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Easter Egg Song Bracket Round 2.5!


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Welcome back, lovely people of the world, to the Easter Egg Song Bracket. Here is the first half of the round's results: 


Here is the current bracket:



Voting is simple: Below I will list the competitors in this round using numbers. You will make your own list of numbers, with your choice next to the corresponding number and optionally an explanation why. So for example if the match-up is:


1. Takeo vs Nikolai


You would reply:


1. Takeo - Takeo is a very funny comedian.


After 1 week I will tally up the votes and write up a post for the next round.


Let's get into round 2.5 with our 8 matchups!


1. Beauty of Annihilation (Der Riese) vs Mystery


2. Carry On vs 115


3. Abrecadavre vs Snakeskin Boots


4. Dead Again vs Always Running


5. Ace of Spades vs Dead Ended


6. Drowning vs Won't Back Down


7. Where Are We Going? (Mob of the Dead) vs The Gift


8. Archangel vs Shockwave



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1. Mystery: Beauty is always great, but Mystery has blown me away, and it might honestly be in my top 3 at this point.


2. 115: Some classics just can't be beat. I appreciate A7X's work here, but 115 is probably one of the few in-house Zombies songs that has garnered fans outside the mode.


3. Snakeskin Boots: This was really tough because I do love Abrecadavre, it is beautiful. But Snakeskin Boots is just so damn perfect and fun to listen to.


4. Dead Again: You can just feel the emotion through the damn guitar backing.


5. Dead Ended: Depressing, dark, and badass.


6. Won't Back Down: Drowning is underappreciated, and I quite like it. But I've always been an Eminem fan, and while it doesn't quite fit "Five" in the slightest, there's something wonderful about the campy lines from its characters as they blast zombies to this song.


7. The Gift: BO3's songs really reflected the higher focus on character and emotion, and The Gift was the culmination of that. Not to knock WAWG?, it's a masterclass as well.


8. Shockwave: This is tough and I'm sure most would disagree. I just really enjoyed Shockwave on release.

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I'm here to advocate the lovely song of Always Running, one of the few ones that can truly give my goosebumbs while filling the undead with led, espessially when Richthofen screams a Power-Up name through it.


1) Beauty of Annihilation: I just like this melody more than Mystery

2) 115: Probably because it gives me a nostalgic feeling. I actually never heard Carry On in game (merely Carrion)

3) Abrecadavre: After Lullaby of a Dead Man (Verrückt) and Always Running (Buried), this is my favourite and I actually listen to it sometimes (on Spotify) even while I'm not a metal fan.

4) Always Running: Dead Again is pretty too, but Always Running has a more dramatic, melodic undertone and fits perfectly with what first appeared like Victis' end.

5) Dead Ended, agree with you Rad

6) Won't Back Down: Its just something different, and it really fits in the map. I actually like the track as well.

7) The Gift: Melody, Elena, pretty much the reason behind all my choices. Though I havent played Revelations that often, I can remember I enjoyed the chills this song gave me.

8) Shockwave: I never really got it why Archangel was so well received. Not that Im a fan of Shockwave, but I never truly got into Archangel (probably because, somehow, it was played so much softer than all the other game sounds every time I activated it).

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1. This is like piking your favorite spleen child, but I gotta go with Mystery, cause it is just so damn great.


2. 115 no question. At this point I just feel sorry for all the songs having to go against Elena. haha ( @anonymous you haven't finished the BO II Campaign?!)

3. Abrecadavre This is my favorite zombies song ever, Paredoila is not too far behind, like I said last time, but this song is just a beautiful revelation in every aspect.


4. Dead Again


5. Dead Ended


6. Won't back down Man back when Enimem tracks were in CoD... time flies.


7. Now this is probably the only time I'll betray my godess, but Where are we going sounds better and is more iconic. 


8. Gotta go with Shockwave as well. Between Shockwave and Mystery you really have to tell it how it is: The maps may vary in fun factor etc, but the songs Sherwood makes have been on such a good/great level concistently it is scarry actually. 


Thank you for doing these, Rad.




This should be a fun one.


1. Beauty of Annihilation. Can’t really beat the OG.


2. 115. For the same reasons as above. Makes my life difficult when I admire A7X, but, in its defense, Carry On doesn’t age well at all.


3. Abracadavre. I think you and I both know how unfair a matchup that is.


4. Dead Again, because it’s a killer song and was represented perfectly in its map’s Director’s Cut.


5. Dead Ended. This is a hard choice to make. Motörhead is perfection, but... oof. Dead Ended.


6. Won’t Back Down, because I don’t really favor either of the songs, but find much more enjoyment over Eminem.


7. The Gift. Hot take, I know.


8. Archangel. Darren Cesca is a god.

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8 hours ago, anonymous said:

@Lenne I started all Treyarch campaigns, but BO1 is the only one I finished ?

Finish the 2nd game before the end of the year and thank me then in my 2020 thread next year. ?

3 hours ago, Schrödinger said:

3. Abrecadavre ? Hm... OK.

Damn it, Rad, why did you let me and Anon fall under the bus like that. xP 

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3 hours ago, Lenne said:


Damn it, Rad, why did you let me and Anon fall under the bus like that. xP 

Whoa... I swear it was Abrecadavre... turns out I've been spelling it wrong for 8 years... This is some Mandela Effect shit right here. No one has ever corrected me on that.


Maybe I was merging it in my head with Abre Macabre?

17 hours ago, RadZakpak said:

Whoa... I swear it was Abrecadavre... turns out I've been spelling it wrong for 8 years... This is some Mandela Effect shit right here. No one has ever corrected me on that.


Maybe I was merging it in my head with Abre Macabre?

...yeah, pretty sure that one was “Abra Macabre” as well.

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18 hours ago, RadZakpak said:

Whoa... I swear it was Abrecadavre... turns out I've been spelling it wrong for 8 years... This is some Mandela Effect shit right here. No one has ever corrected me on that.


Maybe I was merging it in my head with Abre Macabre?


26 minutes ago, The Meh said:

...yeah, pretty sure that one was “Abra Macabre” as well.

Now you are throwing yourself under the bus, Rad. ? But you are in good company. ❤️

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2 hours ago, The Meh said:

...yeah, pretty sure that one was “Abra Macabre” as well.

Damn it Treyarch’s fucking with this dimension’s timeline again. 

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Results are in! 


1. Beauty of Annihilation (Der Riese) (3) vs Mystery (2)

2. Carry On (0) vs 115 (5)

3. Abracadavre (4) vs Snakeskin Boots (1)

4. Dead Again (4) vs Always Running (1)

5. Ace of Spades (0) vs Dead Ended (5)

6. Drowning (1) vs Won't Back Down (4)

7. Where are we going? (Mob) (1) vs The Gift (4)

8. Archangel (2) vs Shockwave (3)


Posting next round shortly!


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