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Expectations that never turned out to be true?


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So today I was thinking about what I thought Black Ops 2 would be like before it came out. I only started to learn about zombies in 2010 so bear that in mind when I say what I expected. On Moon when we blew up the Earth, I looked at the achievements which went: Cryogenic Slumber Party and Big Bang Theory. I assumed that what happened at the end of Moon was, we sent rockets to the Earth to ensure Richtofen would not gain any power in the first place, which at the time I thought caused this whole time loop thing due to paradoxes and such, anyways the twist I thought about it was that Maxis had only separated the continents of the Pangaea, he did this to make the characters think that they were stopping Richtofen. They then found cryogenic chambers and would be frozen throughout time up until they would awake again to survive against the zombies in a world that they thought would be changed drastically but in fact was just normal zombie filled Earth. While Richtofen pitched us up against the undead, we would secretly being following Maxis' orders to get Richtofen out of control. Basically after that I had no clue but I still thought that was pretty awesome. Also if you are wondering about why I thought Groome Lake looked as it did, it came full circle and Maxis caused it to look as it did.


Anyways what did you guys think would happen in any game? Not the next game as that is a topic that has been covered many times but I want to know what you guys thought was going to happen, I think this is a really interesting topic and I love hearing stuff like this.

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I didn't know what was going to happen, but I always expect there to be historically-based information for us to look into and really dive into. I really didn't get much of that with this game, unfortunately. I mean the location of Green Run was cool, but we really didn't have anything much larger to tie it into. Seeing that "October 2 1962" makes me excited, hopefully they're bringing it back. The gritty feel is another thing I expected and just didn't really get it, besides Origins.
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I didn't know what was going to happen, but I always expect there to be historically-based information for us to look into and really dive into. I really didn't get much of that with this game, unfortunately. I mean the location of Green Run was cool, but we really didn't have anything much larger to tie it into. Seeing that "October 2 1962" makes me excited, hopefully they're bringing it back. The gritty feel is another thing I expected and just didn't really get it, besides Origins.


Oh yeah, I did not expect no grittiness especially after the BO2 trailer. Oh that trailer looked so amazing as well. Please 3arch if you are remaking maps make it as awesome as it looked.

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