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Spleens, Shards, and Spies | Podcast Der Toten

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Come check out the latest Podcast Der Toten, the official CoDz podcast, featuring myself, @Mattzs@Tac, and @NaBrZHunter. In this week's episode, we review the radios present in Call of the Dead and Tag der Toten as well as the timeline to get a better understanding of Group 935's operations at the Siberian Facility.

What is the significance of the spleen? Did Richtofen break the trust barrier? What do you believe are the ramifications of creating the Elemental Shard? What do you make of the spy debacle? Post a comment below!

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Really like this talk, probably my favourite episode thus far (will continue watching tomorrow). Lastly I wanted to share this: Forget out the stem cells in the spleen, after some more classes I came to the conclusion that these stemcells are programmed to solely turn into (any) immunological cell, rather than being a pluriformal stem cell that can turn into anything   @NaBrZHuntersaid that the zombies walk for some time after shooting their heads off, which might be evidence for their control/connection laying in the blood rather than the brain. This is an incredibly interesting notice! In toxicology, all that matters is the amount of the toxicant/chemical that is in your blood (compared to the entire amount of toxicant in the body. If one consumes a toxicant, the 'First Pass Effect' will occur, meaning that the compound will be partly broken down (by the liver) before it reaches the blood. Inhaulation or isjection is the most effective way to get a toxicant in your blood, as the gas exchange in the lungs is in direct contact with the blood. 


The spleen, as you said, is the filter of the blood, at least for bacteria, viruses and fungi. Possibly chemicals as well but I believe that is the main task of the liver.


Its also interesting that Pablos speen has a Black Sun on it and that he is referred to as 'the specimen from Mexico' rather than 'subject from Mexico'

  • 3 weeks later...
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Have no clue where to post it so I'll do it here, but I wanted to share an idea that was discussed on the discord some time ago. It's about Verruckt, the chronology of that map remains an odd one. Taking place after the end of the war in Europe in a part of Berlin that is part of the D.D.R., at the moment still under Soviet control, and yet Group 935 scientists can continue their work there? From CIA intel it can be noted that the Soviet Ascension Group is described as a continuation of Group 935 and the Nazi Wunderwaffe program. Since Verruckt takes place very shortly after the end of the war, in september '45, maybe the scientists were still allowed to continue their research for some time (as officially, Group 935 was an international NGO) until the Soviets found the right usage of them.


McCain gets opted as a spy, but now with the zombies overrunning the Asylum, I can imagine the 935 scientists dont prioritize Peter's punishment and perhaps, as an American spy, they see him as a way to get to the Americans (which are said to treat them good by Richthofen). Now of course the Soviets dont wanna lose these masterminds so they cannot go to West Germany, burt surely they would be allowed to recover research at the Rising Sun Facilty. Out of intel that came out before Shi no Numa during the WaW days, it is revealed that the Rising Sun Facility is captured by the Americans (presumably in Papua New Guinea). The Soviets don't know this god forsaken swamp is a rendezvous point of the Americans, but now Cornelius had contact with Peter regarding that, saying that the US military will be there to escord them out. Peter and the 935 scientists are escorded by Red Army military in a Soviet plane to retrieve 935's intel at the Rising Sun Facility, but once flying overhead, Peter parachutes out to find out there is no American soul out there anymore. Only undead.

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  On 6/14/2020 at 1:13 PM, anonymous said:

Have no clue where to post it so I'll do it here, but I wanted to share an idea that was discussed on the discord some time ago. It's about Verruckt, the chronology of that map remains an odd one. Taking place after the end of the war in Europe in a part of Berlin that is part of the D.D.R., at the moment still under Soviet control, and yet Group 935 scientists can continue their work there? From CIA intel it can be noted that the Soviet Ascension Group is described as a continuation of Group 935 and the Nazi Wunderwaffe program. Since Verruckt takes place very shortly after the end of the war, in september '45, maybe the scientists were still allowed to continue their research for some time (as officially, Group 935 was an international NGO) until the Soviets found the right usage of them.


McCain gets opted as a spy, but now with the zombies overrunning the Asylum, I can imagine the 935 scientists dont prioritize Peter's punishment and perhaps, as an American spy, they see him as a way to get to the Americans (which are said to treat them good by Richthofen). Now of course the Soviets dont wanna lose these masterminds so they cannot go to West Germany, burt surely they would be allowed to recover research at the Rising Sun Facilty. Out of intel that came out before Shi no Numa during the WaW days, it is revealed that the Rising Sun Facility is captured by the Americans (presumably in Papua New Guinea). The Soviets don't know this god forsaken swamp is a rendezvous point of the Americans, but now Cornelius had contact with Peter regarding that, saying that the US military will be there to escord them out. Peter and the 935 scientists are escorded by Red Army military in a Soviet plane to retrieve 935's intel at the Rising Sun Facility, but once flying overhead, Peter parachutes out to find out there is no American soul out there anymore. Only undead.


Interesting theory. To also add to that, there is the cipher from Zetsubou that is highly suspect and could add to the idea of Soviet intervention:



"Mission log entry 45
I am over the site looking down through the open door. I can see weird distortion below me like a localized aurora borealis. I would normally cancel the operation but we don't have time. Luckily I have taken experimental weaponry version three that no one has seen before from my previous mission. Never say never.


What is suspect here is that the weapon he is referring to most likely is the GKZ-45 Mk3 which appears in the map he travels to, Gorod Krovi: latest?cb=20161020101532

Both parts of the weapon are adorned with a Soviet star, and functioning together, it is like a Gersh Device. To me this says that either Peter bringing Group 935's experimental Mk3 into the Agonia fracture changed the future, as by bringing that tech into a new fracture, the Soviets were able to steal it (Maybe Reznov?) and they repurposed it to act as this Gersh-like device, or the other possibility is that it was originally a Soviet weapon in the Proditione fracture, and maybe even the original timeline. Maybe he stole it from the Russians who forced him onto the plane? I'm more inclined to believe the first version, but the other is totally possible.



As a counter-point, though, why does the timeline specify that Pernell asked Peter to rendezvous at Shi No Numa if he is being forced to go there by the Soviets?

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  On 6/15/2020 at 6:40 PM, RadZakpak said:

Interesting theory. To also add to that, there is the cipher from Zetsubou that is highly suspect and could add to the idea of Soviet intervention:


What is suspect here is that the weapon he is referring to most likely is the GKZ-45 Mk3 which appears in the map he travels to, Gorod Krovi: latest?cb=20161020101532

Both parts of the weapon are adorned with a Soviet star, and functioning together, it is like a Gersh Device. To me this says that either Peter bringing Group 935's experimental Mk3 into the Agonia fracture changed the future, as by bringing that tech into a new fracture, the Soviets were able to steal it (Maybe Reznov?) and they repurposed it to act as this Gersh-like device, or the other possibility is that it was originally a Soviet weapon in the Proditione fracture, and maybe even the original timeline. Maybe he stole it from the Russians who forced him onto the plane? I'm more inclined to believe the first version, but the other is totally possible.



As a counter-point, though, why does the timeline specify that Pernell asked Peter to rendezvous at Shi No Numa if he is being forced to go there by the Soviets?


Cool connection! I could really see this being true, though of course we don't know (a) if there was a MK3 in the Original Universe and (b) if this gun was also obtained by the Soviets in the Agonia fracture. But I really like this theory. Perhaps Peter promised them the MK1 gun, of which the blueprints lay at the Rising Sun Facility, as well. 


Concerning that counterpoint I think it was impossible to get the Soviets attention off any 935 members at that time. They were watching him all the time. Since Peter couldn't leave East Berlin, Pernell might have come up with this idea: rendezvous at the Rising Sun Facility. I think Drakovich and GK were eager to obtain more 935 research, so they cooperated with Peter, leading him to the perhaps to them unknown swamp in East Asia. Like I said, maybe even the other 935 scientists at Verrückt played along with this act, as Peter could've promised them freedom on the American side.




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