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Revising Old Classic Zombie maps: A new chapter in zombies? Theory


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Ever since the DICE Summit, there has been evidence of maps being remade. Not like in Rezzurection, but actual map remakes. There is such evidence as the Fly Trap advertisement from Moon being moved, the image of a gun that we have not seen in either a new location or possibly an old one and finally a lot of other pictures that seem to show new things in old locations. Here is evidence for at least multiple maps being recreated:



Evidence from the DICE Summit:


Restoration of 935:





New gun:



New version of the Der Riese loading screen:



A (seemingly) changed map layout of Call of the Dead:




Shangri La's loading screens. One is much like the original while the other resembles the drill from Nuketown:





Evidence from before Origins' release:


The inclusion of old maps in the Origins teaser




Changed 115 meteor in Shino Numa:





All of this stuff seems to revolve around Origins as it has the same kind of meteor. People say about Origins being in an alternate reality, but I think that these are examples of an alternate reality where Richtofen wasn't present. Why the meteor changes because of this I do not know but my reasoning for RIchtofen being the cause of all of this is said below.



The big event:


What I think is causing these maps to exist in new forms, is something that happened which wrote Richtofen out of history. This is like Marty McFly in Back to the Future, he has a picture of his siblings which starts disappearing as he changes time. Richtofen is being crossed out of all of these Origins pictures, maybe that is because he was never there in one timeline? I do not support the alternate timelines theory that exists as of present due to the fact that as far as evidence goes, we have one time loop in which all of zombies is contained. But if someone were to dabble with events within this loop, I think we could have a character written out of history. This would mean all of these maps, Der Riese, Shangri La and all of the other maps which have had this influence from Richtofen... don't have anything from the wake he once left. This would offer us the ability to replay old maps, have new features that do not take away from said maps and add onto our story. 




If Richtofen is not present in these remakes and the old characters are... who replaces him? Going back to the idea of characters being written out of time, Tattoo brought something to my attention about the blank portrait in Kino der Toten. He said he thought Takeo's quote about it: Maybe what was, is no more, but shall be again." related to the fact that our characters new this person, but he was written out of history at some point. I believe one day we could even have a map where we decide between this character and Richtofen. So far we have seen Richtofens effects on the loop. This character could actually be able to salvage the story and essentially wrap it up, while revisiting old maps. Of course this last part of the theory has not been alluded to as much in the DICE Summit, but Treyarch are ones to play the long game. Take the title Der Riese and then apply it to what we see in Origins. Giants. Then take what happens in Samanthas Room in Kino der Toten. We see she had been playing out the events of Origins- also we see this in the end cutscene. Treyarch know Richtofen has such a big influence on the story, I am sure it has interested them as to what it would be like without it him. That is what I think they are going to show us next game. 





@Tattoo247 I can't credit this guy enough for my findings, his idea of the blank portrait in Kino has given me the ability to piece all of this stuff together.


The OP of this post. http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/index.php/topic/178737-possible-explanation-of-why-115-rocks-are-blue/#entry1724308


@Tac for finding this new version of the 935 logo


Also everybody in the future Treyarch hints post really. If there is anymore stuff I can add please tell me as this is just made by me in a short space of time to piece together some of this stuff as evidence for my theory.


Also since I can't, if a mod thinks the pictures may be to big can they possibly make them a better size as I really don't have the ability to.

Edited by Nightmare Voyager
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