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Hello Fellow Survivors, My name is Caleb aka RequixEclipse. COD:Zombie Fanboy/Variety Content Creator/Community Hype Guy.


Ive been playing since World at War. I lurked the forums up until about 2012. The time I invested in my theorizes/ideas were all worth while. I was always letting others know that I’m here to Help where Help is needed. 

I can’t believe I got the Honor of getting @PINNAZ his 1st babble completion for Richtofen. (It’s a big deal cause AUS+ my US connection made it a 1:115 chance of making it through ?


The historical events I’ve learned in course work was very beneficial when I began creating theories on the storyline. Zombies correlated with”The Coming Race” which was 1 of many inspirations for the Nazis. They did have Die Gloke, experimental operations to create super soldiers using the dead, the Vril/Thule..etc. all that was a realistic vision of a mad man. 

Black Ops 1 made a twist that sparked a mass interest in a hidden backstory. Through the years I’ve always made sure to give back to this site. Donating to help keep the lights on when I can. Some days weren’t there for the best of times and a lot of topics got lost with site updates including some of my own?

That being said this place is making a comeback. If your just getting familiar with this place that just fine! Don’t worry if you just started to learn the lore in the ÆTHER story because it’s a great experience. HOWEVER the next Zombie Experience starts with the community of call of duty zombie forums. 

Your dedication and engagement is absolute.  Time has told us that when we are having fun. When we enjoy exploring, researching, and typing a topic like we’re about to get graded on it you best believe the idea will be seen. Many of our theories were proven. It’s Fact because these theories date all the way back to JimmyZ times lol.


As of now a new dawn awaits CoDZ. We have transcended the ÆTHER to another Plane. Where that will take us is up to us. We are the Survivors and the Slayers. 


CoDZ thank you for everything. I appreciate everything about this place.



I began to build a following within the CODZombies Forum. This is the same forum big Youtubers like MrRoflWaffels came from. I was inspired to create my own Youtube Channel. After 3 years my channel peaked at 8k Subscribers, but I suffered from massive burn out. Recently I gave twitch a try and its hard work, but I can actually see the results of my hardwork.



My favorite moments are hearing the excitement of someone completing a COD: Zombie Easter Egg for the 1st time. Its fine if you have already seen it done, but to experience it is worth every “carry” “assist” “support” SHUT UP AND TAKE MY HELP ?


Replying to conversations with memes..

Notable Site Achievements:  

Assisting @InfestLithium w/ Ancient Trials



CoDZ Twitch Director 

UOTM for 2 months DDDEF0D5-1788-4F89-AEE1-10616E66F256.jpeg

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@RequixEclipse, I like it to see your introduction, years after I met you. Thoughout years, we've had some wild discussions, possibly dating back to the moment you came up with your Apothican symbols in Die Rise thread. I believe your pressence on this Forum lasts quite some time longer than me, but I remember you as someone with who I "grew up" here. I'm glad I've met you here, and hope we'll keep our discussions for quite some time. Carpe Diem <3

9 minutes ago, anonymous said:

@RequixEclipse, I like it to see your introduction, years after I met you. Thoughout years, we've had some wild discussions, possibly dating back to the moment you came up with your Apothican symbols in Die Rise thread. I believe your pressence on this Forum lasts quite some time longer than me, but I remember you as someone with who I "grew up" here. I'm glad I've met you here, and hope we'll keep our discussions for quite some time. Carpe Diem <3

I’ll always be around here my friend. Our discussions are very much apart of my teenage all the way into adult life. It’s funny seeing the change in how conversations as I matured. I went from Immature Asshole to a Sarcastic Asshole to a humbled confident sarcastic asshole 


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