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Return Through Aether (10+ Years of Maps)


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As we all know, every journey must have a beginning... and an end. The fourth DLC for Black Ops 4 is set to be the finale for the Aether story. Rumor has it that it will release on September 24th on PS4. I'm on Xbox, however, so that date for me to experience the final map would be October 1st.


With that in mind, I had the idea to play one map a day from the Aether storyline leading up to October 1st, starting tomorrow with Nacht der Untoten. To fill out those days, I included Dead Ops Arcade I and II, excluded Chaos maps (Obviously), and excluded Green Run survival maps as I can cover those when I play TranZit. After I play each map with some level of thoroughness, I'll come to this thread and share my experiences on the map and how I've viewed it over the years. I welcome everyone to join in and share your favorite parts of and memories from each map as we move along.


Unfortunately I could not whiddle down the list to fit the PS4 release date without getting rid of some maps, as I just thought to do this today, so bear with me as I play most of BO3 while the last map is out in the wild. Also if the 24th turns out not to be the release date and it's later or earlier... whoops, still it will be fun to go through the maps like this.


Here is the calendar if you want to pop in this thread at certain dates: 



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Great thread idea, but I dunno if BO2 is managable for me at this point. (PS3 lag) I will definitely keep an eye out on this topic. ❤️

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Nacht der Untoten

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  On 9/4/2019 at 2:53 PM, RadZakpak said:

This is based on the supposed release for Xbox. I couldn't make it work for PS4 unfortunately


Coming to realization that I have to wait longer than everyone else... ?

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  On 9/5/2019 at 12:11 PM, RadZakpak said:

For a new player to Zombies, in a choice between a Perk, which you see no immediate effects from, or a chance at an insane, high damage gun, the new player will always go with the gun. I can see the difficulty of zombies being off-putting for a new player because they don't know Juggernog is essential, perhaps even more than a high damage gun. Add in a dash of dashing zombies and tight map design, and you have a recipe for a forgotten map.


This is not just a problem in zombies, but also games in general. Way too much handholding and second chances it is silly beyond believe, if you ask me. Maybe way back in the day, when the internet wasn't even properly around or just a baby, I would have gotten it, why devs want some handholding in their games, but now? Strategies, Class set ups etc. all these things are easily accessible and on top of that the games get insanely easier from year to year.


The most recent Fifa (19) for example, my little 3 year old nephew could last a whole half time without conceding a goal, in an online match. It was the first time he played that game, or better said he watched it while the game did most of the stuff for him. There are so many other examples, and with story driven games I kinda get it, but with these competetive games, I don't.




Back on topic though: I expect you to revisit the WaW maps once you get a chance to play them on WaW, especially Verrückt.

Thank you for the read, Rad. Looling forward to the next ones. :- )

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I also like the lack of story references, which makes every little detail suspicious and theorizable. Brian Tuey even once asked the community "who is banging on the water room door"? Every sound, every small out of place object, could be tied to the story. Wheras Nacht was the exciting bonus map, Verruckt is where the story theorizing began.

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Shi No Numa


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Der Riese

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Kino der Toten

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Dead Ops Arcade

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Call of the Dead

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I enjoy the rest of Victis, but Marlton nearly drove me insane.




Oh well, I believe you've read the 'How Tranzit was supposed to be' thread. Nonetheless, I still really enjoy the map, but I agree that on solo, it could be a synonym for Hell

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Die Rise

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