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The Cycle [Theory]

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The Cylce Theory

This is my first REAL theory. No jokes.


Ok so here is what I believe the timeline of our story takes place


Nachtà Verrukt à Shi No Numa à Der Riese à Kino Der Toten à Shangri-la à Ascension/Five à Call of the Deadà Moon/Nuketown à The point of no return

 After Kino I think they were accidentally teleported to Sangri-la. Hence the reason as to why their clothes are normal in Shang and not ripped. After this They take a seperate mode of transportation to ascension. The flying monkeys that can be seen in the sky. This is how they get to Ascension. After Ascension the Gerch device sends them to The future which is why we end up in COTD. Afterwards when the MPD is fixed we are sent back in time to the 60's where The events of Moon occur and dooms everything 

Ok so basically there is a key point in this timeline that causes a disruption in the time stream. Once this Disruption Occurs the entire cycle is Doomed to repeat itself again.

I believe the Key point in time is Moon at least the current most possible suspect.

When the missiles hit the Earth in the 60’s it prevents the future which is COTD. Thus it creates a Paradox which pretty much breaks time into Fragments. This would explain why Die Rise could take place in the 90’s yet has 2025 soldiers in it, It would also explain why Buried appears in Africa and Sloth is Alive within his cell. Even Tranzit would be explained.

From this point onwards we enter the point of no return. In which whatever happens we are doomed to repeat the same events all over again until we get it right and everything is Fixed right back into the world we live today.

So where does Origins take place?

In my opinion ( Which I have no evidence yet of) I think Origins might be the Universe trying to reset itself for the Next Cycle. In origins the versions of the Original Crew are trapped in Limbo and once they free Samantha they themselves are also brought into the new cycle.

So what is this Plan Maxis Has? Well, we do not know and even I can't even say. However if I had to guess randomly I would say they want to be free and will most likely try to Fix Time.


Now that's just my way of looking at things. Who knows, this trailer might debunk everything we know about zombies so far.

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