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Outbreak Season 4 Intel


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Requiem (20/20)

Audio Logs (5)

"Aftermath" (Location: ???) - After the incident at the Omega Missile Silo, Requiem's Senior Staff discuss the fallout from Maxis's rogue operation.

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"You Know Better" (Location: ???) - Weaver chastises Grey for her role in Maxis's rogue op, as Grey raises more pressing concerns.

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(R) "What Tomorrow Brings" (Location: ???) - After losing his strike team, Weaver is paid a late night office visit by Carver.

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(R) "Goes Without Saying" (Location: ???) - Grey and Strauss talk about the fate of the strike team, and the potential of a new device.

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(R) "The Berlin Situation" (Location: ???) - Weaver and Carver discuss a developing situation in Berlin and their noticeable exclusion from involvement.

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Documents (7)

"DASA Station Blueprint" (Location: Dropped from Elite enemies.) - Design specs for the Dark Aether Specimen Analyzer, used to broadcast specimen analysis data back to Requiem HQ via satellite. With additional notes from Grey.

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"The Omega Eight" (Location: Dropped from Elite enemies.) - Report for the Director discussing the Omega scientists who wish to defect to Requiem.

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"The Child's Note" (Location: ???) - A note found on the Mystery Box Bunny. Appears to be written by a child with a connection to the Dark Aether Object.

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(R) "Operation Excision Report" (Location: ???) - Weaver's Report to the Director on the fallout from Operation Excision.

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(R) "Where's My Robot?" (Location: ???) - Grey writes a memo to Requiem's senior staff regarding the whereabouts of her latest project.

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(R) "CRBR-S Report" (Location: ???) - A memorandum for Requiem's Director discussing the progress of the wonder weapon prototype -- and its delivery to Berlin.

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(R) "E Cipher" (Location: Acquired in the second main quest) - Recovered Requiem cipher. Decryption is required. (Solved here)

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Radio Transmissions (4)

"Welcome Back" (Location: Found at Requiem Radio locations.) - Weaver berates his strike team for their involvement in the incident at the Omega missile silo.

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"Patterns" (Location: Found at Requiem Radio locations.) - Grey provides some insight into what she's learned about Aetherium, and one particularly unique case study.

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(R) "Eye for an Eye" (Location: Found at Requiem Radio locations.) - Weaver sends Kravchenko a message.

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(R) "Marked Man" (Location: Found at Requiem Radio locations.) - Weaver reaches out to Ravenov to discuss the aftermath of their latest joint operation.

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Artifacts (4)

"Recon Rover Model" (Location: ???) - A model of Unnatural Science's Dark Aether Recon Rover, prototyped before the rover went into production.

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"Healing Aura Canister" (Location: ???) - One of several interchangeable canisters for the W.A.N.D. weapon. When used, summons beams of energy capable of healing wounds suffered by members of Requiem's strike team.

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(R) "Ring of Fire Canister" (Location: ???) - One of several interchangeable canisters for the W.A.N.D. weapon. When used, generates a ring of ethereal fire that empowers an operator and their weapon with an additional damage output. Also, any enemy that breaches the perimeter will be set on fire.

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(R) "ECM Model" (Location: ???) - A model of Energy Research's Essence Conversion Modules, prototyped before the module went into production.

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Omega (18/18)

Audio Logs (8)

"Greater Threat" (Location: ???) - Kravchenko laments the destruction of his Reality Inversion Warheads at Requiem's hands, and plots his next move.

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"Day of Victory" (Location: ???) - Valentina discusses another strange visitation from her father -- and the next stage of their plan.

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"The Survivors" (Location: ???) - While on the hunt for the Omega defectors, the strike team recovers an audiolog left behind by Doctor Hugo Jager.

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"The Device" (Location: ???) - The strike team find another message from Jager, discussing a secretive Omega Device: the Aetherium Neutralizer.

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"The Trap" (Location: ???) - Jager reveals his true intentions.

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(R) "A Trap Is Set" (Location: ???) - After successfully infiltrating the group of Omega defectors, Jager meets with Kravchenko to discuss his next move. Recorded before the events of Operation Excision.

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(R) "Play Your Part" (Location: ???) - Kravchenko reveals his plans for Requiem's strike team.

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(R) "Peace is Our Profession" (Location: ???) - Kravchenko and Gorev interrogate Requiem's Raptor One pilot.

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Documents (3)

"Ravenov Burn Notice" (Location: Dropped from Elite enemies) - Official KGB order announcing that Ravenov has been disavowed and is now an enemy of the state.

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"Aetherium Neutralizer Blueprint" (Location: ???) - ???

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(R) "Necro-Analytics" (Location: ???) - In December 1983, Kravchenko announces the formation of Omega's Necro-Analytics department -- and appoints Dr. Huge Jager as its Lead Researcher.

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Radio Transmissions (2)

"Omega's Reputation" (Location: Found at Omega radio locations.) - Kravchenko and Gorev discuss the current state of Omega.

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"The One-Eyed Cowboy" (Location: Found at Omega radio locations.) - Kravchenko and Gorev discuss Peck’s usefulness.

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Artifacts (5)

"Inversion Warhead Model" (Location: ???) - A model for the Reality Inversion Warhead shown to Kravchenko as a proof of concept.

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"Aether Reactor Model" (Location: ???) - A model for the Aether Reactor from Outpost 25. Created by Peck as a proof of concept in the early days of the Omega facility.

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(R) "Omega Flag" (Location: ???) - A symbol of loyalty in the fight for the greater Soviet Union. We were The First. We are The Last.

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(R) "Dark Aether Photos" (Location: ???) - Reconnaissance photos captured by Omega Aethernauts while on mission in the Dark Aether.

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(R) "Krasny Soldat Flamethrower" (Location: ???) - The lethal flamethrower attachment from a fallen Krasny Soldat.

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Maxis (4/4)

Audio Logs (3)

"The Ally" (Location: ???) - Before the incident at the Omega Missile Silo, Maxis seeks Grey’s assistance.

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"The Confrontation" (Location: ???) - Weaver confronts Maxis about going behind his back and using his team for a rogue operation.

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"Take Her" (Location: ???) - Maxis is taken away.

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Documents (1)

"Quarantine Diary 9" (Location: ???) - Maxis tells a story about her shared past with Weaver.

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Dark Aether (9/9)

Audio Logs (1)

"We Are Waiting" (Location: Acquired through intel trials.) - ???

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Documents (2)

"Day 4,513" (Location: Acquired through intel trials.) - Zykov’s journal of survival reveals details of the Dark Aether power structure and the one entity he fears above all others.

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"Day 4,729" (Location: Acquired through intel trials.) - Zykov begins plans for a device to stop the Dark Aether’s new overlord from threatening our world.

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Radio Transmissions (2)

"Secret Contact" (Location: Acquired through intel trials.) - The strike team makes a disturbing discovery about Zykov.

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"Bring Me Home 2" (Location: Acquired through intel trials.) - The strike team intercepts a radio communique between Zykov and Peck, and hear Zykov making a familiar arrangement with Omega Group.

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Artifacts (4)

"Empty Stamin-Up" (Location: ???) - An opened can of Stamin-Up. Likely used by an operator who needed some extra runnin' and wanted to keep on gunnin' (but liked a twist of lime).

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"Fury Crystal" (Location: Acquired in the second main quest.) - A temperamental Aetherium Crystal with unusual transformative properties.

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(R) "Empty Elemental Pop" (Location: ???) - An opened can of Elemental Pop. Used by an operator who had too many elements to consider, so they fixed themselves up to be sure they delivered.

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(R) "Elemental Pop Poster" (Location: ???) - Poster for the band Elemental Pop, known primarily for their popular title track and hit arcade game.

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  On 6/21/2021 at 4:03 PM, RadZakpak said:

Setting up the template. Standby for intel.

Requiem (0/9)

Audio Logs (2)


"???" (Location: ???) - ???

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"???" (Location: ???) - ???

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Documents (3)


"???" (Location: ???) - ???

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"???" (Location: ???) - ???

  Spoiler, click to open contents

"???" (Location: ???) - ???

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Radio Transmissions (2)


"???" (Location: ???) - ???

  Spoiler, click to open contents

"???" (Location: ???) - ???

  Spoiler, click to open contents


Artifacts (2)

"???" (Location: ???) - ???

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"???" (Location: ???) - ???

  Spoiler, click to open contents


Omega (0/11)


Audio Logs (5)

"???" (Location: ???) - ???

  Spoiler, click to open contents

"???" (Location: ???) - ???

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"???" (Location: ???) - ???

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"???" (Location: ???) - ???

  Spoiler, click to open contents

"???" (Location: ???) - ???

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Documents (2)

"???" (Location: ???) - ???

  Spoiler, click to open contents

"???" (Location: ???) - ???

  Spoiler, click to open contents


Radio Transmissions (2)

"???" (Location: ???) - ???

  Spoiler, click to open contents

"???" (Location: ???) - ???

  Spoiler, click to open contents


Artifacts (2)

"???" (Location: ???) - ???

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"???" (Location: ???) - ???

  Spoiler, click to open contents


Maxis (0/4)


Audio Logs (3)

"???" (Location: ???) - ???

  Spoiler, click to open contents

"???" (Location: ???) - ???

  Spoiler, click to open contents

"???" (Location: ???) - ???

  Spoiler, click to open contents


Documents (1)

"???" (Location: ???) - ???

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Dark Aether (0/7)

Audio Logs (1)

"???" (Location: ???) - ???

  Spoiler, click to open contents


Documents (2)

"???" (Location: ???) - ???

  Spoiler, click to open contents

"???" (Location: ???) - ???

  Spoiler, click to open contents


Radio Transmissions (2)

"???" (Location: ???) - ???

  Spoiler, click to open contents

"???" (Location: ???) - ???

  Spoiler, click to open contents


Artifacts (2)

"???" (Location: ???) - ???

  Spoiler, click to open contents

"???" (Location: ???) - ???

  Spoiler, click to open contents




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