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IPhone Zombies, Zombie Richthofen, and My Weird Theory


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So, I don't know if anyone else has ever played the WAW zombie port on the iPhone, but there is something kinda weird that happens in it. So, I kinda have a theory on it. Obliviously, like any other theory, this could be completely wrong, and i'm just over thinking a port for the iPhone, that is probably not cannon to the zombies story line at all... But I still think its interesting none the less.


 Lets start with WAW


In this tutorial, you meet Dr. Richthofen, who is downed outside a window in Nacht der Untoten. He wakes you out of unconsciousness by yelling "Hey you, American! Wake up! ". He teaches you the touch screen controls and the basics of how to play zombies. Wall buying weapons, rebuilding barricades, basic baby stuff. Then, at the end of the tutorial,

this happens...

0YR4REE.png Nah, you'll be fine. 

itjFilX.png You okay there mate?

KaG8G0H.png Oh.


So, once Richthofen's zombification happens, you have to end his misery with a Mauser bullet to the face. This act of mercy concludes the tutorial.


Well, in the cannon Treyarch Zombies, this is apparently what happens (According the Call of Duty Wikia)


"If the player decides to follow Maxis' side of all three Easter Eggs, a gateway to the Aether will open, allowing him to escape his digital form and assume power over the Aether's energy and use it to open the gateway to Agartha and destroy the Earth in the process. Meanwhile, Richthofen's soul is transported into a zombie with blue eyes and doomed to forever walk the Earth as one of the undead. This is the canon ending in the story-line."


I know that it would be a very large stretch, considering that the zombie Richthofen in question turns into in the tutorial has yellow eyes. However, in the Shadows Of Evil jumpscare easter egg, we see a zombie Richthofen with yellow eyes and a hat, that are extremely similar to the iPhone version of zombie Richthofen. Could the iPhone WAW zombies tutorial be the canonical very end of Richthofen, with him turning into a zombie and such? 


In my 100% honest opinion?


Probably not.


But it is a pretty cool coincidence, considering that the IOS version of WAW zombies came out 6 years before BO3 came out. It should also be noted that in the BO1 zombies iPhone port, the character you play as turns into a zombie, which can be Richthofen, but only if you select to play as him before starting the tutorial, so its not really applicable to my theory. What do you guys think this weird additon to the IOS version of zombies?


also did anybody else really enjoy the Zombie ports? they were a life saver in middle school lol. 








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It's an interesting thought and I could see it being retconned in in someway, given recent events like Ultimis being in the Chronicles version of Nacht. As Monty says in the Nacht and Verruckt radios, they were never there, but then they were. With this idea in mind it's totally possible every version of these maps is canon in a different cycle. So that includes WaW Nacht, BO1 Nacht, and BO3 Nacht, plus even possibly iOS Nacht with zombie Richtofen and all. However I do doubt that Blundell and the rest of the story team is considering this when they write the story, but it's always possible.


Also some other interesting things to note about iOS zombies:


- Finding Peter McCain's grave in Shi No Numa

- In Call of the Dead you play as Ultimis

- The sillhouette painting in Kino is omitted


Then there's the Wii version of Kino with the slight differences such as the AUG on the stage, the projector playing a completely different film about the Great Leap Forward, and the pictures of future maps.


Who knows, maybe these obscure ported versions of maps may be considered a part of the canon in the future. And yep, I loved World at War zombies on iOS. Black Ops unfortunately disappointed me with the changed controls though.

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Well, I am not sure if the IOS version of CoDZ is canon for the "normal" storyline, but it could easily be a alternative story in an alternative universe. I frankly did not knew this Richthofen resurrection in NdU, and I have to admit, it's pretty neat. About Richthofen's soul, it is transported in many zombie bodies in Buried: Mostly mine workers, cowboys and that kind of bodies. Richthofen's real body would still be on the Moon, where he swapped his soul with Samantha. We know that once Maxis gain acces to Agartha, he travels back in time to the end of Moon, to pick Samantha's soul out of Richthofen's body, and take her to Agartha. So Richthofen's body would be left soulless on Moon (point 1).


(Timeline): "Once Maxis controls the Aether in 2035 he returns to the Moon and plucks Samantha from Richtofen’s body to join him in Agartha."

Later, Primis Richthofen appears and controls old Richthofen's dead body to chase Victis, as seen in the comics (point 2).


(Timeline): "Richtofen instructs undead Richtofen to pursue Victis and recover their blood vials."

The process between point 1 and 2, however, the process of the dying and zombification of Richthofen, is unknown and stays a mystery....


I think it is also curious that, in both BO1 and BO3, we've got Nacht der Untoten and Verrückt playing as Ultimis. Resurrection DLC is always believed to be non-canon, but now Treyarch once again releases those maps with those characters, I'm not sure what to think anymore....


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