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How a sequel of Treyarch Zombies might go

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While we should focus on IW Zombies and the unsolved parts of BO3 instead, I was thinking about how the future of Treyarch zombies would pack out. I don't want to sound disrespectful to IW, but the curiosity and imagination inside of me just had some thoughts. Some thoughts I would like to share with the community. Of course, the game could provide an entirely new story with new characters, but I certainly hope it will be a new chapter in the story we have now which can be parted into 4 different chapters.

World at War - Nazi Zombies

Black Ops - Richthofen's Grand Scheme

Black Ops II - Aftermath

Black Ops III (+Origins and Mob) - Primis


Funny enough, these are exactly the books of @RadZakpak's Storybook. The fourth book (the tales about Primis) made the chronological order of the CoD Zombies story a bit.....hard. Challenging. But we like challenges, do we not?

So whatever awaits us in November, 2018, I hope it continues the already existing story of zombies, preferably with already known characters in it, instead of an entirely new story like IW Zombies and AW Exozombies. If this would be the case, how would this pack out? A chapter in the Zombie story, before, between or after the four already existing chapters.
Before Nazi Zombies
Before the story of Doctor Maxis, Doctor Richthofen and Group 935, the story we know via radios in World at War and Black Ops. It could be about the finding of the Tunguska meteor, in the early 20th century: Tunguska was the first amount of Element 115 found in modern history. Who knows how this proces of first human contact with 115 went. Firstly the Russians found it, brought it to a secret facility, and maybe it later came in the hands of the German Group 935.
We can also go to much more years before Nazi Zombies. We could go to the Dark Ages, to the fight of Primis, the Wolf King, the Crusaders, Knight Templars, Keepers and Apothicans. We know Primis eventually die, but there could happen alot before that happens. And besides that, maybe Richthofen finds a way how to keep them alive and change history.

Between Nazi Zombies and Richthofen's Grand Scheme
Shi No Numa starts pretty random. Richthofen's testsubjects are somehow and for unknown reasons brought to the Rising Sun facility. There is a gap in the story between the moment Maxis dies and Samantha curses Richthofen and Group 935, and Shi No Numa, the beginning of Richthofen's Grand Scheme. What happened between? Richthofen went from Griffin Station to Earth, presumably to his Siberian Outpost, to pick up his testsubjects. For unknown reasons, they eventually arrive in the Rising Sun facility, but there could have happened so much in between. We do know that the Kronorium is in Richthofen's "Doctor's Quarters", and that there is a wall writing saying "Power will destroy you, Tunguska". What does this mean? Has this any relevance of what happened previously? And Richthofen constantly talking about the Illuminati in the early maps, while the New World Order is (almost) never mentioned in the radios and Black Ops. Has there happened something with them before Shi No Numa?

Between Richthofen's Grand Scheme and Aftermath
After Moon, Richthofen enters the Dark Aether and gets in control of the zombies, leaving his comrades Nikolai, Takeo and Tank behind, together with Samantha. What has happened with them after they have launched the Moon missile's and blew Earth up? The time in which TranZit takes place is still heavily debated, and there could have happened so much between Moon and TranZit. The fact that our heroes randomly disappear is on its least said....strange. Just dying on the Moon or No Man's Land is such an antiqlimatic ending for zombie killing professionals.
And don't only think about them. The whole thing behind the CIA and CDC also require some clarity. A lot of stories can be told about survivors roaming on the broken Earth, slashing zombies.
Between Aftermath and Primis
Buried ends and....POOF.....we're in Origins, 1918. This is probably the biggest and most mysterious gap in the entire zombie story, since it is not a real gap. I mean, Origins takes place before Buried, but chronologically after. Since Buried could have two endings, it is kinda hard to make a sequel to it. The developers could simply choose one ending, and just say that the other ending takes place in another universe. Russman, Misty, Stulinger and Marlton could continue trying to stay alive in the breaking universe, and perhaps find a way to escape to another one. IF Richthofen wins, the universe will be corrupted by Apothicans, so the first map could be about the TranZit crew fighting these ugly beasts off, and eventually flew away. IF Maxis wins, he goes to Samantha in Agartha. And if Samantha is in Agartha (who is last seen with Nikolai, Takeo and Tank on Moon), the three test subjects might be there as well, which brings me back to "Between Richthofen's Grand Scheme and Aftermath".

After Primis
This story could be about Maxis, Sophia and the Children in the House, who eventually grow up and might help gothfather Monty to kick some zombies' asses and close some universes off. Another thing to build further could be about Primis self, arrived in an to them alien era: The Dark Ages, where they fight the Apothicans off (as said in "Before Nazi Zombies). Monty could also ask other slayers to help him saving the Multiverse, people we have seen before (Five 4, the Actors, the 4 unknown marines, the CIA, the CDC, the test subjects and Samantha, Mason and his Black Ops crew or anyone else).
We'll see....in 2018
*Screen is black*
German Aetherial voice: "Ah come on, your suffering is not done yet, ja?"
*Nikolai's, Takeo's, Tank's and Richthofen's bodies are seen falling down on the ground, in slow motion, but it is played reversed, so it looks like they are standing up, music begins silently*
*Shots of Griffin Station are seen*
American voice: "Where are we?"
Russian voice: "Better question is..."
Asian voice: "The soil here looks very....unearthly....without honor."
Russian voice: "NO! Where the Hell is my Vodka!"
*A zombie can be seen crawling out of the Moon ground, screaming loudly*
American voice: "I dunno what that is, but something within me gives me the feeling to FUCKING SLASH IT HARD"
German female voice: "Let the joy begin"
Russian voice: "Am I drunk, or is a very tiny girly voice coming out of a big man body?"
*More zombies appear, coming out of barriers, music starts playing loud now, four astronauts are seen killing zombies*
American voice: "Hell yeah, take this rotten freakbag!"
Asian voice: "Taste my blade, monster!"
Russian voice: "It is happy hour now!"
German female voice: "A hahaha, so much fun. Wunderbar!"
German Aetherial voice: "You hopefully do not think I resurrected you only for let you taste the grim beauty of annihilation again, do you?"
American voice: "What the fucking what was that?"
American voice: "What kind of name is Dempsey?"
German Aetherial voice: "I came from the future, it was a sunny and bright future, a-ha, full of suffering and pain. Some even started to eat each other, hahaha, was so much fun. But I digress, things did not went exactly as I had planned.
*The astronauts are still seen fighting zombies on the Moon*
German Aetherial voice: "I need you to find me an object, an ancient artifact of a certain value. A key. But it does not look like a key, more like a big, round, hard ball....ooohhhhh, so delightfull.
*Portal can be seen opening*
German Aetherial voice: "Now go through it, and obey my voice"
Russian voice: "Am simple man, I hear voices, I obey."
German Aetherial voice: "Awww, wunderbar Nikolai, you always were my favorite. NOW GO THROUGH THAT PORTAL!"
American voice: "Whatever, dickhead"
Asian voice: "Something is not right here, my ancestors tell me not to go through it."
*More and more zombies appear, also Nova-6 crawlers*
American voice: "Seems like we're out of options, lets go."
German female girl: "Let the game begin."
*The four astronauts jump in the portal, which closes after them*
German Aetherial voice: "Exactly Samantha, exactly...WHAHAHAHAAAH


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