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Mystery Voice behind the WaW Campaign Ray Gun Egg Revealed


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I posted this first in World at War, but realized you can't view that section if you don't have a CoDz account.


Hello, so today I wanted to talk about the Ray Gun Easter Egg you can do on Little Resistance on World at War. Reason why is because it has always bugged me, the mystery voice. I've never known what it was, and there isn't that much discussion on it online. I couldn't get an accurate answer, so I decided to try and check this one out myself. And thanks to @DragonGJY, I was finally able to get a clear answer. So yeah, you will hear a mysterious voice during it which sounds like this:



Sounds pretty ominous right? I thought it would have something to do with the Zombies or the Ray Gun at least. Because the voice sounded alien and the Ray Gun looks like an alien gun. Well I went into the soundfiles for Little Resistance, and came across the file name. It's called Pel1 IGD 900A JAS2 ST




As you can see in this picture, there are other soundfiles pretty similar, except they have JAS1 and JAS3. Those files are for the Japanese Soldiers who attack you during the level, so with that, you could assume that JAS2 stands for Japanese Soldier 2. And when you think about it, the voice does sound like it's speaking Japanese. But it's heavily distorted. So I decided I would mess about with the pitch to make it sound more human and normal. This is the result:


Sounds alot more human now! With that, I decided to get in contact with @DragonGJY, who has been very helpful in the past regarding foreign languages. He took time out to translate this so I appreciate it greatly man! Here is his translation:


  On 10/14/2016 at 4:40 AM, DragonGJY said:

So I think I got the rough transcription and translation, I am not sure it would be perfectly correct but it should do it.


Japanese transcription:





...So even for a single second we have to try our best to hold the enemies back. The ??? forces are likely to reinforce, our army must stop ??? completely. I repeat, defend the command center by any means necessary. Don't let the enemy forces...(Radio stops)


My comments:

1. There seems to be some more before the audio message, given that the radio starts with "...so"

2. The ???s are persumably 'enemy'?

3. The last sentence is incomplete.


Hope that helps, feel free to ask me more too :)



Edit: /u/SE4Ls has provided his translation as well, which is pretty a pretty close match!

So in the end, it had nothing to do with Zombies or the Ray Gun. And that makes sense. Nazi Zombies was a late addition, probably after the voice work had been done. So the quote couldn't really be alluding to those. With the nature of the quote, I'm thinking maybe this was going to play in the level at some point, either over a speaker/comms, or maybe we sneak into a room with a Japanese soldier saying this into a speaker. What's interesting to note though, as that there is an image in the World at War manual. This image is of a paused screen in what looks like this level (Little Resistance). Now when it's paused, you can see the objectives for the level. On this pause screen image, it says "Interrogate Japanese officers", which doesn't appear in this or any other level at all. So it's safe to say that part was changed or cut. It's entirely possible this Japanese Soldier 2 line was cut with it, but than repurposed for this egg, by adding distortion and stuff.

So there we go. The mystery voice solved. I wanted to post this because as I said before, there just isn't much information on it already. So I thought why not, lets get a post up so anyone else who might have the same idea and hopefully come across this too. But yes, big thanks to @DragonGJY again for the translation. You are definitely a machine and deserve so many brains.

Also here's a video I made of it incase anyone wanted to check it out. :p

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Great work, @Rissole25 and also @DragonGJY! Its so nice to see there are still things to be found in WaW.

As a side note, the Raygun is made by dr. Maxis, however the idea and blueprints are from the Japanese Division 9. Maybe they delivered this experimental Raygun to the Japanese soldiers in "Little Resistance"


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