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Hello guys,

My name is Nick and I am a zombie fan since black ops 1. I am totally obsesed with the gamemode and still love it to the day.

I recently came across this forum and it perfect for me! Only zombies!

So this was my very short introduction and i am now going to take a good look on this site.

Also I am Dutch so don`t judge me on my English. ;)


Greetz Nick


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Hi {username},

Thank you for the introduction, don't forget to request your introduction medal in the introduction forum or by using the contact us form (found under help). We hope you find the forum a friendly and fun place. If you have evidence of achieving the requirements for other medals that are available, please let us know.

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  • Have a twitch accounttrue Why not add your own stream
  • Fancy a shot of a few games in the arcade, see if you can get a high score
  • Want to give us your own zombie storyfalse
  • Do you have a theory on the zombie game mode, where have we been, where are we going3
  • Have a look at the community center

Have fun, enjoy and don't be afraid to jump into any conversation. If something is posted in the wrong area then someone will let you know and explain what section it should go too, also remember to use the search function before posting, it may have already been posted elsewhere ;)

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All the best, the CoDz's forum team.

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Ha, another from Dutchland. Glad you found us. Are you more a story- or gameplayguy? Or both? If you have questions about this site, feel free to ask the mods. And if you have any other questions, I hope I can help. See you in the threads!

  • Administrators
On September 20, 2016 at 1:49 PM, Nick02beer said:

Hello guys,

My name is Nick and I am a zombie fan since black ops 1. I am totally obsesed with the gamemode and still love it to the day.

I recently came across this forum and it perfect for me! Only zombies!

So this was my very short introduction and i am now going to take a good look on this site.

Also I am Dutch so don`t judge me on my English. ;)


Greetz Nick


You are not the only international on this forum. In fact, even our small staff represents Scotland, the US and Germany! Not to worry, this is the most respectful and friendly COD community on the Internet. Treat others as you would be treated and you will find yourself a part of the family. Welcome!


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