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Possible Explanation Of Why 115 Rocks Are Blue


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There could be more to it but maybe its not as complex as its causing people to think of it as.. 

But could it be possible the reason for the rocks being blue is because Richthofen is in control?

Think about it from the beginning of zombies until the end of BO all 115 rocks are a reddish orange color..

Just like the color of the zombies eyes when Sam is in control.

So in BO2 Richthofen is in control of the zombies and the color of their eyes are blue as well as 115 rocks are now coincidentally blue as well.. 

I'm not a regular poster on here so if its been discussed or dissected already, I apologize for being late to the party. 






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Hmmm, that's an interesting possibility, but I don't think it's likely.  Element 115's color change came with the story of Origins, a map that Richtofen is not the controller for.  Also, the same markings from the Excavation Site are also present on the SNN meteor, which were not present before.


A better question is which nobody has asked yet. is.. what caused Group 935 to begin studying the meteor Earlier in this timeline as opposed to the original timeline in which the studies took place during WW2?


Do we have proof that they arent the same timeline and that they didnt start studying the meteors back in WW1?



A better question is which nobody has asked yet. is.. what caused Group 935 to begin studying the meteor Earlier in this timeline as opposed to the original timeline in which the studies took place during WW2?


Do we have proof that they arent the same timeline and that they didnt start studying the meteors back in WW1?



I think there might be some evidence to suggest that the operations at shi no numa hadn't been going on for long.

For starters Element 115 is radioactive and overexposure can cause side effects ....zombies.


If they had already been testing the meteor since WW1 then they would have definitely known it's effects Long before WWII and taken even more precautions to contain it. The meteor wouldn't have been left wide in the open. They would have had more than 25 years to Move it to a safer location.


That depends on when the 115 shown is Origins is set in. It might just be used as an example of a meteor that we recognize. Also as I said, why did the events that happened in Shino Numa where the meteor was found in the first place have to be in world war 2? We know plans for the ray gun were seized from the rising sun facility and Richtofen says they developed it not long ago, meaning they had been to Shino Numa and probably wouldnt know if the people became zombies or not.


Perhaps it's just a sign of how old/new the element contained within is? Most all elements have a sort of "decay", that is a basis to science. Perhaps the newest forms are blue, and as time progresses, we see the color change all the way to orange.


I mean, we've seen the likes of GREEN 115 in Origins, and we've seen purple 115 as the element on the Nav Table (I think) most of the time. And for the longest time we've seen orange... so... I dunno.


If that theory is right, colorization may be as follows:


(Possibly) purple





@The Meh Elements can't just change color over time; there has to be some sort of chemical reaction occuring that causes the element to change color.


Seeing the shot of Shi No Numa's new meteorite pretty much gives away that they just redesigned 115 to give it a more distinct, mysterious and less generic look.


That or there is different variations of the meteor Meh, purple has only be seen in Black Ops 2, so that may be some form of clue. Blue is in Origins and technically Shino Numa.Thing is, 115 had been underground a long long time. All the way back from the days of the Templars if you listened to any of the origins story, so its actually the oldest :P


@The Meh Elements can't just change color over time; there has to be some sort of chemical reaction occuring that causes the element to change color.


Seeing the shot of Shi No Numa's new meteorite pretty much gives away that they just redesigned 115 to give it a more distinct, mysterious and less generic look.


I mentioned that most every element has a sort of "decay". That can be why the color changes: because of the decay.


Alright, time for Flammen to work his brain.


If you compare the two pictures, the blue meteorite looks "fresh" in a sense. It has smoke or mist emanating around it, as if it had just landed. As we know, Shi No Numa has some sort of connection with the Tunguska event. Tunguska happened in 1908, which is around the time Origins would have happened as well (2-4 years later, I believe). Now, if this meteorite is the same as Tunguska is a whole other story. For now, let's just acknowledge the connection.


If we look closer, it also seems like the meteor has a "shell" around it, with the "broken" parts revealing the blue colour. At this point, I'd like to mentioned that I agree with @The Meh 's theory of how the original colour of the 115 meteorites are blue. If there indeed exists a "shell", it would make sense that parts of it would break off in the resulting crash. Over time, or upon discovering the meteorite, Group 935 (or just nature) would pick off the remaining bits of the shell, most likely to get at the juicy, element-rich center. It's possible that exposure to the Earth's unknown atmosphere changed the colour over time.


Now, the final question: why do these patterns also exist in the Origin's underground? This one is a bit of a stretch, but it's possible that in ancient times, early civilizations saw these meteorites as well, but in different locations. Perhaps the "shell" was more intact. Since the element inside the meteorite would (or could) alter aspects of a human and/or the environment, it's possible that the early people of this time worshiped these strange looking rocks and modeled their structures after them.  


1.) They exist as the templars seem to have adopted them into their architecture, medieval times is the best guess as when the Origins meteors fell due to them being excavated along side the the main chambers. 2.) Origins is 1918 :P


That or there is different variations of the meteor Meh, purple has only be seen in Black Ops 2, so that may be some form of clue. Blue is in Origins and technically Shino Numa.Thing is, 115 had been underground a long long time. All the way back from the days of the Templars if you listened to any of the origins story, so its actually the oldest :P


Explain that. How would there be different variations? An element is an element, that stuff doesn't just change unless some sort of other chemical comes into play.


Alright, time for Flammen to work his brain.


If you compare the two pictures, the blue meteorite looks "fresh" in a sense. It has smoke or mist emanating around it, as if it had just landed. As we know, Shi No Numa has some sort of connection with the Tunguska event. Tunguska happened in 1908, which is around the time Origins would have happened as well (2-4 years later, I believe). Now, if this meteorite is the same as Tunguska is a whole other story. For now, let's just acknowledge the connection.


If we look closer, it also seems like the meteor has a "shell" around it, with the "broken" parts revealing the blue colour. At this point, I'd like to mentioned that I agree with @The Meh 's theory of how the original colour of the 115 meteorites are blue. If there indeed exists a "shell", it would make sense that parts of it would break off in the resulting crash. Over time, or upon discovering the meteorite, Group 935 (or just nature) would pick off the remaining bits of the shell, most likely to get at the juicy, element-rich center. It's possible that exposure to the Earth's unknown atmosphere changed the colour over time.


Now, the final question: why do these patterns also exist in the Origin's underground? This one is a bit of a stretch, but it's possible that in ancient times, early civilizations saw these meteorites as well, but in different locations. Perhaps the "shell" was more intact. Since the element inside the meteorite would (or could) alter aspects of a human and/or the environment, it's possible that the early people of this time worshiped these strange looking rocks and modeled their structures after them.  


Quite a good idea there, Flammenwerfer. (And thanks for that mention to me o3o)



That or there is different variations of the meteor Meh, purple has only be seen in Black Ops 2, so that may be some form of clue. Blue is in Origins and technically Shino Numa.Thing is, 115 had been underground a long long time. All the way back from the days of the Templars if you listened to any of the origins story, so its actually the oldest :P


Explain that. How would there be different variations? An element is an element, that stuff doesn't just change unless some sort of other chemical comes into play.



I didnt need to explain it, thanks for doing it for me! Anyways, please dont ignore what I keep saying about the element being excavated and already being underground as it changes that decay thing completely.

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Elements can change color as it decays. That is true.


Elements must also be involved in a chemical reaction such as oxidation in order for the color to change. That is true.


We can debate if Element 115 initially is blue, and then decays while giving off different colors. But we also must take into consideration that oxygen levels can affect the chemical balance of Element 115 when it radiates. So it is possible for that reason to be the case.






What a vast difference. I'd like to believe @Flammenwerfer 's idea of a shell breaking off. The shells on Origins's rocks have runes that @PINNAZ found related to Nordic mythology and the stones built from earlier civilization. Why would a considerably-alien meteorite suddenly have markings from humans? Or if in fact, were they even created by humans in the first place?


@Nightmare Voyager has a really good point concerning this. Level of oxygen underground is much different than if it were, say, falling from the sky as a meteor, yes? What this also entails, however, is that Element 115 can have different scenarios related to their color:


1) They can be excavated (i.e. Moon, Origins, Shangri-la?)

2) They are meteors that fell (Shi No Numa, Tunguska Event, Shangri-la?)


Origins is clearly the earliest date of Zombies we have ever played thus far.


I think we can go earlier though- Primus- if we can see the first meteor event which happened then we may be able to piece together why it changes colours.




That or there is different variations of the meteor Meh, purple has only be seen in Black Ops 2, so that may be some form of clue. Blue is in Origins and technically Shino Numa.Thing is, 115 had been underground a long long time. All the way back from the days of the Templars if you listened to any of the origins story, so its actually the oldest :P


Explain that. How would there be different variations? An element is an element, that stuff doesn't just change unless some sort of other chemical comes into play.



I didnt need to explain it, thanks for doing it for me! Anyways, please dont ignore what I keep saying about the element being excavated and already being underground as it changes that decay thing completely.





I wasn't even ignoring you. I wanted some form of explanation. That's like asking a question and not getting an answer. (Like Treyarch; we know this well.)


I dont understand what you just said lol


I dont understand what you just said lol


I basically want an explanation as to what you meant...


Don't just ignore that, I'd like an explanation behind it.



That or there is different variations of the meteor Meh, purple has only be seen in Black Ops 2, so that may be some form of clue. Blue is in Origins and technically Shino Numa.Thing is, 115 had been underground a long long time. All the way back from the days of the Templars if you listened to any of the origins story, so its actually the oldest :P


Please, can you explain?


There is nothing more to explain, I answered you then the message after didnt make any sense. I didnt ignore you and you know I didnt because I answered you. You also answered yourself and I said that too you. If you said chemical reactions can change a meteors appearance then thats the answer, I dont know how else to put it dude but just chill out as you over reacted to me saying I didnt understand what you meant.


There is nothing more to explain, I answered you then the message after didnt make any sense. I didnt ignore you and you know I didnt because I answered you. You also answered yourself and I said that too you. If you said chemical reactions can change a meteors appearance then thats the answer, I dont know how else to put it dude but just chill out as you over reacted to me saying I didnt understand what you meant.


It's fine, man. I guess I misinterpreted what you said. That's quite literally my own fault. Sorry. :)

  • 2 years later...

I think I know why after watching the revelations trailer. You see giant apothicons with access to different dimensions and they are launching 115 rocks into these other dimensions and other Earths, These things travel through space to earth it's burnt up 115! The meteorite is orange-y red/dark brown because of how hot it was travelling at such a fast pace. Now think WAYYY back to Shi Nu Numa, remember the Tunguska event? and how we all suspected this meteorite was alien like material (which we further conspired that the nazis had contact with aliens haha) that just accidentally managed to crash onto earth and our other locations like the area near where call of the dead is held (sorry forgot the name guys). Just "accidental meteorite crashes". These were actually the apothicons doings. Ever since we awoken "the ancient evil again" that we kept buried into our earth. (Which I'm guessing we can assume the summoning key was there buried to never be found, guarded by the keepers and their reanimated templar knights.)


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