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Shi no numa to Der Riese?

Guest killerussian

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EJx Gravity gun

This is partially inspired by the Half-Life series. The weapon has creepy metal spindly prongs coming out of the front like a vr-11. The rest is metallic and black and has a glowing blue white core. The fun is sort of like a mix between a vr-11 and a stakeout in build.

It has a 2 round magazine and 12 reserve. Firing it makes a huge blue/white blast shoot out. The blast curves upward in a gradual arc, until it is going straight up. Any zombie hit Is pulled up along with it. The blast is massive, allowing you to send an entire train sky high. After a certain amount of time the effect wears off, leaving the zombies to come crashing back down. the blast itself disappears, making the zombies appear to be flying around on their own.

Shooting it inside will cause the blast-and the zombie's contained in it- to bounce off of the roof down to the floor, then back, then back again, and again, and again until they are properly flogged to death. If some zombie's escape the blast, the bouncing zombies can still knock them around. They will stop bouncing around after the same amount of time it takes for them to fall when outside.

By the way, some objects that can usually be blown around by explosions (boxes, cans, traffic cones) will also be lifted up. If they hit zombies while flying around they also damage them. This allows you to hurt zombies who were missed by the blast with the debris.

Upgraded it becomes the EJx N3-WT0N. The effect of the blast now lasts 1.5 times as long, and it extends forward slightly further before arcing upwards now. It gets a 4 shot magazine and has twenty four in reserve now. While being thrown around by gravity in this form, the zombie's and debris thrash around violently, creating more mayhem and increasing the chance that zombie who were missed by the blast will get knocked around.

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