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Your favourite Zombies map trailer or music video?

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The Dead Flowers music video is probably the most unique and I love it for it. For me it was when the storytelling became really abstract, and it also made me love Takeo's character development in Zetsubou. Not to mention the creepy vibes.

5 hours ago, RadZakpak said:


The Dead Flowers music video is probably the most unique and I love it for it. For me it was when the storytelling became really abstract, and it also made me love Takeo's character development in Zetsubou. Not to mention the creepy vibes.


Ahhh, Zetsubou... could have been such a good map, but it has that thing in common with Shadows of Evil and Tranzit that makes the majority hate those maps - they're too complicated. WAY too much messing around just to get set up. Running around and collecting stuff isn't the game I wanna be playing when I start up Zombies. A bit of setting up and doing other little side bits is fine, maps like Eisendrache and Moon struck the perfect balance with those I feel - but too much just convolutes the gameplay. As I said, shame, because Zetsubou in terms of layout, look and feel is a great map.


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