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Info on Dr. Monty

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Dr. Monty 



"This... is... it. The Aether, the infinite, the reality beyond. Beyond the world you know, beyond your perception. Things are going to get a lot worse before they get better. You changed the rules. There are certain things that you can't ever change. All I ask, is that you do the right thing. The right thing for everyone."
— Dr. Monty
Doctor Monty is a character that appears in the Zombies mode of Call of duty black ops 3. He is the creator of most of the features in the mode itself like: the GobbleGum Machine and the factory that creates them, the appearances of the Mystery Box, chalk drawings, Power-ups, Persistent Upgrades that appear in all the Zombie maps. He is also a member of the ancient Keeper race, though throughout all his appearance he has only assumed a human form of an old British man wearing a signature red scarf.

Monty, like his Keeper brethren, existed since the very beginning of the universe. Not much is known about his history, other than that he used to have one person he considers his best friend. That person would later be corrupted by the energy of the Dark Aether, and be known as the ShadowMan. After a war breaks out, Shadow man and the rest of the corrupted Keepers were banished to the Dark Aether, where they would eventually mutate into apothicons. Monty and the Keepers took up the mantle of guardians of the universe, watching from afar and only interfering when the universe is in a state of imbalance.

If you want info on something comment and i will post info on it!


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