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Holy Emperor Fredrick Bararabossa


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I think that is an excellent timeline! And I agree with you that the last version fits better with the story: The devastating allied bombing of Heligoland, the snowseason in Bavaria, Hitler still being alive and the German troops desperately opposing the Soviet forces from the East to capture Berlin. Makes me wonder why this version would not be true. 




That really is the only reason. The capture of the Markers Salt Mines and Neuschwanstein Castle happened in April, and these events would also fit with Version II. Berchtesgaden, unfortunately, was captured by the Allies in early May. 


Yet the snow and bombardment are no dependant factors in the story, and Version II does not have to be true, while version I actually have to. Another, in real-life not recorded, bombardment on Heligoland could have been happened later, in May. I know the climate in Europe in the 20th century was notably colder than it is now, and I'm no specialist in the weather in the Alps, but I can imagine that even in May there could have been a bit snow left at a few spots. Hitler's death is, in contradiction the the other ones, a dependant factor to the story. So I guess in the next DLC we'll find out if Hitler is still alive or not- and whether it is Version I or Version II that is canon.



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  On 2/4/2018 at 10:18 AM, certainpersonio said:

@anonymousYeah, it definitely seems like I let my excitement get the better of me and I jumped the gun. From an in-game dialogue stand-point, we now know that Straub's forces are being redirected, as stated in Audio Log 32.

My personal interpretation of this is that the message came from Berlin, but doesn't guarantee that the undead army was redirect there. Based on your proposed timeline, in July of 1944 Hitler barely avoided assassination during Operation Valkyrie where a bomb was detonated at the Wolf's Lair. This wouldn't explain why the Nazi's would need an undead army in Poland, but maybe it suggests a deployment to the Eastern Front?


Initially I agreed with your timeline, but now I have 2 potential timelines that are quite different from each other. Essentially it comes from a series of tweets that both in-game confirm Groesten Haus happens after D-day and Cameron Dayton confirms the story takes place in 1945. [tweet]


Here is my best guess at a timeline: ( * indicates an event that is believed to have happened around this time but with no clear date)

  • 1933 - Marie leaves Bavaria to go England/America. Eventually joins the OSS and MFAA [source]
  • 1935 - Ahnenerbe founded
  • 1937 - Barbarossa's chamber discovered in mines of Mittleburg.[source]
  • *Straub arrives and begins experimentation with Geistkraft. Starts to build undead army.
  • 1940 - Operation Sea-Lion planned.
  • *Straub base on Heligoland set up as staging ground for Operation Sea-Lion
  • March 20th, 1941 - Klaus begins writing to Marie about atrocities occurring in Mittleburg.[source]
  • June 22nd, 1943 - Marie begins writing in her journal. She's a part of the OSS and is reaching out to the MFAA. [source]
  • July 24th, 1943 - Rideau reaches out to Marie about the artifacts Klaus has uncovered. [source]
  • August 3rd, 1943 - MFAA approves mission to Mittleburg. 
  • June 6th, 1944 - D-day
    • You can find paperwork in campaign that talks about having dead bodies sent from the front to Dr. Straub in Mittleburg.


Here I think it splits into 2 possible timelines:


Version I: Based on historical dates of accomplishments mentioned in TFR Prologue [prologue]

  • April 4th, 1945 - Merkers Salt mines captured by Allied forces. Drostan present for retrieval. [source]
  • April/May 1945- Neuschwanstein Castle turned over to allies. Olivia present for retrieval. [source]
  • May 4th, 1945 - Berchtesgaden, "Hitler's mountain retreat" captured by Allies. Jefferson present for retrieval. [source]
  • *May 1945 - The Final Reich
    • Snow would have to be from altitude in the mountains, but this seems unlikely (see above for more detail). Probably can't be winter because WWII was well over by then
    • Apparently newspapers in the Groesten Haus reference D-day landings as having happened
  • *May 1945 - The Darkest Shore
    • Again, character dialogue suggests a quick turn-around for this mission, suggesting it might be days-weeks after TFR. Comfortably <1mo after TFR. 
  • Can't come to rescue Hitler because he died on April 30th, 1945.


Version II: Based on approximations of historical dates and working backwards from end of WWII. Essentially paints a picture of the undead army coming to defend Germany as the Allies race for Berlin. 

  • Early April 1945 - Merkers, Neuschwanstein, and Berchtesgaden all happen in close proximity as Allied forces advance into Germany
  • *~April 10th, 1945 - The Final Reich
    • Problems with the snow have already been discussed above. 
    • Essentially it goes here bc it's 1week prior to Darkest Shore
  • *April 18th, 1945 - The Darkest Shore
    • This has our characters assaulting the island in the morning and then calling in the historically accurate, devastating bombing on April 18th, 1945
  • This now places our characters on a Zeppelin with Straub heading to defend the Führer. Historically speaking, by April 23rd the Soviets had essentially surrounded Berlin. [source]

My personal favorite is Version III. I like the idea of this being Straub's final attempt to push back the Allied armies.



I really like the info and input. I’m still reading this but wanted to comment. Also what’s do you guys have for the statues and wall pictures?


@RequixEclipse By murals do you mean the ones down by Barbarossa's statue? I think Glitching Queen did a phenomenal job retrieving and cleaning up the images from the walls down there: http://www.glitchingqueen.com/ww2zombies.html As far as what they mean, I'm inclined to think they have to do with one of the Crusades Barbarossa went on. However, there is no notable time on which he took a sea-voyage for the Crusades, so really it is a mystery. 


And what do you mean by statues? 

  On 2/9/2018 at 4:08 AM, certainpersonio said:

@RequixEclipse By murals do you mean the ones down by Barbarossa's statue? I think Glitching Queen did a phenomenal job retrieving and cleaning up the images from the walls down there: http://www.glitchingqueen.com/ww2zombies.html As far as what they mean, I'm inclined to think they have to do with one of the Crusades Barbarossa went on. However, there is no notable time on which he took a sea-voyage for the Crusades, so really it is a mystery. 


And what do you mean by statues? 


I have the screenshots on the OP in a spoiler I’m adding some more now


I got some hard evidence that proves that I was correct on the Teutonic Knights.




As I pruse around the Zombie bunker trying to read the unreadable paper scatter crossed the floor. A taunting stack of books catches my gaze.










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