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MotD Pack-a-Punch Texture - A CLUE TO MENDING THE RIFT.

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What I'm about to theoize may just give us a new lead in "Mending the Rift".

*Thanks to Afrochubman for getting the MotD textures.

Here is the texture for the MotD Pack-a-Punch camo.

Here is the Pack-a-Punched Ray Gun side-by-side for comparison.

Now, there are 2 things important things I have found/theorized.

1. The characters with in the circles. I was able to find this:

They seem very similar. That is from the Japanese alphabet. However, I couldn't find any other characters that seem similar. For any multilingual readers, see if you can compare some of these characters. For everyone else, I suggest we search for other languages to use. Or, maybe, they have something to do with religion? Culture? Tribal characters? Elemental signals? I'm sure some of us can get a grip on this.

2. The shape. Take a look at the lines. I highlighted them with red.

That's clearly a triangle that is broken. This is the rift!

We must find what these characters mean, and maybe we can discover how to mend the rift!

I think I'm onto something, guys. This can answer many of our questions!

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that is interesting, i think the circles are suppose to resemble "Alchemy circles"

this one kinda glows like the weapons do after you PaP

i picked this picture because, ive seen the symbol on the characters right palm on the back of the Uncle Gal (Uzi PaP) i think..dont remember which gun but yeah this pic being from "Full Metal Alchemist"

i dont know much about "alchemy" so i decided to google it, and i ended up at wikipedia. started to read and this caught my eye..

Alchemy is the art of liberating parts of the Cosmos from temporal existence and achieving perfection which, for metals is gold, and for man, longevity, then immortality and, finally, redemption. Material perfection was sought through the action of a preparation (Philosopher's Stone for metals; Elixir of Life for humans), while spiritual ennoblement resulted from some form of inner revelation or other enlightenment (Gnosis, for example, in Hellenistic and western practices).


ok, this part kinda slapped me in the face "..liberating parts of the Cosmos from temporal existence.."

idk really..but ive always been curious about the symbols on the backs of the guns

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