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hello there friends,allies,enemies,and fellow slayers

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Hello there. I a m just your average 15 year old who loves slaying zombies. My name Is Jacob, but most people who arent close friends / close online friends just call me Cooldude or in some cases, OCD (my usernames initials lol.. I didnt notice it when i made my account 2 years ago). Don't be discouraged by my rather young age, im not like most 15 year olds and dont mind playing with 18+ people who are more mature than most kids my age... I really hate my generation..It seems to be cool and normal to be pregnant by 14 and they think drugs are good for you. I am not like that. I would rather discuss and play zombies than do most "teen things" that teens my age do nowadays. I also take Honors classes so im not a complete moron like half of my generation either xD (ok, maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration. my generation isn't THAT stupid..but its close) As long as you respect me, i will respect you.  That is all, have a nice day everyone! :) 

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Hi Onecooldude123,

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All the best, the CoDz's forum team.

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Welcome to forum friend. I find that I am also much more mature than your average 15 year old. So we have that in common. Have a medal!

  On 9/6/2014 at 3:13 AM, StillTHUGGISH said:

Welcome @Onecooldude123!

Violent Professional

I can change your name to Violent Professional of you'd like.

Hey dude, welcome to CODZ and PSN.

Feel free to add me, a12yr_old_virgin. I might be able to help you set a few new highs.

I just have one favor to ask; do not, I repeat, do not, shoot if you happen to go down.


  On 9/6/2014 at 3:20 AM, The boring guy said:

Hey dude, welcome to CODZ and PSN.

Feel free to add me, a12yr_old_virgin. I might be able to help you set a few new highs.

I just have one favor to ask; do not, I repeat, do not, shoot if you happen to go down.

may i ask why? i can see if i had m1911/cz75 itd be worthess, but what if i had say a paP ray Gun and could cover you?

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  On 9/6/2014 at 4:26 AM, Onecooldude123 said:

Hey dude, welcome to CODZ and PSN.

Feel free to add me, a12yr_old_virgin. I might be able to help you set a few new highs.

I just have one favor to ask; do not, I repeat, do not, shoot if you happen to go down.

may i ask why? i can see if i had m1911/cz75 itd be worthess, but what if i had say a paP ray Gun and could cover you?

I think he has been playing a bit of die rise ;)


I like you. You remind me of me back when I was 15.


Of course that was only 3 years ago, but I've changed alot both on this site and in real life.


Welcome to the club, friendo. I probably won't end up playing a game with you since I'm not as in to zombies anymore, but have fun with the others on this site!

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