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Hello everyone. I just thought I'd introduce myself! I am VenomousBlood. Zombies is such an amazing mode and I've been playing it since 2009!  I joined the group today but I wish I would've discovered this group sooner! I am a console game (Primarily PS4) I play mostly BO3 zombies but I am up to play others such as WW2 and IW! Hope this introduction isn't too much. Fun fact (I guess) My favorite zombies map is Shi No Numa. :D (I hope I am posting this in the correct area XD)

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9 minutes ago, VenomousBlood said:

Hello everyone. I just thought I'd introduce myself! I am VenomousBlood. Zombies is such an amazing mode and I've been playing it since 2009!  I joined the group today but I wish I would've discovered this group sooner! I am a console game (Primarily PS4) I play mostly BO3 zombies but I am up to play others such as WW2 and IW! Hope this introduction isn't too much. Fun fact (I guess) My favorite zombies map is Shi No Numa. :D (I hope I am posting this in the correct area XD)

Heyo, VB.


This is the right area, so no worries.


Nice to meet you and if you have any questions, be sure to ask me, or anyone else in green, red or light purple.


Who is your favourite character by the way?


Enjoy your stay, friend. :)

30 minutes ago, VenomousBlood said:

Hello everyone. I just thought I'd introduce myself! I am VenomousBlood. Zombies is such an amazing mode and I've been playing it since 2009!  I joined the group today but I wish I would've discovered this group sooner! I am a console game (Primarily PS4) I play mostly BO3 zombies but I am up to play others such as WW2 and IW! Hope this introduction isn't too much. Fun fact (I guess) My favorite zombies map is Shi No Numa. :D (I hope I am posting this in the correct area XD)

Welcome to the forums fellow survivor! I currently slay the hoards on XB1 feel free to add me if you ever need a hand GT- RequixEclipse

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Heh, nice profile picture. Shi No Numa is a real map for strategists, like @ZombiesAteMyPizza!, in my opinion. Somehow I guess you're like that as well. Nice a true veteran like you has discovered us. I got a few questions for you as well:

  • Why do you like Shi No Numa that much?
  • Are you familiar with the story behind Zombies?
  • Highest round in Shi No Numa?


A Grief Tournament will start soon, (see my other post), and if you feel like, you can take part. Anyways, hope to see you in the forums!



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