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The Todorov Narrative Theory


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Hello again! Today I have a theory which as far as I know hasn't been done before, it links with something I learnt of today.


First off some background information. As the title says this theory is about the Todorov Narrative, what this basically is, is a theory that was created by Tzvetan Todorov, a Russian man who thought that all narratives follow a cycle of events almost. The way this goes is in five steps.


The first is Equilibrium. This is the part of the story where the main character(s)/ protagonist(s) are introduced and where the setting is introduced. 


The second is the Disruption of the Equilibrium. Something happens within the story that will have a big impact on it, it is not yet known to the protagonist(s).


Third is the Recognition of the Disruption. This is where the disruption of the Equilibrium is recognized by the character(s), they are aware of it.


The fourth is the Attempt of Repair. The Protagonists will begin to try and repair the damage to the equilibrium and set things back to how they were.


Finally is the restoration/ reformation of the Equilibrium. This is where the character(s) plans/ actions have either succeeded or failed to restore the equilibrium, thus bringing us back to the start.



In many stories there can be many intertwining versions of this cycle happening at once too, it isn't always the straight path. I believe that the entire Call of Duty Zombies story line could theoretically follow this theory, in fact many different segments of the story. Let me explain how I think one example would go.


1.) Equilibrium: Dempsey, Takeo, Nikolai and Richtofen meet in Origins (or wherever as long as we have established they meet) they begin to fight zombies.


2.) Disruption: Richtofen begins to acquire objects such as the Vril Device and Focusing Stone.


3.) Recognition: The others begin to notice that Richtofen is not being so truthful with them, they questions his intentions and their lost memories too.


4.) Attempt of Repair: (Note in the segment of Moon there is also technically another one of these Todorov loops appears which I will expand on in a moment.) The characters attempt to rectify what Richtofen has done and gain help from Maxis.


5.) Resolution: The Earth is destroyed and though this is not a full resolution, there doesn't always have to be it can just leave off for another point to pick up on in the future.



So this example is more of a view of Black Ops but there are other points at which it applies to, lets look at Black Ops 2.


1.) Equilibrium: Richtofen controls the zombies. Marlton, Misty, Russman and Samuel survive the undead together. The Earth is destroyed.


2.) Disruption: (Time frame= Tranzit) The Earth is hit by rockets and the Rift exists for whatever reason (The Rift is the Disruption.) The characters survive the undead while the Rift exists for an unknown reason.


3.) Recognition: (Time frame= Die Rise) Samuel learns of the Rift and is told to fix it, after Die Rise the others also learn of this,


4.) Attempt of Repair: (Time frame= Buried) The characters arrive at the Rift and set about following either Maxis, Richtofens or nobody. This is where things get complicated. The Easter Eggs are each attempts of repair in themselves. The timeline splits into three at this point.


5.) Resolution (1295): (Time frame= After Buried Easter End Game) The characters are left surviving. In one resolution Maxis becomes in control, using the power of Agartha and destroys the Earth even more, disrupting Equilibrium even more. In the other Richtofen manages to gain power from Agartha and take over the bodies of the living, still a disruption of the Equilibrium.


The real resolution in my eyes that actually fixes the Equilibrium is if the characters had never followed Maxis or Richtofen. If that is so then the characters may have made it to Buried simply because Maxis or Richtofen would eventually try to bring the group back to the other location at a later date. If neither end games can happen two things happen. Richtofen controls the zombies and Marlton, Misty, Russman and Samuel survive the undead together.



This is just a theory and is not correct but I hope people will take note and possibly expand on it, also if anybody notices the big (I mean BIG!) Todorov Loop in the story that we have seen parts of at least please comment it. Thanks for reading.



Side Note: Did you know if you do the sum 27601-26935 you get 666. 935 being the obvious group and 601 being another group in the story if I am correct? Just some numbers for fun.

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