombies but zero penetration through walls and obstacles.

when the poor suckers are hit by it, they snap, crackle, and pop their way to hell as they thud to the ground with charred bodies and sparks flying off of them.

upgraded it gets more ammo, (15 reserve) but retains its one round magazine. the time between you firing and the beam appearing is reduced to one second. the beam still lasts three seconds though. its name is simply the BEAM CANNON v.2

sorry for the long post. any ideas? comments?

I haven't looked at this thread in a while, so I'm just seeing this now!

I like it. It is overpowered, but restrictive. It's sort of like the anti-hero of the Wunderwaffe even when looking at it's manufacturer origins!

And unlike the Wunderwaffe, skill would actually be required in order to use the gun properly and effectively!


@gotdaboom I love the idea of a heart stopper because a lot of wonder weapons are elemental. We have electricity and thunder, and with the vr-11 life. This is the spiritual counterpart to that I suppose. Only one small problem though. Although the same could go for shooting a zombie, if someone you know died of a massive heart attack you would be reminded of how painful it was with every shot... TIMES 48! But really I think it is excellent and completely original, which goes a lOng way on this forum if you ask me!



@gotdaboom I love the idea of a heart stopper because a lot of wonder weapons are elemental. We have electricity and thunder, and with the vr-11 life. This is the spiritual counterpart to that I suppose. Only one small problem though. Although the same could go for shooting a zombie, if someone you know died of a massive heart attack you would be reminded of how painful it was with every shot... TIMES 48! But really I think it is excellent and completely original, which goes a lOng way on this forum if you ask me!


Thanks might change it to he popper tho the explains itself

It would be cool if there was a gun that was a mix between gotdaboom idea and a wave gun where zombies get lifted up and their souls leak out of their eyes and mouths and float away. It would be an even better elemental representation of death , the opposite of the vr-11 which symbolizes life.

Guest NekroZombie

Hmmm. How about a new crossbow wonder weapon? Shooting 2 at a time connected by a length of cable with exploding tips. Could catch a group of 10 deadheads and blow em away. I think it would be very effective in those situations that you have decided to play on line and the other team mates are less than competent. Call it the Wonder Draht ( Wonder Wire) DOH-10 maybe? DOH meaning Dregs of Humanity (a group of people in society who you consider to be immoral and of no value) and 10 meaning it can group 10 at a time. It would look much like a regular cross bow except with 2 rails with the cable being exposed in the middle. Ammo 2(the connected arrows only count as 1) and can be re collected. Instant kills up to round 10, makes crawlers until round 20, and will only wound after round 20 but it will still hold the zombies in one place until it explodes. Reload time 4 seconds. PaP it and it will now hold 3 rounds and only take 2 seconds to reload.

To even out the power I have thought of some parameters. It will only catch 10 zombies if there are 10 in a close enough group about 5 inches apart.

If there are 10 but only 5 of them are within in 5 inches of each other it will only catch those 5. The accuracy plays another part yo must have it aimed at the waist line. Aiming above or below the waist line will only stop the zombies for a couple seconds but it will not explode. The detonation time will be the same as an exploding crossbow.


You could have a whip or some crazy shit like that. you get 10 lashes that are charged with die glocke energy and it opens a rift like a gersch device except less powerful and it is used like a normal melee weapon after it runs out of charges. It does less damage than a Bowie knife when empty, but can lash at multiple zombies per blow. When full it does infinite damage to the zombies it directly contacts and the zombies directly next to the rift. The others are pulled in like a gersch except more slowly and they aren't killed, they are only bound to i, perhaps by strands of darkness... It could be like the vr-11 in that it allows you to calmly revive teammates or make a quick escape. It could be called Something like the WHIP OF LOST SOULS.

Upgraded it gets 15 charged lashes which kill more zombies than before and binds the survivors for longer. When empty it now does as much damage as a Bowie knife except that it can affect several zombies per lash. It's upgraded name is the... Uh... Any ideas? *awkward* anyway, the upgraded version's strands of darkness are longer and therefore can bind more zombies, or the same amount but more spread out. Comments, or thoughts?


Edit: every wunderwaffe has a basis in reality. Although zombies aren't real ( I hope (or maybe not)) the dg2 sends an electric current through ionized air. The QED uses quantum entanglement obviously. This idea uses gersch technology of the next generation. Gotdaboom's head popper might use like one thousand gigahertz used at 2000 decibels used in a directed stream. Anyway, what I'm saying is that you can't just say " I invented the super duper 115 machine! It makes you automatically win the game and it works by magic! In fact dumbledore himself built it! At least make it a reasonable, practical, and somewhat realistic idea. And by the way, I love your idea gotdaboom!


Guest killerussian

A whip idea sounds awesome! I automatically think of a character from Mass Effect 3, or the villain from Iron Man 2 :P

This may be somewhat counterproductive to say, but you know what'd be just the best? If in this new map (if it is just a single map) they included ALL of the Wunder Weapons created thus far --plus whatever new ones they are releasing--. By that I obviously mean that all of the Wunderweapons are in the mystery box.

I don't whether or not it'd be a good idea to allow all the players to have a wunderweapon, but if there were 8 players all running around with a different wunderweapon, just think of all the havoc that could be had. (may sound a little orange box-y)

"The Medic" would be running around with the Vrill assisting teammates by blasting them with the gun.

"The Sniper" would have the Scavenger obliterating zombies from a distance

"The Cannon" would be the last resort with the Zeus Cannon swooping in and rescuing squads at a time if cornered

"The Soldier" would be the spearhead leading the team with the WunderWaffe to safety. He'd be the rallying call where the epicenter of the battle is

"The Support" could possibly be played by the person using the Winters Howl that'd help slow those zombies down some so the fire squad could come in and 'cool them down' a little bit. :P Maybe even the Shrink Ray would be used here?

"The Combatant" would be the character wielding the Wave Gun. He'd be the most flexible seeing as how he'd have a gun with duel purposes that allow for group demolition and then whip out the two zap pistols to adapt to whatever change in environment has occured.


My newest idea is going to be a pistol like the ray gun winters howl and zap gun. I call it THE WRATH OF HADES. It is red and black and has lava visibly flowing through it. It is covered in spiky protrusions. Apart from that, it is shaped a lot like a ray gun. When you pull the trigger, you unleash a massive blast of crimson flame. It is a one hit kill until round 20 and leaves a burn effect. This makes it so that any zombie who survives the blast takes 100 Damage per second.

The gun has a five round magazine and 15 in reserve. It is reloaded through the barrel like a ray gun. The shots are loads individually like a shotgun, so the reload is longer. So what I've effectively created is a portable incendiary shotgun from hell.

Upgraded it's name becomes the HELLFIRE, and it's one hit kill capabilities are extended infinitely. It now has a 10 round magazine and 20 reserve shots. It is now red on the top, blue on the bottom, and has a black handle. The red part still has visible lava flowing through it, and the blue has water flowing through it.

It starts as the HELLFIRE, but by pressing an icon on the dpad you twist the grip + trigger around and slide it towards you, up and onto the top of the gun. You flip the entire gun upside-down and now the blue is on top. This transformation creates the WRATH OF POSEIODON. It fires a massive burst of water out, with the force of a thousand monsoons. It deals the same amount of damage as an unupgraded wrath of hades and has more ammo: 15 per mag, thirty reserve.

Edit: just to specify, each blast from both upgraded forms can envelop an entire swarm of 48 zombies, while unupgraded it has the same range and dispersal of a normal shotgun. There is no residual effect from the water.

What do you guys think?



I've been taking this thread by storm lately and now that I'm on a roll I will not stop! I have 2 tactical grenade ideas for zombies. Here they are!

CATACLYSM ROD: received from the box. you get 2. you pull out what looks like a long thick glow stick and press in a button on the base of it. It is cylindrical in shape. When you press the button it glows green and shakes for a moment. Then you snap it in half and from the crack ( located in the middle, facing up) a massive green beam shoots straight up. It hits the ceiling and you then see that it is made up of about 50 different lasers. They bounce in every direction, flickering and fading once they've bounced 5 times each. This will be a good room clearing tactical grenade. If you use it outside it will go up a certain height and then fall down like rain, scattering when it hits the ground.

PANDORA'S BOX: you get it from the box and it looks like a plain metal box. You twist the top and then pull it off and toss it on the ground. a purple smoke issues out of it, until it seemingly disperses. The horde of zombies stand still, looking at their own bodies as if to see if it did anything. After about 2 seconds, each individual zombie explodes into a massive firework display! I'm talking freaking weasley's wildfire whizzbangs type fireworks! The fireworks last for 10 seconds. The device itself takes about ten seconds to deploy though. As an added bonus, the zombies aren't considered dead until the fireworks go out, so it buys you about 15 seconds of time. It is basically a nuke, but you only get one and it isn't replenished by mak ammo. You keep the box until you replace it, and it recharges the "purple haze" over the course of 5 rounds. Though it seems OP, you will be so paranoid about using it that it will even out. Even though you could use it once every five rounds, you are going to save it for a totally catastrophic emergency, discouraging its use.

FUN FACT I thought both of these up in a dream. No joke! Even the names!

What do you guys think?



I found out one of the new wonder guns. Remember the reporter saying about the TG. The TG is not the thunder gun. It is the Telsa Gun aka something similar to the DG-2. This is confirmed true and not fake.


I found out one of the new wonder guns. Remember the reporter saying about the TG. The TG is not the thunder gun. It is the Telsa Gun aka something similar to the DG-2. This is confirmed true and not fake.

Ok if it is confirmed true then show us the confirmation. Provide a link don't just claim it to be true and have us take your word.

Guest Soul Reaper Marv

As you wish.

But how is this 'confirming' anything?


As you wish.

Opening quote: "This is not official stuff, this is more of a rumor-type video."

Not confirmed. I do think that the Tesla Gun will be in it, but it is not confirmed by this video.


Sorry it's just a rumor said that if the guy who plays woods voice subscribe to you. Then that information will be on BO2.

Guest That Guy You Know

I'd like to see a Wunder-Weapon that could be purchased from the wall; albeit it would be at a much higher price than your M16 or your AK74u. What about something similar to the Bowie Knife or Sickle? A Wunder-Melee-Weapon that could be bought off the wall with less 'Wunder' and with the capability to be upgraded into something much more menacing?

What about a gargantuan hammer? It would be called 'Tank's Truncheon' after our good friend Dempsey in it's un-upgraded version. This standard version would have the same damage of a Sickle and a Bowie Knife, giving it a one knife kill up to roughly round 9. Now here's the fun part - upgraded, it's 'Thor's Hammer' and is essentially the same hammer, with a deadly electrical current running through it. Visually this would probably resemble the electrics you can see on the DG-2. However, the hammer would have a twist to it; instead of looking like your average everyday hammer, it would have two heads, and your character grips it in the middle of the handle. By pressing a certain direction on the D-Pad, your character seamlessly flips the hammer to use the other end on zombies. One end (the non-electrified end) would have a completely different use - it would stun zombies. Imagine not having to waste a Monkey Bomb or grenades, eliminating the need for crawlers, speeding up round times and effectively increasing the number of rounds you could get to? The stunning end of the hammer, when used, smacks the zombie hard in the abdomen, and they fall into a stunned stance, simply falling on the floor in their current position.

The reason they would have to adopt a new stance is to avoid ambiguity - if the zombies stood still, some players with poor connections could mistake them for lag or vice-versa. The stun effect lasts 10 seconds, which would be a massive help in giving breathing room for players. Also as it would take up the melee spot, Mule Kick would not even be a necessity. The beauty of this weapon as that the mechanism for not making it too OP is that:

1) If you use the lethal end and attempt to run around the map, zombies, as per Treyarch's engine, will spawn ahead of you, which is why the hammer must be used sparingly and wisely

2) The same applies for the stun effect, it would be easy to get trapped if you turned the hammer onto 'Kill' and were surrounded quickly.

But anyhow, sidetracking slightly. Here's what it would be:

Name: Tank's Truncheon

Damage: =Bowie Knife/Sickle

Features: None


Name: Thor's Hammer

Damage: (I don't have any clue about Treyarch's damage and hit system, so I'm gonna have a stab at attempting this) Enough Damage for a one-knife kill up until round 20 - Stuns at any round

Features: Swapable 'Stun' and 'Kill' feature

Let me know what you guys think with suggestions/improvements/praise/worship/being hailed as the future of Zombies and Call of Duty ;)

Haha, but seriously, I'd love to hear your thoughts you guys!



This weapon is powered by element 115 and uranium. Looks like a wave gun. it has areas that expose the "core". You can see orange yellow light glowing from it. It is purple with black patterns on it, with an orange glowing core. When you fire it, it sends out a blast like a thundergun, but it just passes over the zombies. Then, the zombies who are hit let off an orange aura. The zombies mutate and die over the course of about five seconds. If you really need to, you can use two blasts to kill them almost instantly. if you choose to do this, the zombies let off fumes and thud to the ground melted into puddles.

It has a 2 shot magazine and 14 reserve shots. It has a medium reload time. It is reloaded through cartridges on the left side of the gun. Regardless of what round it is, 2 shots will instantly kill all 48 zombies. However, one shot will take slightly longer to finish them off in later rounds, but it is an almost negligible amount of time.

Upgraded it becomes the U92 h4Lf-L1F3

It now has 20 blasts in reserve and double the magazine capacity. The gun itself has the same color scheme but inverted. It is now black with some purple. The glow inside is noticeably brighter. One shot now only takes about 3 seconds to kill zombies now, reducing the need to use a second shot in emergencies.


Pressing an icon on the d-pad will cause a small laser type probe thing to pop out of the top of the upgraded version. while this is out, pulling the trigger will fire automatic zap gun rounds. I call them zap gun rounds because they kill a single zombie and have infinite damage. However, the zaps are black electricity that fly out more quickly than zaps, and in bolts. Each bolt only kills one still though. You can aim down your sights with this, and the sights look like the ray fun sights without the metal prongs. The attachment itself is black and purple like the Main weapon.

this has a 20 bolt magazine and 2 reserve magazines. These magazines are small and cylindrical. They are about the size of a cigarette and they are dark purple and glowing. You insert it into a slot in the back of the attachment, pushing the old one out of the front. You then press in a button on the left side and it glows, signifying that it is ready to fire. This reload will take about the same time as reloading a grenade launcher attachment.

Btw^^^ you got post 115. I missed it by THAT much.


New idea!

ZPE-3000 Manipulator

This weapon uses zero point energy. It has 2 settings which I will explain later. Essentially you fire it and a thin white-blue beam shoots out. If it hits a zombie, that zombie is now officially manipulatable. The zombie will be surrounded by the beam so that his outline is glowing like the beam. When the targeted zombie is like this, you can turn or look in any direction and the zombie will stay attached to the beam at the same distance it was from you when you shot it. That night be a little hard to understand do let me rephrase that.

When a zombie is hit by the small beam it is frozen by energy. While frozen the beam connecting it to your gun "solidifies" so that it is as though you have a frozen zombie on the end of a massive pulsating spear. Then wherever you look, the zombie follows, still "speared" on the laser. You can swing it around, knocking over other zombies, smashing it around, wreaking havoc.

The second setting of the weapon is similar. You change it with a d-pad icon. Now it fires a laser comprised of 3 entwined lasers of different colors (light blue, light green, light red). When it hits a zombie, all of the zombies around it get encased in the laser's effect, allowing you to manipulate the entire train at once. Imagine taking a whole train of zombies and being able to smash them against the floor, walks, or simply throw them up into the sky.

The gun is actually a pistol, but very futuristic looking. It is white with black lines on it, and it has a black muzzle comprised of 3 barrels. Only one barrel fires when using the first setting. Once you fire it and hit a zombie or zombies you must press the trigger again to release them. Slamming them into walls and floor is fatal. If you swing upwards and let go they rain down and splat and die on impact. This is truly a fun wonderweapon. Another bonus for this is that zombie's are killed by blunt trauma, not the laser. So you can buy time between rounds by keeping zombies frozen. They can only be frozen for about 10 seconds Max, and can die while frozen but simply go limp and are still able to be manipulated. You can't sprint while using the laser, but holding down the left stick and pushing it or pulling it reels in or pushes away the currently frozen zombie or zombies. this way you can have a zombie frozen mere feet in front of you and swing rapidly back and forth to beat back assailants. Or, you can beat away an over powered boss zombie from a great distance.

There are 2 settings as I said above. However they each use the same ammo. The first setting uses one, but the second uses 3 shots. It has 24 reserve shots. It doesn't actually have a magazine, but every shot eats from the "single mag reserve". This way there is no need to reload.

Upgraded it becomes the ZPE T074L-C0N7R0L

This has more energy/ammo (48) and an extended hold time for zombies. The main beam is now yellow or orangeish, and the other two are purple and dark green. The maximum and minimum reel distance is extended a bit. This means that you can have a frozen zombie only about 2 feet from you and well over 30 feet from you now.

Do you like it? I would live to see this because it is practical for killing lots of zombies, and it is REALLY FREAKING FUN TO MESS AROUND WITH!

Has anybody noticed a recurring theme in my posts? A sort of personal Easter egg if you will? Try and figure out the message!


I didn't check to see if this idea is on this but my idea is

a gun that shoots a group of lasers that slices the zombies into chunks or wrap a group of zombies then explodes.

Guest That Guy You Know

haha yeah I know Electric, I was gonna comment '115 posts' then realised it would've made 116 >.<

but then about 5 minutes ago I realised I could've just edited the post. damn.

Guest Nemesis_96

Name: uh.. undecided

Effect: Creates an electric trip wire similar to the traps in Kino / Der Riese.

The weapon looks like a shotgun, but fires blue orbs which stick to walls. Upon firing two shots, they activate, creating an electric beam between them for a limited amount of time before they run out of power.

PaP Effect: You can fire them on the floor to use like a claymore. The regular shots now last longer and now they teleport / kill zombies similar to the Gersch device.


Alright fellas, I've covered mass kill rifles, pistols, grenades, and melee waffle weapons. Now we need a shotgun.


This is like a stakeout in appearance. It is dark black with green lines on it. There are no side saddles or what ever. Firing this bad boy makes about 50 thin green lasers shoot out of the barrel. They have a massively spread out dispersal pattern. The lasers are one hit kills regardless of the round. They have infinite range, infinite penetration through zombie's, and zero pen Through walls. this way if you back up to allow for greater dispersal, you can get a whole train in one shot.

This has a 4 round magazine and 20 reserve shots. You reload it each shell at a time. It takes about 3-4 seconds to reload. It is pump action. The blast pushes you back ever so slightly. Aiming down your sights isn't necessary because of the dispersal, but improves your chances of hitting a train dead center.

Upgraded it becomes the C474-CLY5M EJ-X

It now has a 6 shot magazine and 30 reserve. The shots fan out even more, reducing the distance you must be from the train to decimate it. It reloads 2 shells at a time and pumps much faster.

Officer: The man's body was found with the corpses of over a dozen dead cats.

Horatio Caine: well, this looks like...

***le epic putting on of shades***

Horatio Caine: ... A real CAT-astrophe.


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