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Solo Easter Egg BROKEN! CANNOT complete! Help!


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2 games in a row, When I get to the staff placement step, I place all the staffs in their holders, but they do bot go back to the dig site, they stay in the robots, yet I get the quote for the next step.

I decided to try and do the "Rain fire" step, but the staff holder blocks the red button, preventing me from completing the step, and therefore the EE.

If I cannot fix this then I will have to give up solo Origins, as without the Easter Egg ammo runs out in the 90s, stopping me from getting my goal of 100, I know people say "use the robots feet" But I still run out of ammo, with the EE completed 100 is possible for me.

Please, does anyone know of any fix for this!?

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Oh my god... I left one off to eventually have just 3 on to stop generator zombies hindering me...

That still doesnt stop the staff holders blocking the red button, I also never get the blue lights behind the holder after the final staff placement... With the generators on, is it still possible to hit the button with the staff holder in the way?

I ended the game so cannot test...

  • Tech Admin

Quicker just put fire staff into the front pedastal then picking up and replacing 4 times in a row from the fire pedastal to the front one. From what I understand it tends to glitch out if you put them into each robot - although if you left a generator off it doesn't help ;)

  • 2 months later...

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