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Behind the Giant


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Hello to everyone I am The_ Giant_935 or better this is my gamer name, I am Ivan,

I am very happy that I've found this forum because cod zombies is absolutely my favorite

game and I like have the possibility to talk with the community about it.

I'm a young player of zombies, I've started during bo2 era then I've bought past 

ones like WAW and BO1 playing and recovering the knowledge about early games too.

I was introduced to it by a dear friend who actually is part of the Uagna team

(is an Italian channel and magazine about games especially cod)


The first map I ever played is Tranzit and that's why it is one of my fav maps, then I really love

origins, mob od the death, der rise/the giant, kino der toten, nacht der unto ten, Nuketown, Ascension.

I am a big fan of all what goes to WAW to bo2 so maybe is where I will be more active,

I'm not so happy of how treyarch developed story in bo3 even if I still enjoyed play it.

My highest round was 52 in Die Rise, I could have been keep go but I was very tired then.


I always watch videos on youtube (maybe I will open my own channel too I don't know)

and I enjoy a lot all theories and rumors around this game. I wanna say a big thanks to all people 

who welcomed me here, I hope we will have nice time talking about our fav game.


Oh I am sorry if my english is not perfect here or in the various posts but I am Italian so that's not 

my main language :)


I have my own crew of friends with who I use complete ee and maybe I will have them join this

forum too


for every tip, suggestion or talk feel free to talk me 








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Ciao mio amico!

You must know that we are glad you are here too. I too started like you: A person from the BO2-era whose favourite map is TranZit. It has been a year ago, and since then I learned a lot of the story, meet many new friends and I've even been "User of the Month" together with @shirtlesservice once. Good times, good times, and even while it has only been one year ago, I feel melancholic towards it. I wonder how much about the story you know. I have seen you discussing and theorizing about Nuketown and TranZit (a topic I like alot), and I wonder if you have done any story-relating Easter eggs. If not, I would recommend to start with the radios in Der Riese. Another thing how you could learn the story is reading @Radzakpak's storybook (although it is not finished, its really enjoyable to read it). And if you feel like you know much, test yourself with @NaBrZHunter's Meta-zombiologist quiz. Read through the theories in our Asylum, which were practically one of the reasons why I've joined this place. This site is known for its kind but critic and well informed community and you will find alot of friends here. Ask any questions (about the site, the story, the gameplay or I don't know what) to me or any other members or mods. We will be gladly to help.

And don't worry about your English, it is not my native language either but since I've joined this place it has improved drasticly.



Thank you very much @anonymous ! and to all other people! I really appreciate you all :)

yes for now I've discussed some topics about Nuke and Tranzit but soon I will be active on other topics too.

I have a good knowledge about the story but of course I am here to grow up this and enjoy it with the community.


About the radios in Der Riese I have not the map available, I should look for some videos about registrations, I will gladly do that.


Oh very nice sounds really good "@NaBrZHunter's Meta-zombiologist quiz"

where I can find it? :)


again thanks you all for making me feel welcome you all are welcome as well

  • Moderators

Here it is. It are really many questions, but if you want you can check your knowledge and choose some random question, and look how well-known you are to the CoDZ story.


The radios in Der Riese and Moon hold certainly the most important information about the story. Just take a look around on this forum or other places for info. Like I said, our asylum ( http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/73-asylum/ ) includes a lot of big, complete and deep theories. For smaller theories and story-discussion, we've got "Research & Development" and "Story discussion". And like I said, if you have time and are willing to, take a look at the storybook ( http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/story/prologue-nacht/ ) (which is still WIP), that also includes a lot of information about the story. Have fun!


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