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What do you wish zombie maps were called?


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I always think about what it would be like if zombie maps had different names. It would not be anything that changed things but I think there are some better names for maps that could exist. So these are the names I wish zombie maps had, I would like to hear what you think some of the zombie maps should have been called as well. I obviously also think some map names are fine so I will just keep their names as normal.

Nacht der Untoten

Asylum (Technically is named that already but I like it as a name better)

Swamp of the Dead/ Marsh of the Dead (I really like the idea that it would have an of the dead name because of the influence from stuff like Dawn of the Dead, obviously what CotD and MotD are based on name wise)

Der Riese

Kino der Toten

Pentagon (I never liked the fact that the map was named FIVE in capital letters)

Arkaden (Arcade in German)

Cosmodrone (Ascension is a good enough name but I think a name that describes the map fits more)

Frostbite/ Blizzard/ Winter (i never understood why the map title had Call in it since it doesn't really relate to it)

Paradise (Shangri La is a cool enough name but I like the title Paradise a lot)

Luna/ Lunar/ Apollo (Moon seems pretty bland)

Desolation (Better than Tranzits pun name)

Rise (I get the title is a pun on Highrise but I don't like it, I think Rise is a title that is fine on its own)

Alcatraz/ Imprisoned (Mob of the Dead always sounded weird to me, like it means a Mob of Zombies so it doesn't even relate to them being monsters)

Unearthred/ Rift (I think the name Buried is awesome but it was too good of a name for the actual map, weird I know)


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