Moderators Lenne Posted December 5, 2017 Moderators Posted December 5, 2017 Zombies confessions Hellööööö, everyone, I hope your day is peachy. Mine so far isn't, simply because I just wasted half an hour playing Origins and preparing everything I need, to get to a decent round, but in the end (it doesn't even matter) I got stuck in a zombie sandwich and rage quit. It got me thinking: I have never done the Easter Egg for Origins the closest I came to it was building the ice and fire staff, as a matter of fact, I never done any Easter Egg or side quest in zombies ever, except for Call of the Dead. (Why is everyone yelling on about a Mob of the Dead remake, while there is no CotD one either?) Another "sin" I have to confess: I never gave Revelations a proper try, simply because I find that map to be rather ugly. So what kind of zombie sins do you have to get off your chest? No worries, I won't judge you, but maybe Samantha will.
Moderators anonymous Posted December 5, 2017 Moderators Posted December 5, 2017 I....I've never done any easter egg in Treyach zombies. I have no mic, and up until recently ago, I had only two controllers, so I use that as an excuse. I came the farthest in the Moon, TranZit and Buried EE's, but when reaching the step in which you need 4 players, I stopped. I've never reached round 25 in Nuketown. I survived till round 24 multiple times, but I never saw the eye change. I've never found Busroute B ;) Remember this one. Please, Samantha, forgive me!
ZombiesAteMyPizza! Posted December 6, 2017 Posted December 6, 2017 I'm also guilty of not bothering with EEs. I did all of them in Black Ops 1 thanks to my friends being into them at the time, but those friends no longer play. I do however love the Moon easter egg and have done it with randoms several times on Black Ops 3, but I've not done a single BO3 easter egg otherwise.
jiipee95 Posted December 6, 2017 Posted December 6, 2017 Same as the others have said, haven't really completed many. 1 from BO1 and 2 from BO3. For me zombies is about surviving as ong as possible anyways. I have attempted almost every easter egg at least once but usually can't be bothered to try until I finish them :P
Moderators RadZakpak Posted December 6, 2017 Moderators Posted December 6, 2017 I never did the full easter egg quest in Black Ops 2 between TranZit, Die Rise, and Buried. I would've liked to but I hated doing those easter eggs even once on the easiest side.
Administrators InfestLithium Posted December 6, 2017 Administrators Posted December 6, 2017 My personal highest round in Black Ops 1 (Moon) was only achieved because I was doing the round-skip glitch during a 5 hour match...I have been very naughty.
andydabeast Posted December 7, 2017 Posted December 7, 2017 My first EE was on FR in WWII... and I have been playing zombies since 2009.
Inconcievable Posted December 7, 2017 Posted December 7, 2017 I've always kind of liked the bad weapons of the CoD games. The War Machine, SMR and DSR in Black Ops II are simply fun to play around with for a game. (Albeit the DSR being the better selection of that.) Also, used to love the Gorgon. Still admire it. Is everyone else than me still guilty of the sin that is dashboarding?
Moderators Lenne Posted December 7, 2017 Author Moderators Posted December 7, 2017 19 hours ago, InfestLithium said: My personal highest round in Black Ops 1 (Moon) was only achieved because I was doing the round-skip glitch during a 5 hour match...I have been very naughty. There was a round skip glitch? Never thought you'd be the guy to do such thing, Festo. :P 37 minutes ago, The Meh said: I've always kind of liked the bad weapons of the CoD games. The War Machine, SMR and DSR in Black Ops II are simply fun to play around with for a game. (Albeit the DSR being the better selection of that.) Also, used to love the Gorgon. Still admire it. Is everyone else than me still guilty of the sin that is dashboarding? Don't tell me you also liked the china lake! :P On the topic of dashboarding, I would say, as long as you do it in solo matches, it is fine, you are basically only cheating yourself, but in public matches... ehhh. I personally never dashboarded, because I want ultras to be something special and just using them an infinite amount of times takes the magic away. @ The rest good to see, I am not the only one refusing to do the side quests. ^^ I have another sin: I haven't really given Shangri la a shot on BO III, although it being my favourite BO I map.
jiipee95 Posted December 7, 2017 Posted December 7, 2017 3 hours ago, The Meh said: I've always kind of liked the bad weapons of the CoD games. The War Machine, SMR and DSR in Black Ops II are simply fun to play around with for a game. (Albeit the DSR being the better selection of that.) Same, or like... I don't like to use them, but I like them to be in the mystery box. It makes the game a bit more fun in my opinion :P
ZombiesAteMyPizza! Posted December 7, 2017 Posted December 7, 2017 4 hours ago, The Meh said: Is everyone else than me still guilty of the sin that is dashboarding? On solo, all the time. On random games, I do try and just play until everyone quits or I get bored and leave.
Inconcievable Posted December 8, 2017 Posted December 8, 2017 10 hours ago, Lenne said: Don't tell me you also liked the china lake! :P Fuck the China Lake. It deserves to sit at a bottom of a lake, yeah, but the gun is AWFUL. 10 hours ago, Lenne said: I have another sin: I haven't really given Shangri la a shot on BO III, although it being my favourite BO I map. I can attest to having not done that EE myself. Same goes for Ascension, but why do an EE with no achievement? Here's the worst sins I can think of: -For Black Ops I maps, I would tend to restart certain games for maps to generate the perfect game. Like, say I'm wanting to play a character I like (Richtofen) and I want to play Moon. I'll typically either restart if I'm Richtofen, but I don't like the box spawn or the perk starting as Juggernog, or I'll restart because I simply want to be Richtofen. Not that all these mix together - typically, I choose not to care - but they do matter to me sometimes. (I did that a bit for Black Ops II in Customs, but decided against it after a while. Personal standard and all.) -I accidentally bought the first three DLCs of Black Ops I on my brother's account. Since I can't get them back now, I'm very much in an area of temptation to re-buy, and I already have for Call of the Dead. I wouldn't be calling this a sin if it weren't for the fact that this is like one of those forbidden fruit kind of scenarios. Also plays the same way for the COTD and Shangri La EEs, as I simply didn't care and he was the only one with XBL Gold at the time. -I own a copy of Black Ops I on a Wii. Bite me. -I can't do good on No Man's Land, no matter how hard I try. I've tried a lot and I always screw myself over somehow. I simply struggle to get close to 5,000 points for the PaP. (I only include this because it's kind of odd for someone to be bad with this around these parts, if my knowledge on it is good.)
Spider Posted December 12, 2017 Posted December 12, 2017 I haven't played Zombies for a few months now, The Revelations Map killed my love for it and I just couldn't get the motivation back even after playing Zombie Chronicles, The disappointment of the Zombie Maps in BO3 didn't help. I don't bother with the EE's. I get bored of Zombies after about 40-50 Rounds.
jiipee95 Posted December 13, 2017 Posted December 13, 2017 22 hours ago, Spider said: I haven't played Zombies for a few months now, The Revelations Map killed my love for it and I just couldn't get the motivation back even after playing Zombie Chronicles, The disappointment of the Zombie Maps in BO3 didn't help. Yeah, even though I enjoyed few of the BO3 maps I really don't want to play any of them atm. Especially Revelations was a huge disappointment as the final map of the season. I'm hoping WW2 zombies will get me back playing once I get it. So far I've played one game of The Final Reich and Groesten House and the first impression was pretty good, better than what I had back when BO3 started. But we'll see how the season goes etc...
Inconcievable Posted December 15, 2017 Posted December 15, 2017 On 12/12/2017 at 10:28 AM, Spider said: I haven't played Zombies for a few months now, The Revelations Map killed my love for it and I just couldn't get the motivation back even after playing Zombie Chronicles, The disappointment of the Zombie Maps in BO3 didn't help. I don't like Revelations either. It's a bit of a more... personal hatred, per se, but I digress, as all hatred is still just hatred. That being said, I will admit that Revelations has a very good kind of inept way of being the perfect map for even the most easy-going casual's first high round attempt. Frankly, I'm not sure if any maps - else than Revelations - really disappointed me. Even Zetsubou wasn't as awful as it could have been.
Moderators Lenne Posted December 15, 2017 Author Moderators Posted December 15, 2017 On 12.12.2017 at 4:28 PM, Spider said: I get bored of Zombies after about 40-50 Rounds. Used to be the same for me, but in BO3 the rounds seem to pass by faster. (Even when you actually don't do the filthy camping strats.) The zombies just seem to spawn in faster, I went to round 50 on DE and Kino and both times, I didn't get bored once, but yeah when applied to the original Black Ops and BO II, 50 rounds are more than enough.
Administrators Boom115 Posted September 23, 2018 Administrators Posted September 23, 2018 I did the sliquifier exploit on the Die Rise Elevator to get shotguns I jumped in @Covert Gunman's ZNS EE run on the last step to get the achievement and never returned to the map I liked Tranzit
Inconcievable Posted September 23, 2018 Posted September 23, 2018 On the topic of BOII Shotguns... someone hacked them onto me. What can I say, shit happened! Also, I think TranZit should have been remastered in Zombies Chronicles.
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