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The CoDZ Forum World Map


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Not sure where to post this but hope it is alright here <sodemoji.1f61b> </sodemoji.1f61b>


So I must convince that I have a weakness for maps. I can have fun browsing through an Atlas for hours. I remember I made two maps on this site prior: One "Where are the CoDZ members from" map and one ma with pictures of zombie mas. The following is something I always wanted to create one day: An interactive map including all zombie story related things. It is fast from done yet and I need the help of the community.


First of all, here's the link: 



Light blue dots means exact map location, darker blue dots mean that the map must lay around that area, and a red dot means something story-related. While I am done with the blue dots, I wish to add way more red dots (maybe things like real existing Hollow-Earth-related ancient temples, the locations of the busdriver quotes, etc), so perhaps the community can help me out? Updates follow soon. Oh, and don't mind the silly descriptions of the locations. It's all WIP, folks, and if any native English speaker here knows beatifull Meh, Rad or Infest-like written location descriptions (I know those three are masters in writing), please post it in the comment box. And don't skip the links in the location names, I've found some golden threads out there



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The Polish COD Wikia also has a zombies world map since a long time, but only for maps, of course.
The location of some maps isn't the same for everyone, apart from this detail, you forgot the house as well as the mysterious involvements of Munich and Dresden.

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  On 9/15/2018 at 9:36 AM, Schrödinger said:

The Polish COD Wikia also has a zombies world map since a long time, but only for maps, of course.
The location of some maps isn't the same for everyone, apart from this detail, you forgot the house as well as the mysterious involvements of Munich and Dresden.


The location of the House is tough, and I've discussed about it one time with Infest (

). We thought it might be 1. Sheffield, England. 2. Ludwigsdorf, Poland (my personal favourite). 3. The location is designed and created in Agartha.


Not sure what you mean with Munich, but with Dresden you raise a good point. I'll add it!


"We successfully inserted CWZGUTCT into Group 935 as a research assistant based out of Munich."

There are several Ludwigsdorf in the world, but if the house is not in this village, the bees strange problem is still there. I think the house is in England (but where the characters come from in this picture) : 1537008103-1498012153-img-1810.png


Other places:

- 19382406 9:21 on Verrückt wall > June 24 1938 = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicora,_Pennsylvania#Chicora_Meteor ? / 9:21 = https://biblehub.com/jeremiah/9-21.htm ?
- There are several maps on the Verrückt and Der Riese boards showing 4 places that I don't know.
- The Battle of Peleliu with the Ray Gun where Dempsey fought.
- Pavel Gorki doing crap from Prague.
- CDC Labs in Druid Hills, Georgia.
- The map in the Group 935 operations manual is just the location of Der Riese, right ? If yes, we don't care because it's already on your world map.

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I’ll work on some location descriptions when I get the time. Are you looking for descriptions that catalogue all the events surrounding the location with dates and such, or something else?

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  On 9/17/2018 at 12:05 PM, RadZakpak said:

I would probably make them a short history of the location with dates noting events surrounding the location.


I think I can do that. Find the Intel. Once I've written it all down, could you translate it into a neat, readable history?


Of course only if you feel like and have time. No hurry and obligations








So the interesting this is... "Hank Kiersey" is depicted as a portrait on the wall of the Pentagon during the mission "U.S.D.D." and in the Zombies mission "Five".




Keirsey is a retired Army Lieutenant Colonel, decorated combat veteran, and an authority on World War II military history. He has spent his life mentoring, coaching, and team-building in order to teach leadership under stressful conditions. Keirsey has created winning organizations that have succeeded under the most demanding conditions, from field training and combat to corporate environments. Commissioned as an infantryman from United States Military Academy at  West Point, Kiersey's first tour of duty was with 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Since then, Keirsey has served in a wide variety leadership and staff positions both United States and overseas. During the  Persian Gulf War, Keirsey (assigned as Executive Officer) and his airborne infantry battalion spearheaded the attack into  Iraq. Keirsey was awarded the Bronze Star for his role in successful offensive. After the end of the Persian Gulf War, Keirsey was assigned to the Army's premier combat training center at Ft. Polk,  Louisiana, where he designed a course to train leaders in critical decision making, later becoming the staff and leader training model for the entire Army. Keirsey holds a Bachelor's degree from West Point, a Master's degree in history from Duke University, and has taught history and military ethics at West Point. He is also a master parachutist, a Ranger, and has earned the Expert and Combat Infantryman Badges.



  On 9/15/2018 at 12:19 PM, Schrödinger said:

- There are several maps on the Verrückt and Der Riese boards showing 4 places that I don't know.


1537431030-gstatic-berlin-bulletin-boardThe map in Verrückt is Verona(thanks Pinnaz's library), I even found the exact map used by Treyarch : 1315772033_6a6644.jpg


1537433423-2952661763-1-7.pngThe second map can be : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maunsell_Forts

1537443027-2952390679-1-5.pngThe first two maps are the Kagawa Prefecture and Tunguska according to @WhosOnFirst.


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