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Out of game progression STINKS!

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Zombies is known for not having any progress carry over between matches. You start over FRESH every time. It's part of what makes it special, everybody is on the same playing field.

However, some of the games decide to get silly and introduce out of game progression into zombies. Despite this kind of screwing with the mode, I do think it can and HAS been implemented well in the past. But some of the zombies modes would for sure be better off without these features. 


The first form of out of game progression was introduced in BO2 with it's unusual perma-perks, which carry over between matches. You'd be hard pressed to find a system like this in any game today. These are fun but aren't explained at all. Some of the perma-perks are so powerful that you're at an insane disadvantage if you don't have them. And a player who isn't familiar with the perma-perks would be super confused when they accidentally stumble into them. People enjoy them however they're really not that great because of how they were handled.


Black Ops 3 has the best out of game progression in my opinion. I'm talking about the GOBBLEGUMS of course, what a great form of monetization. These can be earned in game, or straight up bought. And can give you effects ranging from practically useless to absolutely game breaking (like perma-perks). Unlike perma-perks though, you'll never end up using them if you don't interact with their machines. It's so easy to avoid them and just play without their effects! I could talk all day about how good gobblegums are, but I don't wanna ramble on about it for too long, because there's more to BO3's out of game progressions than just the gums. You can upgrade your weapons (like in the multiplayer mode) by using them, and can customize them with camos and decals, and add attachments. I don't mind the cosmetics but I'm not a fan of setting the attachments for guns pre-game in zombies, but luckily in BO3 it hardly makes a difference and pretty much nobody interacted with this system (most just forget about it).


I will now speak about the modern zombies games. COLD WAR is the worst offender here. Out of game progression is a huge part of the game. You earn crystals in-game and use them to get permanent upgrades for pretty much everything (perks, weapons, field upgrades). Yikes, comparing a new player with no upgrades to a maxed out account is like night and day. Cold War becomes a different game entirely after you get the upgrades in the menu and it's not easy to go back. These types of upgrades do not belong in zombies in my opinion. It messes with the modes appeal. I did enjoy it for a time but as you go on it becomes clear just how much it hinders the mode. You can also unlock and start with almost any weapon, change their attachments pre-game, and unlock camos. 


I enjoy the upgrades themselves, and there is a way to make this work in game, in fact. Another modern COD got close to doing it right. I know that out of game progression is also a big part of MW3 2023 zombies, but I haven't played that game so I can't really speak about it. The game which I have played is the infamous Call of Duty Vanguard. It's zombies mode is a joke amongst the community but many overlook just how many things it did RIGHT. Like in cold war you can upgrade your perks and field upgrades although the effects are far less interesting in Vangoated, but instead of using a currency to do it out of game, you start off fresh every match and over time interact with different systems to gain those abilities throughout the match. 


So in Black Ops 6 (the game releasing later this year), what would be my ideal version of all of this? We know that Gobblegums are returning, and will be pretty similar to how they are in Black Ops 3. As long as they keep the best qualities of Gobbles (like not having to use them, different rarities, earning them in game) then I'll be pleased. Cold Wars cool upgrades should come back but be turned into in-game upgrades which reset every match like everything else. Camos and weapon cosmetics should return, and I wouldn't mind being able to set attachments before a match since they really don't make a crazy difference. The camo grinds in Cold war can actually be fun! I actually want to see it return as a goal for the dedicated players. 

That's everything I wanted to say, Black ops 6... Please be good. 

Thanks for reading! 😎

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