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Character Bracket Round 2


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Things are about to get real as we approach round 2 of the tournament. All the heavy-hitters are here, and only half will survive. Here is the current bracket:



Hold on, what about the rules? Let's say for example our contestants are: 


1. Double Tap vs Quick Revive


You would make your choice by replying with your pick and a reason why, something like:


1. Double Tap, because when you want to solve practical problems, use more gun.


Your reasoning can be anything from personality, development, comedy, voice performance, or just how they look!


At the end of the week I will tally votes and advance winners to the next round.


Here are this week's contestants:


1. Edward Richtofen (Ultimis) vs Samantha Maxis (THE REAL GREAT WAR)


2. Takeo Masaki (Ultimis) vs Sal DeLuca


3. Nikolai Belinski (Primis) vs Doctor Ludvig Maxis (Original Timeline) (THE FRED WAR)


4. Tank Dempsey (Primis) vs Samuel Stuhlinger


5. Edward Richtofen (Primis) vs Doctor Groph (DER EISENDRACHE ALL OVER AGAIN)


6. Takeo Masaki (Primis) vs Marlton Johnson


7. Nikolai Belinski (Ultimis) vs Cornelius Pernell


8 Tank Dempsey (Ultimis) vs The Shadowman (Shadowfuck)



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1. Ricky-tofen. He simply cannot be beat and is always a joy to have around. Samantha unfortunately has been rather inconsistent.


2. Takeo. Though underappreciated, there is more depth to him than many realize. While Sal's single performance was great, Takeo has been with us since the beginning.


3. Maxis. Like I said, Maxis is a big idiot bastard man, but his appearances as a foil to Richtofen have been the driving point to the story and I love their conflict. Nikolai I've never been too keen on, and only with Tag have I come around to him.


4. Dempsey. Ooh-rah, brother. This guy takes that rough Ultimis Dempsey exterior, but is more open to revealing the softness underneath. He's so very introspective at times, and I really relate to that. He's just your average soldier wrapped up in a bunch of madness he knows he can never understand. Stuh, while I find him very funny, never quite had an arc, as he started and ended in the same place of simply listening to Richtofen and trusting Richtofen.


5. Richtofen (Primis) No contest here. He's got a completely different mind-set from his three counterparts, who live their lives for war and are prepared to die for it. He's a doctor, sworn to do his very best to keep his patients alive and he values life very highly. Only very recently has be been forced to come to terms with his mortality. Groph shines in Der Eisendrache, but apart from that, not much.






7. Nikolai. While I was never always that fond of his drunkeness, I think the revelation about his real wife and the pain he hides is enough for me to put him above Pernell, who I think started strong in Classified, but in Alpha Omega he quickly turned too evil too fast.


8. Controversial maybe, but The Shadowman. Like I said, in a world of nuanced villains, it's entertaining to watch a guy so evil just having a good time doing what he does. Tank, I love ya man, but tone it down.


This is going to be interesting.


1. Ultimis Richtofen, but purely on how fun he was as an announcer... and his Fire Sale theme is glorious.


2. Sal Deluca - because, it's like I said before: Ultimis Takeo is annoying and not very enjoyable for me.


3. Primis Nikolai. Easy choice, because he has a hell of a character arc. Both games do him justice, BO3 and BO4...

...okay, well, the concept of BO4 does. Not the execution.


4. Primis Dempsey.


5. Primis Richtofen. That isn't a question.


6. Primis Takeo. For the reasons I've stated before. I don't need an accountant in the zombie apocalypse, so...


7. Ultimis Nikolai, I guess? Pernell is good, but... I actually get a good chuckle from Nikolai in most my games with him. (…but for the love of god, I don't want to talk about little Nikolai).


8. The Shadowman.


@RadZakpak Your sins serve only as an invitation...

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1. Ultimis Richtofen is one of the best characters ever. While sam gets a good BO4 arc it isn't enough.



2. I'm a huge Takeo fan and Sal is okay, but like most of the characters doesn't have any relevant backstory and is just funny. Takeo all the way.



3. Maxis is arguably THE most important character ever. Primis Nikolai is really good but not as important. Maxis 



4. This may be some extreme recency bias but I think I'm going to take Stu just because he makes me laugh out loud every time I play as him in Tag. Primis Dempsey is definitely good, but he's not one of my favorite Primis members mainly because he's not nearly as distinct from Ultimis, I honestly found it hard to tell which was which at times during the campfire.



5. Well, this one isn't really close. Primis Richtofen is a wonderfully complex and good character, although he ended up unwittingly being a really bad guy (and kind of deserved botd). Groph isn't really much of anything. Richtofen




6. Primis Takeo is my favorite character in all of Zombies. Marlton only ever really gets some backstory in Alpha Omega when they reveal him to be a conspiracy nut investigating the Broken Arrow base. Which is neat, it's just not nearly enough to beat Takeo.




7. I've never been much of an Ultimis fan aside from Richtofen, and Pernell has a wonderfully tragic and quintessentially Aether arc in Classified and Alpha Omega, which also connects to so many other story points. Probably gonna lose this one but I'll take Pernell.




8. The Shadowman is cool and very well voiced. Although there is no depth to him, there's also no depth to Ultimis Dempsey so I'll take the Shadowman



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1. Edward Richtofen (Ultimis)


Ja, ja, ja, ja, ja. Soll das ein Witz sein? Die Apfelkuchen schmecken viel zu gut, als dass man irgendjemand anderes als Richtofen nehmen könnte. Von der Milz bis zum Hirn ist alles einwandfrei mit dem Jungen. Ultimis ist einfach mal zum schießen und alles andere, was danach kam, verblasst im Vergleich. Wir haben so viele tolle Abenteuer mit den Chaoten erlebt und wenn die 4 nicht in der Endrunde sein werden, dann verliere ich den Glauben an euch und eure kollektive Milz. Natürlich ist es auch mal ganz nett, dass ernstere Themen angeschnitten werden, soll ja auch so sein, aber wenn die 5. Stunde einer Zombiesession angebrochen ist, dann will ich nicht irgendwelchen pseudophilosophischen Scheiß hören, oder dass die Welt zum x-ten mal gerettet werden muss, ich will den Kampfschrei eines verrückten Nazi Professors hören, oder einen Russen, der Angst hat, dass die Zombies seinen Wodka klauen, einen Amerikaner, der seinen Facebook Status aktualisieren muss und von mir aus auch einen Japaner, der so doof ist, dass er denkt, das hätte alles was mit Ehre zu tun. Ich kann echt nicht nachvollziehen, wie ihr und Treyarch davon satt sein könnt, wenn es nach mir ginge, wären alle Karten weiterhin mit meinen Kumpels als Protagonisten raus gekommen, ohne Ausnahme. Scheiß auf Buffy, scheiß auf den Schattenmann und pinkel auf Primis. Wenn ich mal reich und berühmt bin, werde ich Treyarch kaufen und denen sagen, dass sie das Zombiesspiel raus bringen sollen, die werden dann auch alle ne Klimaanlage 24 Stunden am Tag bekommen, die auch in Betrieb ist, versteht sich, darüber hinaus würden sie so viel Zeit für die Entwicklung bekommen, wie sie benötigen, ich wäre ein guter Boss, aber die Bedingung dafür wäre nur noch Karten mit den O4 zu machen. Mehr will ich nich, ich könnte jetzt noch Der Riese anschmeißen und wenigstens 2x schmunzeln, was bei keiner der Primis Karten je der Fall war. Ihr wollt ne gefühlvolle und ernste Story? NA DANN GUCKT DOCH EIN SCHEIß DRAMA!!! (Ahem... do not take this too seriously by the way, ;P)


2. Takeo Masaki (Ultimis)




3. Doctor Ludvig Maxis


I am just going to assume, this Maxis also has a beard, but even disregarding my indifference for Primis, I gotta say Nikolai is the most annoying one.


4. Samuel Stuhlinger


At least I can giggle with Stu..


5. Edward Richtofen (Primis)


Never played the Easter egg, so I do not care and ER has some bonus points for that Blood Ending


6. Marlton Johnson


Not even kidding... let that sink in, Rad. Victis > Primis


7. Nikolai Belinski (Ultimis) 


Ultimis Vodka >


8. Tank Dempsey (Ultimis)



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6 minutes ago, Lenne said:


6. Marlton Johnson


Not even kidding... let that sink in, Rad. Victis > Primis


My eyes have never grazed anything more wrong in my life.

6 hours ago, Lenne said:

1. Edward Richtofen (Ultimis)


Ja, ja, ja, ja, ja. Soll das ein Witz sein? Die Apfelkuchen schmecken viel zu gut, als dass man irgendjemand anderes als Richtofen nehmen könnte. Von der Milz bis zum Hirn ist alles einwandfrei mit dem Jungen. Ultimis ist einfach mal zum schießen und alles andere, was danach kam, verblasst im Vergleich. Wir haben so viele tolle Abenteuer mit den Chaoten erlebt und wenn die 4 nicht in der Endrunde sein werden, dann verliere ich den Glauben an euch und eure kollektive Milz. Natürlich ist es auch mal ganz nett, dass ernstere Themen angeschnitten werden, soll ja auch so sein, aber wenn die 5. Stunde einer Zombiesession angebrochen ist, dann will ich nicht irgendwelchen pseudophilosophischen Scheiß hören, oder dass die Welt zum x-ten mal gerettet werden muss, ich will den Kampfschrei eines verrückten Nazi Professors hören, oder einen Russen, der Angst hat, dass die Zombies seinen Wodka klauen, einen Amerikaner, der seinen Facebook Status aktualisieren muss und von mir aus auch einen Japaner, der so doof ist, dass er denkt, das hätte alles was mit Ehre zu tun. Ich kann echt nicht nachvollziehen, wie ihr und Treyarch davon satt sein könnt, wenn es nach mir ginge, wären alle Karten weiterhin mit meinen Kumpels als Protagonisten raus gekommen, ohne Ausnahme. Scheiß auf Buffy, scheiß auf den Schattenmann und pinkel auf Primis. Wenn ich mal reich und berühmt bin, werde ich Treyarch kaufen und denen sagen, dass sie das Zombiesspiel raus bringen sollen, die werden dann auch alle ne Klimaanlage 24 Stunden am Tag bekommen, die auch in Betrieb ist, versteht sich, darüber hinaus würden sie so viel Zeit für die Entwicklung bekommen, wie sie benötigen, ich wäre ein guter Boss, aber die Bedingung dafür wäre nur noch Karten mit den O4 zu machen. Mehr will ich nich, ich könnte jetzt noch Der Riese anschmeißen und wenigstens 2x schmunzeln, was bei keiner der Primis Karten je der Fall war. Ihr wollt ne gefühlvolle und ernste Story? NA DANN GUCKT DOCH EIN SCHEIß DRAMA!!! (Ahem... do not take this too seriously by the way, ;P)


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1. I'm sorry Sam....your story is so incredible, your love für deine Vater even when he became corrupted, your role as being the innocent one who accidentally rolled into this whole story and became one of the greatest victims. You didn't deserved this. It was mostly the fault of the crazy colleague of your father, Doctor Richtofen, the one who performed live-experiments on you and the one I am going to vote for now as well. His character and personality are just so well-thought. He is the greatest manchild and psychopath and yet we are so interested in his background that we found out that he too is the victim of a greater scheme. Once a super-intelligent idealist who struggled with being a social and caring person, now a careless maniac obsessed with power.


2. Takeo. His exotic, Japanese backstory somehow really interests me: Him being one of the last of the Samurai dynasty reminds me of that beautiful movie 'The Last Samurai'. Eternally loyal to the Emperor, his fatherland, even when it changed into a modern, industrial, imperialistic state.


3. Nikolai Primis Berlinski. Though Maxis' love for his daughter got me, Nikolai's heartbreaking story of his wife is the most tragic of all. I even believe that the reason he, of all people, had to perform his final act of murder and sacrifice, was because he felt he didn't had to lose anything. He didn't fear death, he might even be looking out to it: At last, he would see his love of his life again.


4. Stuhlinger had a great potential with his Flesh-background and knowing all about conspiracies, but I feel like Treyarch didn't fully used this. He could've been the guy who knew about Broken Arrow, about the backstories of the Victis maps, the one who slowly learned about the Aether and Rift, via the German constantly screaming to him. Unfortunately, he became what he currently is. Now while I dislike Ultimis Dempsey, I feel like Primis Dempsey is a lot less of a silly badass-looking brute and more intelligent. Someone who might even be fearfull at some times, someone who doesn't constantly want to talk and sound badass. So I'm going for him.


5. No one, not his Primis counterparts nor our community, believed that in the end Primis Richthofen would be a good guy. Everyone kept fearing and distrusting him pure for the actions and betrayal of his Ultimis version. And at last, he actually showed he was a good guy. He might have feared the death, but if it wasn't for him the Multiverse would never be saved. In my opinion, he is the true hero of the story, and possibly the character Ultimis Richthofen would be as well if he wasn't corrupted by the MPD. So yeah, blast that Moon away, kill Doctor Groph! He's just another version in a fracture anyway.


6. Though I am very tempted to say Marlton, just to annoy you all, I am a honest person and say Primis Takeo all the way.


7. Nikolai! Because Nikolai cannot die! Inspiration of many drunk quotes for me, and my initial favourite character (alongside Ultimis Richthofen) when I wasn't familiar with the story, years ago.



On 10/17/2019 at 3:31 PM, RadZakpak said:

Controversial maybe, but The Shadowman. Like I said, in a world of nuanced villains, it's entertaining to watch a guy so evil just having a good time doing what he does. Tank, I love ya man, but tone it down.

Best argument ever. At first, I didn't really liked him for being the so over-the-top vilian, but he's actually quite good in it.

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Time's up!


1. Edward Richtofen (Ultimis) (5) vs Samantha Maxis (0)


2. Takeo Masaki (Ultimis) (4) vs Sal Deluca (1)


3. Nikolai Belinski (Primis) (2) vs Doctor Ludvig Maxis (3)


4. Tank Dempsey (Primis) (3) vs Samuel Stuhlinger (2)


5. Edward Richtofen (Primis) (5) vs Doctor Groph (0)


6. Takeo Masaki (Primis) (4) vs Marlton Johnson (1 too many)


7. Nikolai Belinski (Ultimis) (4) vs Cornelius Pernell (1)


8. Tank Dempsey (Ultimis) (1) vs The Shadowman (4)

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5 hours ago, RadZakpak said:

7. Nikolai Belinski (Ultimis) (4) vs Cornelius Pernell (1)


8. Tank Dempsey (Ultimis) (1) vs The Shadowman (4)

proof democracy is flawed


@Lenne Google translated your blurb about Ultimis Richtofen and it might singlehandedly be the most entertaining thing I read all day.


It is as follows (please do tell me how much of this is wrong):



Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Is that supposed to be a joke? The apple pie tastes way too good to take anyone else as a directional oven. From the spleen to the brain, everything is fine with the boy. Ultimis is just for shooting and everything else that comes afterwards fades in comparison. We have had so many great chaotic adventures and if the 4 will not be in the finals, then I will lose faith in you and your collective spleen. Of course, it's also nice that more serious topics are touched upon, it's supposed to be, but when the fifth hour of a zombie session has begun, I do not want to hear any pseudophilosophical shit or save the world for the umpteenth time I want to hear the battle cry of a crazy Nazi professor, or a Russian, Fearing that the zombies will steal his vodka, an American who needs to update his Facebook status, and I also have a Japanese stupid enough to think that all this has anything to do with honor. I really can not understand how you and Treyarch can be sick of it, if it were up to me, all cards would continue to come out with my buddies as protagonists, without exception. Fuck Buffy, fuck the Shadow Man and pee on Primis. If I'm rich and famous, I'll buy Treyarch and tell them to bring out the zombies, they'll get all the air conditioning 24 hours a day, and they're going to operate, of course, beyond that get as much time for development as they need, I would be a good boss, but the condition for this would only be to make cards with the O4. I do not want any more, I could hit the giant now and at least smile twice, which was not the case with any of the Primis cards. You want a soulful and serious story? THEN THEN GOTS A SHOT DRAMA! (Ahem ... do not take this too seriously by the way,; P)

My collective spleen shudders at the idea of no faith in it.

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Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Is that supposed to be a joke? The apple pie tastes way too good to take anyone else than Richtofen. From the spleen to the brain, everything is fine with the boy. Ultimis is just insanely funny and everything else that comes afterwards fades in comparison. We have had so many great adventures with those goofballs and if the 4 will not be in the finals, then I will lose faith in you and your collective spleen. Of course, it's also nice that more serious topics are touched upon, it's supposed to be, but when the fifth hour of a zombie session has begun, I do not want to hear any pseudophilosophical shit or save the world for the umpteenth time I want to hear the battle cry of a crazy Nazi professor, or a Russian, Fearing that the zombies will steal his vodka, an American who needs to update his Facebook status, and even a Japanese stupid enough to think that all this has anything to do with honor. I really can not understand how you and Treyarch can be sick of it, if it were up to me, all maps would continue to come out with my buddies as protagonists, without exception. Fuck Buffy, fuck the Shadow Man and pee on Primis. If I'm rich and famous, I'll buy Treyarch and tell them to release the zombies game, they'll get all the air conditioning 24 hours a day, and they're going to operate, of course, beyond that get as much time for development as they need, I would be a good boss, but the condition for this would only be to make maps with the O4. I am not asking for more, I could play the giant now and at least smile twice, which was not the case with any of the Primis maps. You want a emotional and serious story? WELL THEN GO WATCH A FUCKING DRAMA. (Ahem ... do not take this too seriously by the way,; P)


There you go, @The Meh . I think this get's the point across better. I could hit the giant now and at least smile twice had me laugh out so much. haha

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11 hours ago, Lenne said:

If I'm rich and famous, I'll buy Treyarch and tell them to release the zombies game, they'll get all the air conditioning 24 hours a day, and they're going to operate, of course, beyond that get as much time for development as they need, I would be a good boss

There is more seriousness hidden in this than I expected


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