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The Forest Appears Again


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 Comning Straight out of the Comic Books with "Victus"


"Marlton guides the other three to his location, where he uses the Element 115 shard for a contraption requiring the activation of 4 individuals. The contraption extracts their blood, with Stuhlinger explaining Richtofen's words that it is supposed to help recognize them and differentiate them from zombies. A flash occurs, and the four find the view of the once barren forest before them now changes to a lush forest at nightime, leaving Misty wondering whethey they have "fixed the world"."


"Stuhlinger ignores Richtofen's request and heads off to the room alone, where he finds the zombies making way for him to enter, rather than stopping him. Stuhlinger breaks into the room and breaks the glass compartment containing the Kronorium, but then finds that he has triggered the security system in place, releasing various zombies with cybernetic enhancements."










You IMG_2443.PNG




Oh Dear how do I put this... so now we're seeing a mesh of Nightmares/Campaign mode come together a little bit. The symbolism of Primus sitting in the forest, while seeing Samantha in the house with the snow globe, you'llsee that it snows when teleporting. These things are leading me to believe that "The Forest" is the center or "Root" of the universe. The woods are also seen consuming Samantha in her drawings at Der Eisendrach. 


I'd like to also credit @Abel! he definitely is a wealth of knowledge and I'm sure he'd love to talk to any of you about story just like myself!


Upon taking the teleporter back from the Pack-A-Punch room in Kino, the player may enter one of these rooms for about five seconds. They sometimes contain a power up. Also sometimes a film reel will appear in the rooms. 

Dentist's Office


There is also a room that looks like a dentists with a chair and large lights surrounding it. A tooth drill can be heard nearby. This seems to be one of the rooms in Verrückt. If the player uses noclip (PC version only), one can see exactly the same chair that Mason sits in along with the same blood splatter. The film reel is sometimes on the table by the chair or counters.


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Ah, the roots of all evil:

The first thing I thought, those inverted pictures - is it an eye? Secondly; are those arms or tentacles?  Maybe even an arachnid? So on I thought, it must be some kind of creature. A creature attuned to  nature?  The new trailer made that apparent to us [but] it still is an overlooked aspect to the story. The first instance of trees in Zombies would be at Griffin Station. I have looked at transcripts and there is nowhere characters [in the radios at least] mention the bio-dome, so I'm just curious why they needed to build something like that there. One theory could suggest that the group, upon discovering the Pyramid Device and upon entry, the room had oxygen inside. It was clear that the oxygen came from the device itself. So in that knowledge, the group decided to test the oxygen and began their plantation in the bio-dome. 


I find it interesting that the bio-dome would not have been constructed if Richthofen hadn't ordered it, especially after touching the device. Murdering his own people, dominating the universe, becoming a God... in this madness, he also had dreams of gardening...


What if the darkness that transferred from the MPD into Richthofen, told him to construct the bio-dome? Obviously the reasons for the creature wanting this would be a complete mystery to us, but there is also one other thing that still needs explained. In Revelations [the theater] the trees are in a dissimulate state, as if it's hiding  its true form?  There might be other examples that speak for themselves, like Zetsabou No Shima... 


Going back to what I mentioned earlier, maybe they aren't trees. Maybe they are legs, arms reaching out from within the universe, it creeps over the land and spreads its seed (ew...) This idea of the world around them concealing its true nature could expand, and I feel like Zetsebou drilled deep into this concept. For instance, you talk about entering the Kino Der Toten rooms, seeing Samantha's room, the doctor's chair. 'Aether projections' are what they are called. We are thrown into these memories, [or even] visions from Samantha's mind, and going back in Kino Der Toten. It makes you wonder if the theater was real in the first place!

I love how Zombies [BOIII] explore these concepts of purgatory and redemption, although we may not understand it now, we understand a few more things. From the origins of zombies, the apocalypse and annihilation of Zombies, we could potentially understand the dissimulation of Zombies.


And that is how I interpret this...

10 hours ago, Abel! said:

Ah, the roots of all evil:

The first thing I thought, those inverted pictures - is it an eye? Secondly; are those arms or tentacles?  Maybe even an arachnid? So on I thought, it must be some kind of creature. A creature attuned to  nature?  The new trailer made that apparent to us [but] it still is an overlooked aspect to the story.  


Could it be possible that it's the Shadowman jumping in during the dark Ultimus Timeline?




I find it interesting that the bio-dome would not have been constructed if Richthofen hadn't ordered it, especially after touching the device. Murdering his own people, dominating the universe, becoming a God... in this madness, he also had dreams of gardening..



To dream that you are gardening symbolizes work or career issues. Consider how you feel about gardening or the condition of the garden and how it parallels a waking work issue or situation.


To see a vegetable or fruit garden in your dream indicates that your hard work and diligence will pay off in the end. It is also symbolic of stability, potential, and inner growth. You need to cultivate a new skill or nurture your spiritual and personal growth.


To dream that you are planting something represents your faith and optimism about the future. You have an optimistic view.





What if the darkness that transferred from the MPD into Richthofen, told him to construct the bio-dome? Obviously the reasons for the creature wanting this would be a complete mystery to us, but there is also one other thing that still needs explained. In Revelations [the theater] the trees are in a dissimulate state, as if it's hiding  its true form?  There might be other examples that speak for themselves, like Zetsabou No Shima... 


Upon being realesed from the MPD Samantha warns Richthofen that there is an entity "Power" far darker and far greater than he could ever imagine. This entity we now know is the Apothicons or the Shadowman..


I will take a closer look in theatre at the trees my friend and see. Revelations and Zetsu Bou No Shima right?




Going back to what I mentioned earlier, maybe they aren't trees. Maybe they are legs, arms reaching out from within the universe, it creeps over the land and spreads its seed (ew...) This idea of the world around them concealing its true nature could expand, and I feel like Zetsebou drilled deep into this concept. For instance, you talk about entering the Kino Der Toten rooms, seeing Samantha's room, the doctor's chair. 'Aether projections' are what they are called. We are thrown into these memories, [or even] visions from Samantha's mind, and going back in Kino Der Toten. It makes you wonder if the theater was real in the first place!


Yes I'll be sure to clean up the OP soon. Kino has me quiet intrigued. Special realizations that the characters see their pictures of their Primus self I believe.



I love how Zombies [BOIII] explore these concepts of purgatory and redemption, although we may not understand it now, we understand a few more things. From the origins of zombies, the apocalypse and annihilation of Zombies, we could potentially understand the dissimulation of Zombies.


And that is how I interpret this...


i believe to that it will be revealed. Jason Blundells remarks on how they wanted to pick the maps that gave a player the base storyline and how it got to present day. I'm glad you commented a gave some great input!  There is definitely something within these Ideas I know it.

11 hours ago, RequixEclipse said:

Could it be possible that it's the Shadowman jumping in during the dark Ultimus Timeline?

Shadowman is defeated, after all, he was only the "harbinger of doom" itself... A person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another. Wouldn't the entity inside Samantha be Teddy? Here are a few Moon quotes from Samantha:  “You just gave Teddy more power!”   “First I’ll find Teddy, then Sophia!” 

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5 hours ago, Abel! said:

Shadowman is defeated, after all, he was only the "harbinger of doom" itself... A person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another. Wouldn't the entity inside Samantha be Teddy? Here are a few Moon quotes from Samantha:  “You just gave Teddy more power!”   “First I’ll find Teddy, then Sophia!” 

How odd that in the Timeline, it is said that first there were only the Keepers. Among them there were the Shadowman and Monty. The Shadowman gets corrupted and joins the corrupted-Keeper side(later Apothicans). That could explain his equality, or perhaps ever inferiority to certain other Apothican Overlords. With Monty it is strange. Why does he yield such great powers, and why is he superior over other "normal" Keepers?


About those quotes...I have never heard them before. Are they in the old or new version of Moon? Especially the latter quote is interesting. Anyone any idea what that one means?

1 hour ago, anonymous said:

How odd that in the Timeline, it is said that first there were only the Keepers. Among them there were the Shadowman and Monty. The Shadowman gets corrupted and joins the corrupted-Keeper side(later Apothicans). That could explain his equality, or perhaps ever inferiority to certain other Apothican Overlords. With Monty it is strange. Why does he yield such great powers, and why is he superior over other "normal" Keepers?


About those quotes...I have never heard them before. Are they in the old or new version of Moon? Especially the latter quote is interesting. Anyone any idea what that one means?

That's some Dimension-36 hoobla.  Wouldn't be surprised if Monty made most of Primus up!


It's on the old.

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5 hours ago, anonymous said:

How odd that in the Timeline, it is said that first there were only the Keepers. Among them there were the Shadowman and Monty. The Shadowman gets corrupted and joins the corrupted-Keeper side(later Apothicans). That could explain his equality, or perhaps ever inferiority to certain other Apothican Overlords. With Monty it is strange. Why does he yield such great powers, and why is he superior over other "normal" Keepers?


About those quotes...I have never heard them before. Are they in the old or new version of Moon? Especially the latter quote is interesting. Anyone any idea what that one means?

The Teddy quotes are from the original Moon and refer to Richtofen. They go hand in hand with her other taunts to Richtofen after he has taken over the MPD.

13 hours ago, NaBrZHunter said:

The Teddy quotes are from the original Moon and refer to Richtofen. They go hand in hand with her other taunts to Richtofen after he has taken over the MPD.


Still trying to make sense out of this Monty quote. At the orphanage, Edward told everyone his dad was a famous scientist. They scrolled "Teddy is a liar" on the schoolyard wall. 


We have three versions of Richthofen. Ultimis Richtofen, Primis Richtofen & 2210 Edward. Ultimately, Ultimis & Primis Richthofen are one of the same, even though they are parallel versions of themselves. So this leaves out 2210 Edward. If Monty is talking about him. he was an orphan in dimension-2210, but now Ultimis Richtofen came into the mix from the start, saying "Teddy is a liar"... The obvious answer would be that even if these characters are from different dimensions, they all share similar backstories. 


We knew what became of Ultimis & Primis Richtofen, but what will become of Edward from Dimension-2210? Isn't this what Treyarch like to do best, laying out the foundations first and start building on those foundations later on, even into the next game? They went hand in hand then, in Moon, but Samantha also made an effort to distinguish Edward from Teddy.


E: “You cannot hide in there forever Edward”  “Tell Edward to die”  “I Hate Edward, he has lied to daddy since I was just a little girl”  

T: “You just gave Teddy more power”  “First I’ll find Teddy, then Sophia”  “Ohhh Ted, I'm coming for you” 


Again, like you said, they went hand in hand at the time. But Treyarch could use this. I understand that she is saying this because she genuinely thinks Teddy is Eddy, but she is a little girl with her delusions in the MPD. Why does she strongly believe that Teddy represents Eddy? Why does she play chess with it in one of her aether projections?


You see, there is a massive gap here. Samantha was not with Richtofen during his childhood, however Samantha in Origins grew up with Edward from Dimension 2210... But still, how would the original Samantha know about Teddy?  Because, I believe that as Edward from Dimension-2210 grew older, he could turn corrupt and evil. His next move could be to enter the Dark Aether, find his way to the original Samantha and enact chaos through her. 


But now I'm thinking, how would Samantha identify Edward from Dimension 2210 with Ultimis Richtofen? He's young, he old, so why is she still saying Teddy is a Liar?  Edward could of told her, but where would be the fun in that? Instead, why not take the form of her favorite toy and connect with her through her love of Teddy? Then the toy speaks to her... says "I'm Eddy!"... Infuriated, it would be too late for her. He has taken the wheel of f**king chaos!   (something like this at least)


A precious gift given to her loved, then finding out that it was deceiving her all this time... “Something far more terrible than you lies here”


I'd buy it

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Was 2210 Richthofen not mature too? I mean, sure he was a child at one point, but at the point his soul was takes, he was an adult. Monty made him a child to restore his innocence, whatever that means, just like he did with the test subjects.


And keep in mind Richthofen from the 2210th Universe (why did you called it dimension, Blundell? Dimension means something else) is the purest version of Richthofen. This Richthofen is the most like Richthofen should be, without being influenced by the Apothicans and 115...

4 hours ago, anonymous said:

Was 2210 Richthofen not mature too? I mean, sure he was a child at one point, but at the point his soul was takes, he was an adult. Monty made him a child to restore his innocence, whatever that means, just like he did with the test subjects.


And keep in mind Richthofen from the 2210th Universe (why did you called it dimension, Blundell? Dimension means something else) is the purest version of Richthofen. This Richthofen is the most like Richthofen should be, without being influenced by the Apothicans and 115...

I don't know anything about that but their souls are captured first to do it.


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