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Possible returning maps in Black Ops 6 Zombies. Discussion.

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Black Ops 6 is the most anticipated COD in years and I've seen many people speculating about potential maps getting remasters for the upcoming zombies mode. 


I watched a video by MrRoflWaffles on youtube where he went down an insane rabbit hole explaining why he thinks that TranZit from black ops 2 could make a return in the new game.

He actually provided pretty solid evidence to support his theory but personally I think that TranZit is unlikely to make a comeback anytime soon.


I feel like TranZit is the map which would benefit from a remaster/reimagining THE MOST, but I've heard plenty of rumors of a Black Ops 2 remaster coming next year (I'm not sure if it's true but many do believe it). If we were to get a bo2 remaster next year then obviously TranZit would be saved for that game and it'd be silly to have it in BO6. But we've also seen the 2 launch maps for the game and neither of them are TranZit.


Another zombies chronicles like DLC has been said to be in the works for like half a decade now. I don't think we'll ever get something like zombies chronicles again especially not in BO6 but I would LOVE to be wrong about that. The dedicated zombies community have taken matters into their own hands it seems, we've been getting many remasters on the Black Ops 3 zombies workshop and many more are on the way, COTD for BO3 dropped a few years back, FIVE from BO1 is being worked on, and every BO2 map is getting remade too.


I myself have messed around with the mod tools for a while so I have an idea on how insanely difficult it must be to make something of quality, let alone perfectly recreate an entire map from a different game. I have a ton of respect for every map maker it really is a monumental effort. By the end of 2025 it seems like we'll have our own second zombies chronicles in BO3!


But lets play make believe for a moment if BO6 were to get some of the previous maps the ones I would want the most would be these:

TranZit - The original map was held back by hardware limitations and time constraints. These days I believe you can truly make anything. Hardware limitations don't have to exist for AAA games anymore unless they're poorly made. And with BO6 having the longest dev time since BO3 they would have had plenty of time to flesh out the new and improved TranZit for black ops 6. Open world zombies has been a big focus in recent years (with MW3 and Outbreak from cold war being quite well received by plenty of fans). A modernized TranZit could potentially be the best version of this! With an updated buildable system and better more varied objectives TranZit could be one of the most fun maps we have ever seen.


Verruckt - I feel like every single World at War map makes for an amazing survival map. And I'd love to see them all in BO6 as smaller bonus experiences. But I chose one to talk about specifically here and thats Verruckt. I adore this map because it's a challenging, yet fun survival experience.

A BO6 version of Verruckt should strive to maintain it's difficulty and simplicity, not giving players extra tools like crafting and armor, no upgrades, only some perks. New zombies maps are great because of how many things they give you to do, but you can't deny that every once in a while it's refreshing to go back to the classic WAW maps where your only goal is survival.  Cold war almost got nacht der untoten as it's own survival map but it was unfortunately scrapped which is a huge shame. We were robbed. 


Die Rise - HEAR ME OUT! Die rise is objectively an ASS map. It's not good! So you might be wondering why I would choose it over something like Mob of the Dead (which is objectively the best map). A Die Rise reimagined for BO6 would have all the new features and perks (imagine dolphin diving with PHD between buildings). It would have to actually give a good, interesting purpose to most of the empty areas on the map. And one of the most important changes would be replacing the trample steam, which is a horrible buildable in my opinion because you can only use it to make a jump once before having to get a new one. My proposition is replacing it with another buildable wonder weapon very similar to the Paralyzer from buried. With this travelling up in the map would be just as smooth as travelling downwards, and would make traversing the map infinitely. Mob of the Dead is already perfect as it is, and doesn't need to be freshened up with new things at all, it and some other maps are best left untouched. Die Rise meanwhile, has the potential to become an amazing zombies sandbox.


Thanks for reading!





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