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Richtofen's relationship with Samantha and Maxis Theory/ Analysis


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This is just a small theory but I hadn't seen anyone post it and I think its important.


A lot of people will know that Richtofen hates Samantha, he experimented on her without Maxis knowing. One interesting quote from a Call of the Dead Radio expands on some of his reasoning for hating Samantha.


"Log Entry: 1474.
Date: September 20th, 1945.
Dear Diary,
It would seem that the OSS realized that we have captured one of their spies. They tried to send a rescue team to Verrückt that was aw- (static) -the first batch of test subjects. I suspect that there are others more in the organization. Dr. Harvey Yena and Dr. Peter McCain to be precise. Dr Maxis (static) doesn't any Americans in Group 935, no matter how much genius they have. Stupid Americans with their apple pies and baseball and children, but I digress. The new American test subject is interesting and muscle-y. His intellect seems low, but his will is strong. Like the others, he doesn't seem to know who he is anymore. Unlike the others, he keeps breaking the restraints and yelling at me. Test subject N3WB is still staring at the floor, muttering what sounds like some kind of proverb over and over again. I think his mind may have been destroyed by the process. Oh well, the Russian subject recently begun responding to stimuli, but only after injecting him with a new serum made primarily from vodka. Perhaps this is a breakthrough in the-"
— Richtofen
Richtofen seems to hate Americans, most likely due to the war, but he says the things he hates about Americans are as follows. He hates their apple pies, baseball and children? Weird how he hates American children, Maxis apparently doesn't like Americans in 935 either and he doesn't allow them in. Even though Richtofen doesn't like them he understands they can be geniuses. But why does he hate children? We know he hates Samantha as well, but she isn't American... right?
I know people don't like this end cutscene, but accept it happened. There is no point trying to make it non canon as there is no proof aside from theories so dont just say its non canon and ignore the theory. Samantha and her friend Eddy are both American, very strange, so why is a voice that they hear seemingly German and Maxis? Could this have actually happened within the story? I want to point some things out that make it seem as if it could be... 
Richtofens parents in died and Maxis helped him through hard times, a said in some letters in Origins. Maybe their families were friends and thus their children were, hence why they are playing with toys together. Eddy doesn't seem to be Maxis' soon as he calls him 'your dad' not 'our dad' to Sam. So maybe that is why Edward turned to Maxis when his parents died. But wait there is more... 
Look at the hair, its very similar. Its that darkish brown, bordering on black. Hair color changes as you get older. They even have the same cheek bones, though Eddys are evidently aren't as noticeable, but in some pictures and angles you can definitely make them out. Also he has some forehead lines that could carry over to when he is an adult. Also just want to point out the ears and nose look almost the same.
So Eddy comes from an american family, over time he could have possibly gained a German accent, but I don't know how long it would take for him to get one and if it would be that strong, so I don't have a huge explanation for this. As for Samantha. I think possibly her mother is American and that is why she is, after her mother dies (Could have happened when Eddys parents died) she began to obviously spend more time with her father and got his accent. I could go into a lot more detail about this but I think you understand this theory.
By Origins I have no clue where Samantha went for Maxis to not know her and even Richtofen to not know her. Well Richtofen knows who she is, he says who knows what she really is and that he won't go mad like Maxis. Obviously playing games with her gave him this knowledge, whatever they decided Samantha was in their story is what he perceives her to be. Possibly she is meant to be someone who acts like a god? Hence some of her quotes like do not defy me. Richtofen also constantly calls Agartha a myth. They possibly based their game on the idea of Agartha, but Richtofen knows the real outcome. He wants to not help Samantha and leave her in Agartha, maybe the characters, in reality and not the cutscene, actually got something far worse when Samantha was freed. So who is Samantha and what happened to make her not exist? Well some of Maxis' quotes may possibly solve this. I will put all of his Origins letters (the codes) below and a quote he says.
"I know some would think me mad but I am nevertheless forced to conclude that Samantha herself may be the key to everything. For reasons that I struggle to comprehend, it appears that she somehow holds dominion over this realm."
"From his very first day studying at Heidelberg, edward(uncapitalized) displayed an intellect and maturity well beyond his years. However, the impact of his parents' death has affected him deeply. Though I have tried to provide him with some sort of father figure, I fear his choices may be increasingly influenced by his new found friends within group nine three five."
"The breadth of the Ancients' knowledge is humbling. I find myself questioning not only my understanding of the scientific world, but also the true nature of the universe itself. For the first time in my adult life, I find myself open to the possibility of a higher power..."
"Though Edward's work was integral to our initial analysis of Divinium, the rift between us grows deeper each day. I fear his loyalties lay only with group nine three five and their insatiable desire for yet more devastating weaponry. I myself can no longer continue on this path in all conscience. Though my actions will inevitably be viewed as treason, I am more concerned with just how Edward will react when I tell him of my contact with the allies..."
"Samantha... I must go to her. The paradox must be resolved."
"The loop must be closed"
The first letter shows that Maxis acknowledges her existence and that she holds dominion over this realm, he doesn't think of her as not real. Almost as if he knows who she is. Then the next letter just relates to Richtofens parents death. After that, Maxis talks about how a higher power such as this can exist and how he wants to believe it. This could be the beginning of how he began his quest for Agartha. Maxis has contact with the allies, maybe some parts of group 935 were planning the end of all Earth, could we see these members in the future. But alas they died and as the allies arrived on the battlefield, they were put up against the undead and thats where Origins begins :)
Anyways in all seriousness though it seems as if Maxis does not hate Americans at this point, or any other allies. He could have just pushed it all aside but I believe it is some intervention they have after Origins that leads to the eventual hatred of Americans by him. Finally are the quotes. Maxis feels the need to go to Samantha, obviously he feels that he knows he is her father. Looking around, I cant actually see where Maxis says he doesn't know who Sam is, I could be wrong, but maybe he knows Samantha is real simply because she is his daughter. But why would she be missing in Agartha and why would Maxis not know where she is unless something happened to her prior to Origins. The other quotes are him saying that the paradox and loop must be closed, could the loop in our story have began when the children created a story which eventually happened and so on? Finally I just want to leave a little quote about why Richtofen may also hate Americans even more.
"I knew I should have invented an automatic egg-moving robot. Stupid Maxis with his stupid accent. "- Richtofen
Weird quote since Maxis is German, unless for some reason he didn't used to be. Their is a Der Riese radio where for a moment Maxis sounds british, so I don't really know unless Richtofen just remembers his old accent, if he had one.
Anyways I think thats it for the theory, if anyone has ideas about things do say, also for those who may say that none of this would be thought out all the way back then. Just look at Kino... 
What is that in the corner of the first room? Toys of the O4 positioned in a wooden town, surrounding a giant teddy bear? To me that is proof that Origins was planned at least all the way back then as a way to explain the Origins of zombies. A lot can be taken away from these rooms but they are not important to this theory. Thanks for reading.
Edited by Nightmare Voyager
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After reading through this, I honestly can't say that I have any objections. I'll have to process it and read through again. One thing is to watch your use of the word "letters" in regards to Origins, I understood what you meant but I was confused at first, thinking you meant the "Letters From the Field" letters.
  On 1/18/2015 at 10:56 PM, Tac said:

After reading through this, I honestly can't say that I have any objections. I'll have to process it and read through again. One thing is to watch your use of the word "letters" in regards to Origins, I understood what you meant but I was confused at first, thinking you meant the "Letters From the Field" letters.


Sorry I thought it would be a problem but when I wrote this I was in a a rush, I may go change it actually thanks! I have extra bits to explain stuff if needed.


Sounds to me like he's just saying how much he hates Americans in general, by naming the things that are considering typically and undeniably American. It's like saying those stupid French people with their wine, baguettes and their refusal to speak english.


Why does he hate apple pies? Because it's an American thing. Why does he hate baseball? Because it's an American thing. Why does he hate American children? Because they're American. Or maybe it's a reference to the book 'As American as Mom, Baseball, and Apple Pie' by Lindo J. Holland-Toll. Which is of course a reference to the famous phrase As American As Apple Pie.


Richtofen calling out Maxis's Accent

This one is simple. Richtofen hating Maxis's accent means that they are both from different regions of Germany. My German teacher for instance never ever shuts up about how people in the east of Germany have a much more calm, smoothing and "prettier" accent compared to the south, who speak a lot more faster and fiercer according to her.


Interesting read nonetheless.

  On 1/18/2015 at 11:52 PM, Slade said:

Sounds to me like he's just saying how much he hates Americans in general, by naming the things that are considering typically and undeniably American. It's like saying those stupid French people with their wine, baguettes and their refusal to speak english.


Why does he hate apple pies? Because it's an American thing. Why does he hate baseball? Because it's an American thing. Why does he hate American children? Because they're American. Or maybe it's a reference to the book 'As American as Mom, Baseball, and Apple Pie' by Lindo J. Holland-Toll. Which is of course a reference to the famous phrase As American As Apple Pie.


Richtofen calling out Maxis's Accent

This one is simple. Richtofen hating Maxis's accent means that they are both from different regions of Germany. My German teacher for instance never ever shuts up about how people in the east of Germany have a much more calm, smoothing and "prettier" accent compared to the south, who speak a lot more faster and fiercer according to her.


Interesting read nonetheless.


Hm fair play, I still feel the children bit is a bit more deep rooted considering it is close to when he is talking about Sam, but yeah I guess your thing about different regions make sense, as I couldn't really see anything with that. Its still a weird thing to call him out on. Richthofen, to me, speaks quite calmly, even in his insanity, where as Maxis does the same, but idk

  • 2 months later...

I'm 100% sure that Eddie is Richtofen. I believe everything we know is all a story. I'm about to make a lengthy post about my theories about Origins.

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