Character Quotes
Transcripts ~ Taken from Tac’s Thread ~ All Zombie Radios Transcripts
"Tank" Dempsey's Quotes
Transcripts ~
"Sounds like we got ourselves a plan, hang in there little girl." - 1st_staff_found_d_0
"Okay little girl, we made the staffs. Where's this Bagatha-gateway-thing you were talkin' so much about?" - 4th_staff_crafted_d_0
"Well, I guess we're on our own from here on out." - 4th_staff_created_d_1
"Wait til I report all this... Command's gonna think I'm suffering from shell shock or somethin." - box_move_d_4
"I wonder how many other things like this the Germans have hidden up their sleeves." - build_dd_final_d_1
"Richtofen, is this another one of your crazy machines?" - capture_zones_d_0
"I don't understand..." - confusion_generic_d_0
"A mound... it's where you first saw them?" - discover_dig_site_d_0
"Target area appears affected by an unknown contaminant. Enemy personnel have degenerated to their primal instincts, exhibiting irrational and unparalleled savagery." - end_round_1_5_d_0
"Recommend all allied units set up exclusion zone until further intel is available." - end_round_1_6_d_1
"Uncovered further evidence of large-scale mechanization of German forces. Attempts to gather intel are being hampered by the infected enemy." - end_round_2_1_d_0
"I guess this has been runnin' on autopilot ever since the crew were killed." - enter_robot_d_1
"Field report. Confirming arrival at site identified in our intel. No sign of the target, nor the other agents believed to be on intercept course. Dempsey out." - game_start_d_0
"You're Dr. Richtofen, right? I'm taking you out outta here." - game_start_meet_2_d_0
"I ain't sure that girl's right in the head. She really gets mad if she doesn't get her way." - generic_chastise_d_0
"We've kinda got a lot going on down here little girl." - generic_chastise_d_1
"You should show a bit more gratitude, I'm risking my life for you little girl." - generic_chastise_d_4
"Hang in there, we'll get this damn gateway open." - generic_encourage_d_1
"Did Richtofen make these, or is this somethin' to do with the girl?" - generic_wall_buy_d_4
"Looks like some kind of beacon... question is, what for." - get_beacon_d_0
"What the... Did anyone just hear a little girl?" - hear_samantha_1_d_0
"I don't suppose you remember what he did... I'm kinda in the dark here." - hear_samantha_3_d_0
"What do you know about the girl, Richtofen? Is she trapped somewhere on the site?" - heroes_confer_d_0
"Hey German, how'd you come up with this thing?" - kill_ray_d_5
"How can this be? These weapons, it's like they don't belong here." - pap_arm_d_1
"I can't remember the last time I tasted sugar. My basic rations are barely edible!" - perk_speed_d_0
"This brain come from the cadaver the German had in his bunker?" - pickup_brain_d_0
"So this is the ancient staff, huh?" - pickup_fire_d_0
"The little girl's right, we may need this right here." - place_gramophone_d_0
"Believe me little girl, I'll blow this whole site before I let the Germans keep these weapons." - sam_dempsey_1_d_0
"It's your fault German, you started all this!" - srnd_rspnd_to_plr_2_neg_d_4
"They're swarming on Richtofen; we need that German alive!" - srnd_rspnd_to_plr_2_pos_d_0
"We have to help the German, he's the only one who understands what's happening here." - srnd_rspnd_to_plr_2_pos_d_1
"I've never seen half of these weapons... must be some top secret German program." - wpck_mg_d_2
"Ugh, I wonder if they made a prototype with a real monkey." - wpck_monkey_d_4
"This looks familiar, I think I saw it in a comic book somewhere." - wpck_ray_d_0
"Just what are you really doin' down here, German?" - wpck_ray_d_1
"By the looks of it, this thing doesn't fire standard rounds." - wpck_ray_d_2
"If the German Army ever gets enough of these, we'll be defeated before the year's out." - wpck_ray_d_3
"Ah, man, this is getting stranger by the second. I need to find out what's really behind all this." - wpck_ray_d_4
"Ah, these weapons could give Germany one hell of an advantage in the war." - wpck_raymk2_m_3
"I've never seen a rifle like this. Where are they all comin' from?" - wpck_rifle_d_1
"This suits me, I've been shooting rifles since I was a kid." - wpck_rifle_d_2
"I've gotta find out exactly what the German knows about all this." - wpck_rifle_d_3
"Is this connected with our lost girl?" - zm_box_final_complete_d_
Nikolai Belinski's Quotes
Transcripts ~
"I will find these objects you speak of, and I will free you!" - 1st_staff_found_d_0
"I have toiled to achieve this goal... what is result." - 4th_staff_crafted_d_0
"I must ensure these designs make it to the Motherland." - build_dd_final_d_1
"No good can come from disturbing the dead." - discover_dig_site_d_0
"You monster. You created those... abominations!" - end_round_1_3_d_0
"What in Lenin's name is going on... I saw a huge, steel beast; tall as the spires of Moscow Cathedral. Just what have the Germans been doing in this place?" - game_start_d_0
"You do not sound like an innocent when you speak with such tone." - generic_chastise_d_3
"If freeing you ends this madness, then free you I will." - generic_encourage_d_1
"A signal of some sort." - get_beacon_d_0
"Tell me of this girl who talks to us! Where is she?" - heroes_confer_d_0
"The German decided to keep the brain of his friend? I believe something similar happened to Rasputin." - pickup_brain_d_0
"Perhaps these unknown forces seek to help us." - powerup_nuke_d_1
"I am a proud revolutionary, you need not tell me what I already know." - sam_nikolai_1_d_0
"Maybe you have wrong man, I seek power only for the people." - sam_nikolai_2_d_1
"You will pay price for dabbling in the occult!" - srnd_rspnd_to_plr_2_neg_d_1
"I would let you die German, but I need you alive." - srnd_rspnd_to_plr_2_pos_d_2
"We can not allow the German to fall, there is much to learn from him." - srnd_rspnd_to_plr_2_pos_4
"I heard tales of such weapons... I did not believe until now." - wpck_ray_d_1
"There is something very mysterious about this weapon." - wpck_ray_d_2
"I would fear the worst should the Germans be armed with weapons such as this." - wpck_ray_d_3
"Yet another weapon of unusual design... what is really behind this box?" - wpck_raymk2_d_0
"How can an object draw energy from the dead?" - zm_box_continue_d_
Takeo Masaki's Quotes
Transcripts ~
"I have seen many unnatural things this day. I will seek out the truth, child." - 1st_staff_found_d_0
"What now, child? What purpose for these staffs?" - 4th_staff_crafted_d_0
"We shall proceed without guidance from the child." - 4th_staff_crafted_d_1
"The spirits play with us, as though we are but toys for their amusement." - box_move_d_0
"It is clear that box is controlled by demons." - box_move_d_4
"Such machines could change the course of this war." - build_dd_final_d_1
"Our path is unclear." - confusion_generic_d_0
"What must be done to rid this realm of your evil!" - crawler_start_d_2
"You should not have disturbed the graves of the ancients." - discover_dig_site_d_0
"There is great evil in this place. Spirits and demons walk this land, possessing the remains of fallen warriors." - end_round_1_8_d_0
"Only a madman would create such a machine that operates without human intervention." - enter_robot_d_1
"Our concern over the German's plans appear well-founded. Huge mechanized weapons stalk the battlefield. I must ensure the Emperor learns of these developments." - game_start_d_0
"Edward Richtofen, you will come with me." - game_start_meet_3_d_0
"Your emotions betray you child. I am right to be uncertain of your nature." - generic_chastise_d_3
"I will release you, child. Then, I will learn the truth!" - generic_encourage_d_0
"The child speaks through the very air... is she angel, or a demon?" - hear_samantha_2_d_0
"I am unsure as to your true nature, child. I will be cautious." - hear_samantha_3_d_0
"The child. You have heard her before, German?" - heroes_confer_d_0
"Even after death, his voice lives on." - kill_drone_d_2
"I am distrustful of this ally." - kill_drone_d_3
"The spirits of the ancients flow through this staff. Their energy will destroy you." - kill_light_upgrade_d_0
"Weapons like this could change the world forever!" - kill_ray_d_2
"I was raised to be a warrior!" - kill_streak_d_4
"I know not if this is science or magic." - pap_arm_d_0
"The Germans, alone, could not have created this." - pap_arm_d_3
"A brain in a jar? I wonder what plans the German has for this." - pickup_brain_d_0
"I believe this crystal may help focus some ancient power." - pickup_crystal_d_0
"Is this staff somehow linked to the fate of the child?" - pickup_ice_d_0
"Perhaps spirits of our ancestors wrestle for control of the box?" - powerup_firesale_d_0
"I felt, for a moment, like my ancestors were calling me." - revive_player_d_3
"You speak to my soul, but I do not yet know if you are really to be trusted." - sam_takeo_1_d_0
"You promise much, child. I hope you speak the truth." - sam_takeo_2_d_0
"Richtofen, do you seek to offer yourself as a sacrifice?" - srnd_rspnd_to_plr_2_neg_d_4
"The German's secrets can not be allowed to die with him!" - srnd_rspnd_to_plr_2_pos_d_0
"Perhaps those who control this box do not wish us to survive." - wpck_crappy_d_1
"Even a simple farmer could repel his enemy with such a weapon." - wpck_mg_d_4
"I can no longer doubt the existence of the Germans so called, 'Wonder Weapons'." - wpck_ray_d_0
"I do not understand how such weapons could be hidden from the world." - wpck_ray_d_
Dr. Edward Richtofen's Quotes
Transcripts ~
"I will find the staff pieces, Samantha. I know their power will help protect me." - 1st_staff_found_d_0
"The staffs were crafted by Maxis, Samantha. They are not evidence of your mythical realm." - 4th_staff_crafted_d_0
"This will not be easy. The riddles drove Maxis out of his mind." - 4th_staff_crafted_d_1
"You're simply trying to make my life difficult, aren't you Samantha?" - box_move_d_0
"We are nearly finished, Maxis." - build_dd_final_d_0
"When I have all the pieces, you will live again my dear Maxis." - build_dd_pickup_d_2
"Are you behind this Samantha?!" - capture_zombies_d_3
"As the 115 generators came online, the appearance of this object shimmered and shifted, as though dropping in and out of reality itself." - capture_zones_d_0
"One day, 115 will provide limitless energy. Mechanical failure such as this will be a memory." - cool_tank_d_1
"Make sure you tell Samantha that we are going to win." - crawler_kill_d_0
"I had thought the staff parts were lost forever." - dig_staff_part_d_0
"The excavation site is up ahead. We will see the undead in higher numbers." - discover_dig_site_d_0
"It is one of our suit operators, infected during the dig!" - discover_mech_d_0
"The giant robots may be our greatest scientific achievement, made possible only because of Element 115." - discover_robot_d_0
"The chalk drawings appeared overnight. We have been unable to explain their origins." - discover_wall_buy_d_0
"Ancient mysticism harnessed by our technology." - discover_wonder_2_d_0
"Did I do something? I mean, apart from accidentally unleashing the zombie horde." - earn_achievement_d_1
"I must work quickly, there is so much to do. The vessel for Maxis, the staffs, the opening of the gateway." - end_round_1_7_d_0
"Ah, how am I meant to work when all around me, I am beset by the voices of the damned and the doomed!" - end_round_2_2_d_0
"Calm down Edward, focus. Was I bitten? Was I scratched? Nein, I'm being paranoid. I must remember what Maxis taught me." - end_round_2_3_d_1
"The robot patrols the site. It allows nothing to leave." - enter_robot_d_1
"I... I am alive! Yeah! The brain... where's the brain?! I completed the operation, then the robot attacked." - game_start_d_0
"Nein, Maxis must wait. They will be here again soon, I must prepare the defenses. Start up the conversion generators." - game_start_d_1
"The others may believe your lies; I know the truth." - generic_chastise_d_1
"Were it up to me, I would leave you in Agartha for eternity Samantha." - generic_chastise_d_2
"I seek the staffs for myself, Samantha, not for you." - generic_encourage_d_0
"Agartha is a myth, a myth that cost Maxis his sanity." - generic_encourage_d_2
"Did you put the chalk drawings here, Samantha?" - generic_wall_buy_d_1
"We need to work togehter. That is the only way we will uncover the secrets of this place." - heal_revived_d_4
"Her name is Samantha, you will hear her again... over and over. She will not stop" - hear_samantha_1_d_0
"I do not intend to follow my former friend into insanity. Besides, I know what you really are Samantha." - hear_samantha_2_d_0
"Your twisted games mean nothing to me Samantha." - hear_samantha_3_d_0
"Her words drove my friend insane. He became convinced that her voice had a message from the ancients. She claims to be trapped in a mythical realm known as Agartha." - heroes_confer_d_0
"I will put things right my friend, you will live again!" - kill_drone_d_1
"Stay close Maxis, we need your help!" - kill_drone_d_2
"The day approaches when science will master all elemental forces!" - kill_fire_upgrade_d_1
"The Ancients knowledge, harnessed by the power of research!" - kill_fire_upgrade_d_2
"Maxis, old friend, your work was not in vein!" - kill_ice_upgrade_d_1
"Combined with the 115, the water will freeze all that it touches!" - kill_ice_upgrade_d_2
"See how 115 allows the elements to form a burst of directed energy!" - kill_ice_upgrade_d_4
"115 bestows the power of the heavens upon this staff!" - kill_light_d_0
"The power of the staff is but a glimpse of the future!" - kill_light_d_2
"How could Maxis have kept this development secret?!" - kill_raymk2_d_1
"Even the undead cannot escape the future!" - kill_raymk2_d_3
"You will not prevent me from reaching Agartha!" - kill_streak_d_3
"Maxis was right, he knew the true power of the staffs!" - kill_wind_d_4
"Here, I am here my friend! I was able to preserve your mind before you succumbed to the sickness." - maxis_drone_3_d_0
"We can put everything right, Maxis! You must understand that I had no other choice, so much of our work has been lost in battle!" - maxis_drone_5_d_0
"If only Maxis had lived to see this functioning." - pap_arm_d_1
"The machine functions just as Maxis predicted!" - pap_arm_d_4
"Yet another remnant of Maxis's descent into madness." - pickup_gramophone_d_0
"Before his... demise, Maxis grew obsessed with these recordings." - pickup_record_d_0
"One of Maxis's broken staff pieces..." - pickup_staff_part_d_0
"Maxis tried many songs before he discovered the key." - place_gramophone_d_0
"Just as Maxis predicted, they think I am one of them!" - powerup_zombie_blood_d_1
"During our excavations, we uncovered this ancient box. We have no idea of its origins, but what we do know is that somehow it contains weapons we can use to aid our fight for survival." - respond_maxis_1_d_0
"Once again Maxis, our lives and deaths are intertwined." - rspnd_drone_revive_d_1
"I do not share Maxis's fascination for mythical realms. I care only for science." - sam_richtofen_3_d_0
"I will not listen to you. You are not my master, I can ignore you." - sam_richtofen_5_d_0
"My companions may be easily manipulated Samantha, I will not. I know what you really are." - sam_richtofen_6_d_0
"After we reached the catacombs at the dig site, my men began to... get sick. Within a day, they became like the others. Living dead." - story_exposition_4_d_0
"I wish Maxis and I had more time to study this ancient box, its mystery still perplexes me." - wpck_crappy_d_3
"I need better firepower if I am to open the gateway." - wpck_pistol_d_3
"Is this your doing Samantha? Do you control this box?" - wpck_pistol_d_4
"Aha, the idea for this came to me in a dream." - wpck_ray_d_1
"Mark II, how can this be? The only reason he developed the Mark I." - wpck_raymk2_d_0
"I do not know this weapon, but I can feel the energy of 115 within." - wpck_raymk2_d_1
"Could Maxis have kept this weapon secret from me?" - wpck_raymk2_d_2
"Their energy is being refocused. Like the other ancient objects, it will soon transform and change the world around us." - zm_box_continue_d_0
"It is the transformative power of 115! It draws energy from matter, living or dead!" - zm_box_start_d_
Dr. Ludvig Maxis' Quotes
Transcripts ~
Samantha Maxis' Quotes
Transcripts ~