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Has zombies went too far?

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Now, hear me out here as I understood my opinion will not be taken lightly amongst other nazi zombie players. Especially on a fan forum dedicated towards Call of Duty zombie players. However, I am interested to see what others have to say. My opinion is mainly towards: the storyline of zombies, and the maps/gameplay...


In the recent years I've taken somewhat of a hiatus towards gaming, and Call of Duty for that matter. As these days COD is now more focused on satisfying young children's desires of the game, than entertainment; the developers call it advancement. However, running on walls and jet packing everywhere goes beyond development in my opinion.


Now, nazi zombies I feel is something I feel has not reached this level of "development" until now... at least, until I've recently returned to playing to realise. It seems like the gamemode has taken a step away from raw gameplay, to a more easteregg/storyline focused-driven gamemode. Like you cannot play the maps without completing the easteregg or storyline, as if it is a vital component. Where as before the story was a supplement to the fantastic gameplay that zombies had to offer.


The gamemode I feel offers no pick up and play value to new-comers to the mode. Specifically, by appearing to have a need complete mandatory storyline steps in order to obtain specialist weapons or additions. Which appears confusing to new players.


What are your thoughts? Please debate...

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I don't think zombies has went too far just yet anyways. I mean it could be a lot worse and there could be many more things that they could add that would just completely waste it.


Following the WAW/BO zombies, even though it started of as a cool little side mode for completing the campaign, there has always been a story behind it. A pretty darn good one at that. The story of zombies is absolutely brilliant and how it all comes together is wonderful. The Zombies game mode is made for fun, entertainment and lots of success. It's also made based off of the community and what keeps them happy. Every year we see something new with zombies and sometimes it's something good and sometimes some bad things but things are balanced so the prime mode isn't actually disturbed. I certainly don't think that any of the maps 100% require you to do any EE to be able to play the map and have fun.


Now things like little side quests to open PAP is understandable as you are literally getting the ability to increase your performance, letting you progress further with less difficulty. Even though some maps make it a pain to open it up, it's a good relief in the end and it also keeps the challenge up.


The main thing to remember is that Zombies is a mode trying to please everyone. If they were to bring out the same mode with nothing changed over and over again people would get bored and the mode would die off. But with the new maps, new quest, new weapons and a whole lot more it keeps people excited and interested in the mode.


I generally have nothing wrong with the mode. It has something for everyone! :23:

  • 4 weeks later...

Ehhh some maps do it better and some maps worse. What has bothered me the most is that they took off the difficulty. Or changed it. For example the reason why I fail in Der Eisendrache most of the times is the panzer. I don't have to worry about running out of ammo or firepower with normal zombies, I just need to keep myself focused so I don't make a stupid mistake.


As Blundell said, they only get to make one Zombies map per DLC so with each game they're trying to make something for everyone. So you have your simpler maps like Eisendrache and your complicated ones like Shadows or Zetsubou. If they could do 2-3 maps per DLC then I imagine we'd see both simple and complex maps per DLC and everyone would be happy.


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