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10 Ways to stay occupied while waiting for the next Treyarch game


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Hey everyone, this post is essentially a list to just give tips and ideas to people who need to reoccupy themselves while waiting for Treyarchs next Call of Duty. So here is the list, it is based on my personal opinions and how I have been coping in the off season, feel free to comment how you have too.



10.) Focus on the real world


While the internet is filled with brilliant zombies content, sometimes seeing too much will make you over hyped. If you sometimes just focus on things in the real world, or even just away from zombies, it can leave you refreshed for the next set of content and ideas that come from the community. That doesn't mean stay away from it though, just a little break so that you don't eventually become bored of the game.



9.) Set yourself goals


When waiting for the next Call of duty, you may often find yourself wanting to write posts and topics but just end up not being able too. When you have the time, make sure you can write the posts as they not only hold over yourself, but many others too.



8.) Theorize


We already have a lot of information about zombies that has been gotten to by theorizing. All I can say is, don't give up now! There are still many undiscovered things that can be theorized upon. If you see a topic about a theory, give your input about it and what you think it means and if its a good theory. Discussion is a very important part of the zombies community. I find this a very valuable way to occupy myself, as you may see by all of the theories I try to take part in discussion of.



7.) Go back and play old maps


Though some would argue that playing too much zombies becomes repetitive and makes the mode lose its flair, I believe that as long as you do not over play and just play at your leisure, you can really enjoy yourself. While you still maybe sad that you aren't playing new maps,appreciate the old maps. Get some nostalgia running through your veins!



6.) Current COD


Right now Call of Duty Advanced Warfare is out, I have to say I thoroughly enjoy it even though I cant put as much time into it as I would like. It has a nice campaign, exciting multiplayer and even a nice co op mode. Even now a new type of zombie mode is coming to the game, in only a few days for the xbox players. Maybe now is the time to retrain your COD skills for the upcoming game and try a really nice game.




5.) Play other games


In 2014, many people said there seemed to be a lack of good games. To be honest I would agree. But lately I have found myself addicted too many games, especially since starting playing PC. Games such as The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, Five Nights at Freddy's and Minecraft have nicely held me over. I also revisited Titanfall, with no friends to play though sadly. But I had a lot of fun and remembered the fun I had in its beta. A lot of good games are coming out this year so do watch out for them, you could end up having a lot of fun.



4.) Custom Zombies


Now I will admit, I only started playing custom zombies after Christmas, but boy do I love it. With my friend it is so amazing. We have found maps that truly amaze us, they have a lot to offer too. I used to just watch gameplay of them before my PC, but you truly have to play some of them to believe them. Also I love having my Model 1887 in Zombies :D



3.) Think of ideas yourself


I often find myself thinking up ideas for what could be in the next installment of zombies. What could work, how it works and the like. I love doing this as it really makes me happy to see the abilities at which I can reinvent and add onto my favorite mode. A lot of people do this, some even reimagine old ideas which I think is wonderful. They manage to improve what went wrong in zombies too!



2.) Play a large session of zombies


People will know that when playing a longer session of zombies compared to casual, it can sometimes make you not want to touch the game for over a week. That might just be what some players need. A forced break from zombies can make all the difference when you return to it again.



1.) Just wait..


Sometimes just waiting is unavoidable. It is not all bad as you can see their are a lot of ways to keep out of boredom. But patience pays off and when you finally load into that sweet first game of zombies. You will feel as if you had never had to wait. Soon, it will not be the next game, it will be the current game. Thanks for reading.

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Gotta say, I totally agree with number 8 :P There's still plenty to figure out, get in there and do it!!

I wish more people theorized in the off season, we might find some good stuff.

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Something that might be fun....with playstation anyway.


Not sure if Xbox360 can use a xbox1 controller, but on playstation you can buy a ps4 controller to use on ps3, sounds silly but the feel is a lot different and it took me a few days to get used to the new weight and triggers, might as well get used to it before the next zombies come out so you're not off your game.


Basically play zombies, or any ps3 game with a ps4 controller B)

Edited by Tattoo247
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