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Samanther Tales ep.3: Samanther Goes to E3


Samanther and Edwardo were super hyped. Why? Cause Cat Maxis Managed to get them tickets to go to E3!! Where they would be able to see the Latest Games for Xbone, Gaystation, and CP. This is a special time of year when Gamers go and make fun of gaming companies when they unveil something stupid and praise them for unveiling something Good. Where Hopes and dreams go to Die.


They first ventured into the Realm of Xbone where they saw the new trailer for Gaylo 5. It will feature Master Chef going on a new personal adventure. Meanwhile Master Chef has a stalker after him. now with 1080 pixels with 60 Faps Per Second the Gaylo Collection gets Gaylo 1-4 and puts them into one Package! However that’s not all! They Showed Gameplay for Advanced Whorefare! With new Graphics and a new engine!( We mean it this time!). As the Activision presentation ended the Call of Duty Zombie Collection Hype train burst through the wall like the cool-aid man and exploded in a frenzy of disappointed youtubers who thought it was real. #TheInvasionFailed


Samanther and Edwardo Cheered Loudly for EA’s upcoming Games. Now you can Play Football with 50% more Foot and 49% More Ball with 1% change from the one that came out last year. Samanther witness the Pain of childbearing when she witnessed Call of duty and Gta V’s love child known as BattleDuty- Hardcore. Where you can steal money….just like Petty crime Delivery bike.  However the Most intense game ever…...EA SPORTS PGA TOURS!!!! NOW WITH BATTLESHIPS!!!! You thought having Sexual Predator and Mike Meyers in Call of Duty: Spooks was ridiculous? Guess again friends.


The Sony Press conference started off with their Best Game yet, Destiny where players can 1080p, 1080p lens flare no scope IN SPACE!! Edwardo Pissed his pants when they Announced Big Little star 3. Now with a bunch of new characters that can be turned into plushies and then turned into Cash. Far Cry offered Elephants!! You can Customize your elephant Gta style with sweet ass rims and Bling! Riding an elephant has never been more ghetto! Edwardo Came so hard it turned the PS4 white.


Nintendo Revealed a game all Gamers have been waiting for. Since the dawn of Mario we have longed to play as this one character that everyone loves and now it finally came true Captain Toad’s Willy Wanker. New Legend of Link was announced for the wii U a console barely anyone has. Splatoon is every mans wet dream. You can shoot your slime everywhere including peoples faces. Hell, you can even swim in the slime. Pokemen Alpha Rupee and Omega Shenron proved that if Mewtwo can get ripped so can Swampert. All was good at E3. Samanther and Edwardo had a good time as they walked into Cat Mobile. Now it’s time to go home…..if Samanther had any regrets it would have been that she would have liked to have a bigger role in this Parody...



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