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Test Tube Theory

Guest BlindBusDrivr

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Guest BlindBusDrivr

This a very random theory but I've had it for months and have decided that I might as well post it and see what others can contribute or say about it since further speculation by myself had led nowhere.

I have a theory, that Richtofen was created by the Illuminati in order to fulfill legacy.

If you look at Richtofen, everything he does works perfectly and in an order of steps, as if it was planned this way from the start.

And one thing we never seem to hear much of is Richtofen's childhood.

This whole idea was sparked by a quote from Shangri La: "ooooh I was conceived on a mine cart, or was it a lab...."

If you think about this, it's rather plausible actually.

Look at everything he does, it seems to be some sort of progression as if it was systematically planned to go like this. He was programmed to be drawn to science so he would discover the pyramid unleash the chaos that followed. It's almost like he was chosen or MADE to do this...

And this would also not be the first time for something like this to be in a game,

In the game BioShock, the main character Jack, was actually created and programmed to become Fontaines 'tool' to help him gain control of Rapture. I think the explanations for Jack would make sense with Richtofen.

The one specifically is childhood memories. Richtofen seems to have reoccuring memories of a sister who's dolls he played with and a mother, but nothing really outside of that. I think like Jack, Richtofen's mind was implanted with these memories.


you cannot see them well but on the bench there's a picture of 'family' Jack keeps seeing in his flashbacks.[/spoiler:1ackquud]

any thoughts?

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There is one quote from the doc's childhood... "Mother never let me play with dolls, NOW THEY ARE MINE" richtofen- when recieving the dolls from the box on ascension.

Guest MegaAfroMan

BBD, you and many other theorists here on CoDz have many wonderful and creative insights as to how this obscured web of truths behind the zombies plot may be woven. This is one of those creative examples. However I have to ask one important question.

What does this imply/ Why does it matter?

Just using the simple logic of Occam's Razor, if there is no reason for this more complicated conclusion, then it really isn't the best conclusion. I see your point, but I don't see any reason that it would have to be, or even be more inclined towards, his conception as a test tube baby, versus being conceived normally.

Don't get me wrong, I think this is a very interesting idea, and I like the thought you put into it, but I think that it just isn't a very plausible theory.

Guest Kill_All_Monkeys

I think it fits rather nicely with the whole theory that the devil is behind most of Richtofen's actions, therefore being pretty relevant if you ask me. It's a matter of opinion really.

Guest BlindBusDrivr

BBD, you and many other theorists here on CoDz have many wonderful and creative insights as to how this obscured web of truths behind the zombies plot may be woven. This is one of those creative examples. However I have to ask one important question.

What does this imply/ Why does it matter?

Just using the simple logic of Occam's Razor, if there is no reason for this more complicated conclusion, then it really isn't the best conclusion. I see your point, but I don't see any reason that it would have to be, or even be more inclined towards, his conception as a test tube baby, versus being conceived normally.

Don't get me wrong, I think this is a very interesting idea, and I like the thought you put into it, but I think that it just isn't a very plausible theory.

It would mean that none of this was by chance and if he was manufactured then everything would have been planned from the start and could back-up my theory that Lucifer is in Aether and the Illuminati are taking commands from him to end result in the Earth's destruction. Now what that means or why it must happen we're still heavily spectating on.

Guest Monopoly Mac

The theory is interesting but like the Mega Man said, it doesn't have to be that complicated. It was complete chance that Richtofen was the one that teleported to the Moon. It could have been someone else who teleported, but Richtofen chose himself. Any higher power that dictated Edwards actions, only came into his life afterhe touched the pyramid. He had no plan for world domination when he was conceived.

Guest BlindBusDrivr

The theory is interesting but like the Mega Man said, it doesn't have to be that complicated. It was complete chance that Richtofen was the one that teleported to the Moon. It could have been someone else who teleported, but Richtofen chose himself. Any higher power that dictated Edwards actions, only came into his life afterhe touched the pyramid. He had no plan for world domination when he was conceived.

He must have been special though.

In the stories doesn't the Illuminati have 13 bloodlines? And Richtofen is Illuminati, so by being one he's automatically apart of that special selection.

And this part has no evidence but it fits the whole laboratory thing and connects with BioShock: Jack is Ryan's son, his embryo purchased from the women he impregnated by Fontaine to create himself a puppet to use to destroy Ryan. So what if someone 'stole' the special blood (DNA) of the Illuminati and created Richtofen, and his purpose was to destroy them 0_0.

Either way he's got far more of a destiny and purpose and isn't just some dude that ended up on the Moon.

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